【课件】Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册

人教版(人教版(2019)必修一)必修一Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading and ThinkingDescribe a natural disasters Learning objectivesBy the end of this section,you will be able to:1.predict the main idea of the text based on the title and a photo;2.summarize the main idea of each paragraph of the passage during reading;3.use context to understand new words during reading and apply them to complete some sentences;4.grasp the features of a literary journalism,such as narrative structure,language after reading;5.understand the theme of the text through answering some questions;6.reflect on the lessons that we can learn from the earthquake.Lead-inDiscuss what can happen to a city during a big earthquake.A city can be damaged in an earthquake.The electricity can go down.The water can be unsafe to drink.Fires can start.People can panic or get severely injured.Pre-readingLook at the title and photo below and guess what the text is about.Then read and check if you are right.THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEPMaybe something terrible happened.Maybe they wanted to rescue somebody under the collapsed buildings.The earthquake that happened at night caused great damage to the city and people.While-readingRead the text carefully and then write down the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph 1:_Paragraph 2:_Paragraph 3:_Paragraph 4:_Paragraph 5:_Warning signs before the earthquake.The happening of the big earthquake.The immediate effects of the earthquake.The rescue work.The revival of the city.Scan the text and find the words below.Guess what they mean from the context.Use context to understand new wordsWhen you see a word you do not know,do not stop and look it up in a dictionary.If you continue reading,the context will probably help you understand what it means.ruin brick trap buryruin(noun,Paragraph 2)This word describes the city straight after the earthquake.In a short time,a lot of damage was done,so it must describe a place that has been badly damaged.brick(noun,Paragraph 3)This word is used to describe the buildings that have fallen.They are red like leaves,but also heavy,because the wind cannot move them.They sound like the red clay blocks commonly used to build buildings.trap(verb,Paragraph 4)This verb is used to describe people who are not dead,but they need help to be dug out,so it must mean they cannot move because they are stuck somewhere.bury(verb,Paragraph 4)This verb is used to describe what happens to the dead bodies.They are often put into the ground and covered,so that could be what this means.Read paragraph 1 and answer the following questions.1.What were some of the strange things that were happening before the earthquake?Before the earthquake,the water in the village wells rose and fell.Deep cracks appeared in their walls.Animals were acting strangely.2.Do you think they were warning signs?Why or why not?I think these were warning signs as this doesnt usually happen and it showed something strange was happening below the ground.Sometimes,animals have more sensitive reactions to some coming dangers.Read paragraphs 2&3 and answer the following questions.1.When did the earthquake happen?At 3:42 a.m.on 28 July 1976.2.What damage did it cause to the city and people?Nearly everything was destroyed and more than 400,000 people were killed or badly injured.3.What happened later that afternoon?Another big quake shook Tangshan again.4.How did people feel?They felt shocked and helpless.Read paragraphs 4&5 and answer the following questions.1.Who came to the rescue?What did they do?150,000 soldiers.They were sent to dig out those who were trapped and bury the dead.2.What does the writer mean by“Slowly,the city began to breathe again”?The writer means that the city began to function again,because the earthquake had stopped people and supplies moving about,and so it was like the city couldnt breathe.More than 10,000 doctors and nurses.They came to provide medical care.Workers.They built shelters for survivors whose home has been destroyedRead paragraphs 4&5 and answer the following questions.3.What kind of help do you think people who have suffered an earthquake need?People in places who have suffered an earthquake need quick access to basic things such as water and food,because they cannot get them easily.They also need medical care,not just for injuries,but to protect against disease and other problems that happen after the earthquake.Last but not least,these people also need psychological care and help.Read the sentences describing what happened after a huge earthquake.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the new words and phrases from the text.Post-reading1.The huge earthquake left nearly the whole city _.2.Everyone was _,thinking the world must be coming to an end.3.Millions of people were left without water,food,or _.4.Soldiers and volunteers worked as hard as they could to pull away _ and rocks,and rescue those who were _ under the ruins.5.Some were found alive,though they were suffering from terrible injuries,but othe

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