Unit 4 Meeting the Muse Revision 年高二英语上学期 (外研版2019选择性必修第一册)

Period 4 RevisionStep 1.Key words and phrasesStep 2:Sentence structures Step 3:Writing task RevisionRevisionVocabulary expansion and exercisesRevision innovation/innovative innovation n.创新,革新;新方法;innovations(pl.)innovative adj.革新的,创新的;新颖的;有创新精神的innovatively adv.创新地1.我们必须提倡独创性,激发创造力,鼓励创新。We must _,_ and _.2.He was one of the most _(creation)and _(innovation)engineers of his generation.promote originality inspire creativityencourage innovationcreativeinnovativeRevision DutchDutch adj.荷兰的;荷兰人的;荷兰语的;n.荷兰人;荷兰语;Dutchman荷兰人Dutch adv.费用平摊地;各自付账地;go Dutch AA制 the Netherlands 荷兰(The Kingdom of the Netherlands 荷兰王国)1.This region was settled by _(荷兰人)in the nineteenth century.2.English,_(荷兰语),and German are the languages of the same language family.3._(荷兰)has been reclaiming farmland from water.4.Usually Americans _(各自付账)when they go out to eat,unless it is understood ahead of time that one person will pay for everyone.the Dutch/DutchmenDutchThe Netherlandsgo Dutch荷兰一直在围海造田。Revision composecompose v.构成;写作;使平静;排的版;组成;作曲;排字be composed of.由.构成的compose oneself使某人镇定下来composer n.作曲家composition n.作文,作曲,作品;材 构成;1.The committee _(compose)of 25 experts from nationwide.2.England,Scotland and Wales _(构成)the island of Great Britain.3.I was so upset that I could hardly _(镇定下来).4.We had to write a _(compose)on the subject My Pet.is composedcomposecompose myselfcompositionRevisionethnicethnic adj.种族的;人种的,少数民族的;ethnic group 同种同族的人群ethnically adv.种族上地,少数民族地;ethnic minority group 少数民族群体1.The violence was the result of political and _(种族的)ethnic conflicts.2._(从种族上看)most Norwegians are North Germanic,while small minorities in the north are Finnish.从种族上看,挪威人大多数是北日耳曼人,而在北方的少数民族是芬兰人。ethnicEthnicallyRevisioncontrastcontrast n.明显的差异,对比,对照;contrast v.v.对比,对照;显出明显的差异,与形成对比the contrast between.and.与.之间的对比by contrast/in contrast 相比之下in contrast to/with.与.截然不同contrast.with.把.与.相比 sharp contrast鲜明的对比1.She _(对比)the situation then with the present crisis.2.I am not good at expressing myself._(相比之下)By contrast,I am better at thinking indeed.3._(与.不同)the practices(惯例)in Europe,the first settlers to come to America did not want a king,queen,or Pope(教皇).contrastedBy conrastIn contrast withRevisionabstract/concreteabstract adj.纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的abstract n.摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;in the abstract 理论上,概括地说 abstract v.摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉concrete n.&adj.混凝土,具体的 in the concrete 实际上,具体的1.Its also necessary to supply an _(摘要)of the review of the literature as well.2.A modern _(抽象的)painting takes over one complete wall.3.It is easier to think in _(具体的)terms rather than _(理论上).4.She _(概括)the main points from the argument.abstractabstractin the abstract用具体的概念来思考要比抽象思考容易些。concreteabstracted她把论据概括成要点。Revision distinct/distinctiondistinct adj.明显的;独特的;清楚的;有区别的,显著的be distinct from.不同于.as distinct from与.不同的是distinctly adv.明显地,显著地distinction n.区别;差别;特性;荣誉draw/make a distinction 区分1.Theres a lot of evidence that oily fish,_(与肥肉不同的是),has a beneficial effect.2._(与.不同)western paintings,Chinese paintings are more abstract.3.We need to _(区分)between the two events.as distinct from fatty meat大量证据显示,含油的鱼肉与肥肉不同,具有益处。Distinct from与西方画作不同,中国画更加抽象。draw a distinctionRevision literallyliteral adj.字面的,按字面意思的,无夸张的literal meaning 字面意思literal translation 逐字翻译法literally adv.根据字面意思in a/ones literal sense 本义上,实际上1.It is a wordbyword _(字面的)translation of the Chinese greetings.2.The word planet _(根据字面意思)means wandering body.literalliterallyRevision短语练习短语练习on display 展出,陈列come to life 恢复生气,表现生动;so as to do 为了,以便于go deeper into 更深入地.bring out 出版,生产;使显示出label.as.将称作;把说成是 unfamiliar with(某人)对.(某事)不熟悉 sth be unfamiliar to sb 某事对某人来说是不熟悉的expecte the unexpected 有备无患,接受预料之外的事情Revision 1.A _(challenge)situation can often _(激发出)the best qualities of a person.2.How can faculty improve their teaching _(为了)encourage creativity?3.So dont rush to _ your own life _ boring.4.He was so shocked that he could hardly _(说出)a word.5.Network language has _(深入到)the daily life and even started to have some impact on traditional language.challengingbring outso as toaslabelbring outgone deep into网络语言已经深入到日常生活中,甚至开始对传统语言产生了影响。Revision6.During that time we have warm weather and fine days.All plants _(复苏).7.She doesnt speak Japanese and is _ Japanese culture.8.Police officers must be prepared for the _(ecpect).9.Life tends to hit us head on and despite our best made plans and preparations,we better learn to _(接受意料之外的情况).10.Please highlight any terms that are _(不熟悉)e to lifeunfamiliar withunexpectedexpect the unexpected无论我们的准备工作做得多充分,计划得多周全,生活总是会给我们迎头痛击,我们需要学会接受意料之外的情况。unfamiliar toRevisionSentence structureto-infinitive-ing formpast participleas predicative Revision表语(Predicative)是指说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的词或从句,表语常由名词、形容词、介词短语、动名词、不定式来充当,它常位于系动词(be)之后。如果句子的表语是由一个句子充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就叫做表语从句。What is predicative?Revision不定式作表语表示具体动作或将来动作;动名词作表语表示经常发生的常态行为。考点精讲精练一:考点精讲精练一:What he likes is taking a walk after supper.(经常发生,常态)What I would suggest is to put off the meeting.(将来发生,一次)To be kind to the enemy(条件)is to be cruel to the people(结果).To see(条件)is to b

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