
高考改错真题专训二高考改错真题专训二2020-2022年短文改错考点分布年短文改错考点分布试卷卷文体文体“不一致不一致性性”错误“行文行文逻辑”错误“平行平行结构构”错误“词性性词形形”错误“动词变化化”错误“疑疑问词、关关联词”错误“多多词”错误“缺缺词”错误2022年全国甲卷记叙文220121112022年全国乙卷议论文300122112021年全国甲卷记叙文300221112021年全国乙卷记叙文200231112020年全国I卷记叙文230120112020年全国II卷记叙文310112112020年全国III卷记叙文40012111Ive had many dreams since I was a child.Now my dream is to opens a cafe.Though it may appear simple,it required a lot of ideas and efforts.What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special one.I want my cafe have a special theme such as like“Tang Dynasty”.In the cafe,customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment what is created for them.If I succeed in manage one,I will open more.I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different city.Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style.2019年全国卷年全国卷III 难度:难度:体体裁:裁:_ 主题:人与自我主题:人与自我记叙文记叙文逻辑逻辑关系关系关系关系 逻逻辑词辑词并列关系并列关系因果关系因果关系转折关系折关系递进关系关系时间先后先后and orso because therefore whyalthough though even if/though while butbesides alsowhen while before after until句间逻辑关系句间逻辑关系Ive had many dreams since I was a child.Now my dream is to opens a cafe.Though it may appear simple,it required a lot of ideas and efforts.What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special one.I want my cafe have a special theme such as like“Tang Dynasty”.In the cafe,customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment what is created for them.If I succeed in manage one,I will open more.I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different city.Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style.已已已已检查检查完完完完毕毕,句,句,句,句间逻辑间逻辑关系没有关系没有关系没有关系没有问题问题!句间逻辑关系句间逻辑关系Ive had many dreams since I was a child.Now my dream is to opens a cafe.Though it may appear simple,it required a lot of ideas and efforts.What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special one.I want my cafe have a special theme such as like“Tang Dynasty”.In the cafe,customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment what is created for them.If I succeed in manage one,I will open more.I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different city.Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style.检查检查完完完完毕毕,发现发现1 1处动词时态问题处动词时态问题!由前后文可知,此由前后文可知,此由前后文可知,此由前后文可知,此处谈论处谈论的是的是的是的是现现在的梦想,在的梦想,在的梦想,在的梦想,requiredrequiredrequiresrequires由由由由儿儿儿儿时时到到到到现现在再在再在再在再过过渡至所渡至所渡至所渡至所畅畅想的未来,本文想的未来,本文想的未来,本文想的未来,本文时态变时态变化化化化较较多,需小心多,需小心多,需小心多,需小心检检查词查词性搭性搭性搭性搭配配配配看冠看冠看冠看冠词词是否是否是否是否误误用用用用看非看非看非看非谓语谓语是否正确是否正确是否正确是否正确看意看意看意看意义义是否重复是否重复是否重复是否重复检查检查从句关系从句关系从句关系从句关系词词/引引引引导词导词看代看代看代看代词词具体指代具体指代具体指代具体指代 I want my cafe have a special theme such as like“Tang Dynasty”.In the cafe,customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment what is created for them.themselves句中主句中主句中主句中主语语与与与与宾语为宾语为同一人同一人同一人同一人/物物物物时时,方可用反身代,方可用反身代,方可用反身代,方可用反身代词词oneselfoneself切忌切忌切忌切忌滥滥用!用!用!用!人称代人称代词及反身代及反身代词I myselfwe ourselvesyouyourself/yourselveshehimself sheherselfititself theythemselves代词指代代词指代改改错练笔笔还得找准指代的得找准指代的“真身真身”He had a deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our small town,and he was strong and powerful.练练一一一一练练him代词指代代词指代尤尤尤尤其是关注其是关注其是关注其是关注:1.1.人称代人称代人称代人称代词宾词宾格格格格2.2.反身代反身代反身代反身代词词的指代的指代的指代的指代3.3.物主代物主代物主代物主代词词和名和名和名和名词词性性性性代代代代词词检检查词查词性搭性搭性搭性搭配配配配系形搭配系形搭配系形搭配系形搭配形副搭配形副搭配形副搭配形副搭配动动副搭配副搭配副搭配副搭配形名搭配形名搭配形名搭配形名搭配介介介介宾宾搭配搭配搭配搭配 If I succeed in manage one,I will open more.I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different city.managing后接doing做宾语的常见动词:consider,avoid,suggest,be worthcant help,mind,give up,quit,manage in,practice等动宾动宾搭配搭配搭配搭配检检查词查词性搭性搭性搭性搭配配配配系形搭配系形搭配系形搭配系形搭配形副搭配形副搭配形副搭配形副搭配动动副搭配副搭配副搭配副搭配形名搭配形名搭配形名搭配形名搭配介介介介宾宾搭配搭配搭配搭配 I want my cafe have a special theme such as like“Tang Dynasty”.to后接to do做宾语的常见动词:expect,order,requirearrange for,warn,be made,would like,elect等动宾动宾搭配搭配搭配搭配检检查词查词性搭性搭性搭性搭配配配配系形搭配系形搭配系形搭配系形搭配形副搭配形副搭配形副搭配形副搭配动动副搭配副搭配副搭配副搭配介介介介宾宾搭配搭配搭配搭配动宾动宾搭配搭配搭配搭配 Though it may appear simple,it required a lot of ideas and efforts.What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special one.ordinary形名搭配形名搭配形名搭配形名搭配看非看非看非看非谓谓语语是否使用正是否使用正是否使用正是否使用正确确确确V-edV-ed与与与与V-ingV-ing作形容作形容作形容作形容词词特殊句式特殊句式特殊句式特殊句式结结构构构构Wh-Wh-特殊疑特殊疑特殊疑特殊疑问词问词后后后后Ive had many dreams since I was a child.Now my dream is to opens a cafe.opendream/goal/plan/intention表示目标、打算等名词作主语,be动词后接to do检查检查从句关系从句关系从句关系从句关系词词/引引引引导词导词whatwhat引引引引导导主主主主/宾宾/表表表表语语从句,从句,从句,从句,充当主充当主充当主充当主宾宾表表表表that/which that/which 引引引引导导定定定定语语从句,从句,从句,从句,充当主充当主充当主充当主宾宾表,修表,修表,修表,修饰饰/指代主指代主指代主指代主句中的名句中的名句中的名句中的名词词In the cafe,customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment what is created for them.that/which看意看意看意看意义义是否重复是否重复是否重复是否重复I want my cafe have a special theme such as like“Tang Dynasty”.such as和和like都用于举例,都用于举例,此乃重复,删去任一个此乃重复,删去任一个看冠看冠看冠看冠词词是否是否是否是否误误用用用用thethe特指缺失特指缺失特指缺失特指缺失a/ana/an冠冠冠冠词误词误用用用用Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style.aa在辅音节前,an在元音节前,字母与音节不一样,莫被u骗,当心universe usual union等单词思思路与口诀路与口诀1.1.以句以句以句以句为单为单位,以上下文位,以上下文位,以上下文位,以上下文为为判断依据,最小的参考判断依据,最小的参考判断依据,最小的参考判断依据,最小的参考单单位位位位为为一个完整的句子一个完整的句子一个完整的句子一个完整的句子2.2.若某一

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