【课件】Unit 4 Listening and Speaking公开课课件-2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册

Unit 4Natural DisastersListening and Speaking -By Andyao目录目录Warming up01Pre-listening02While-listening03Post-listening04Pronunciation05Learning Objectives1.To grasp some key information about natural disasters and expressions used in Listening and Speaking.2.To get the listening skills and know how to report natural disasters.3.To be aware of protecting ourselves.Warming up01 Do you know what these disasters are?tornadoearthquakedrought wildfire1.Match the picture with the natural disaster.earthquake_ tsunami_ volcanic eruption_sandstorm_ drought_ hurricane/typhoon_ landslide_ tornado_ wildfire_ flood_ 1234510987632106798145刮一刮一个本子刮一刮啥也没有刮一刮一支笔刮一刮一袋糖果刮一刮一瓶饮料刮一刮免惩罚一次刮一刮一瓶牛奶刮一刮谢谢惠顾Please try to remember the names of these natural disasters.Lets think How do these natural disasters affect our life?What may happen in these disasters?damage Several vehicles were damaged in the crash.destroy The building was completely destroyed by fire.survive Only two people survived in the earthquake.survivor Officials said there were no survivors of the plane crash.1.Whats going on in this photo?2.What kinds of natural disasters can you think of?Earthquake(because there are ruins,injured people and soldiers)Soldiers are saving the injured after the disaster.Task 2.Listen to the news reports and tick the disasters that you hear.earthquake tornado wildfire drought landslide tsunami flood volcanic eruptionWhile-listening03Listen for detailsThink about what you are listening for before you listen:numbers,dates,times,addresses,activities,people or places,reasons,etc.Use key words and phrases in the question as alerts to help you find information.(Key words are important words relevant to the thing youre listening for.)Take bullet-point notes to help you remember everything.Listen for details:date/timeaddress/placenumberpeopleactivityreasonListening skillsTask 3.Circle the key word(s)in the questions below and write the kind of information they refer to.Then listen again and answer the questions.QuestionType of information1.What was the magnitude of the earth-quake in Ecuador?2.How many people were killed or injured in Ecuador?3.Where are the floods?4.What are the rescue workers and soldiers doing in the flood-hit area?numberactivityplacenumberQuestionType of information5.When did people see the tornado in Memphis?6.Which buildings were damaged in Seoul?7.What caused the landslide in Seoul?timereasonaddressGood morning.Its 17th April.A strong earthquake hit Ecuador yesterday.The _ magnitude earthquake damaged many buildings and early reports said that about _ people were killed and more than _ were injured.Volunteers and rescue workers are helping the survivors.7.82301,500News report 11.2.More news about the floods in _.3.Place:central China 4.Activities:The government is_ more than 12,000 people.Rescue workers and soldiers are _ to make sure people are safe.helpingworking They are also _food and water to those whose home were lost in the disasters.bringingNews report 2day and night 5.When did people see the tornado in Memphis?At 9:25am.A library and a supermarket.The heavy rain.News report 3&46.Which building were damaged in Seoul?7.What caused the landslide in Seoul?Good morning.Its 17th April.A strong earthquake hit Ecuador yesterday.The 7.8 magnitude earthquake damaged many buildings and early reports said that about 230 people were killed and more than 1,500 were injured.Volunteers and rescue workers are helping the survivors.A news reportA news reportA news reportA news reporttimeplacepeopleactivitiesDiscuss and speakbasic informationdamagerescuedamagePost-listening04Language features of news report:Clear and concise.Written in 3rd person.Written in past time.Factual and accurate4If you were an anchor,present your news report to the class.Competition Task 4.If your school intends to select a news reporter,the students are required to prepare a news report on one of these three natural disasters.Show Time GradesAspect45678910Basic informationDamage RescueFluencyLoud voice PronunciationBody languageRead about the disasters below and prepare a short news report on one of them.Then present your news report to a partner Good morning.Today is 13 May.A huge earthquake hit Wenchuan,China,yesterday afternoon.The 7.8 magnitude earthquake demaged buildings.And according to an early report,at least 8,500 people were killed and thousands of people were injured.Rescue workers,soldiers,medical teams and volunteers were working day and night to make sure that people are safe.They also bring food and water to those who lost homes in the disaster.Post-listening04Read about the disasters below and prepare a short news report on one of them.Then present your news report to a partner Post-listening04Good evening,today is 3 May.More news is about the wildfire in Alberta,Canada.The huge wildfire began on 1 May and 2,400 homes have been destroyed.The government is helping almost 88,000 people evacuate from the fire.Hundreds of firefighters are worki

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