
育才实验2019学年第一学期期中检测 七年级 英语试卷 一. 听力略 二. 辨音 第一节 找出划线局部读音与其他三个不同的单词 11. A. many B. head C. bread D. market 12. A. together B. brother C. think D. their 13. A. tomatoes B. leaves C. usually D. always 14. A. secret B. concert C. centre D. Africa 15. A. peace B. disease C. worse D. once 第二节 找出重读音节与其他三个不同的单词 16. A. autumn B. heavy C. computer D. beautiful 17. A. useful B. practice C. arrive D. daily 18. A. friendly B. yourself C. about D. become 19. A. address B. around C. diary D. protect 20. A. usually B. practice C. arrive D. doctor 三. 语言知识与应用 21. ---__________ can you finish this English examination? ---In about one and a half hours. A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 22. She is _________ ready to help others. She often helps us _________ our homework. A. seldom; with B. never; to C. always; with D. sometimes; doing 23. I often have ________ before meals. A. a soup B. some soups C. a bowl of soup D. two bowls of soups 24. There ________ an English Evening next Tuesday. A. was B. will be C. will have D. are going to be 25. Jack is my __________ brother. He is two years __________ than me. A. elder; elder B. older; older C. elder; older D. older; elder 26. ---Do you come from _______? ---No, but I can speak _________ well. A. Germany; German B. German; Germany C. Germany; Germany D. German; German 27. There is ________ umbrella on the desk. I think it’s _________ interesting one. A. a; a B. an; an C. an; a D. a; an 28. I hope ________ my coming holiday in Beijing. A. spend B. spending C. to spend D. spent 29. Sam goes to school early in the morning. He ________ never late for school. A. is B. isn’t C. does D. doesn’t 30. _________ is really hard to drive on a __________ day. We hardly can see the road clearly. A. It; sunny B. That; rainy C. It; foggy D. It; fog 四. 语法选择 Winter is the season that comes ____31___ autumn and before spring. Winter is usually the coldest time of year and in some places, it brings cold, snow and ice. Here are some ____32___ ways to tell that it's winter. The days are shorter and the nights are colder than any other seasons. December 21st is the ____33___ day of winter, because it is the shortest day of the whole year! The sun doesn't feel hot in winter. Winter is a wet season, ____34____ lots of rain or snow. Winter brings changes to people, animals and plants. Trees and plants often go dormant (like they're sleeping) or go away, so when you look outside, you'll see ____35____ brown than green. There _____36___ no leaves on most of the trees. Some animals hibernate (冬眠), others keep food in autumn ____37____ in winter when _____38___ is difficult to find food. In winter some animals don't eat _____39___ same food as in the other seasons. Many birds fly from the north to _____40___warmer places for the winter. This is called migration. 31. A. before B. after C. beside D. near 32. A. another B. the other C. other D. others 33. A. one B. once C. one time D. first 34. A. has B. have C. by D. with 35. A. many B. much C. more D. most 36. A. is B. are C. has D. have 37. A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. for eat 38. A. it B. this C. that D. those 39. A. a B. an C. the D. / 40. A. on B. at C. to D. with 五. 完型填空 An 8-year-old girl heard her parents talking about her little brother Andrew. Her brother was ill. Only a very expensive operation(手术) could save him. One morning, the girl heard her daddy say to her mother, "Only a miracle (奇迹) can save him now." The girl went to her bedroom, collected all of her money and counted it carefully. She hurried to a drugstore. “How can I help you?〞 asked the salesman. “I want to ____41____ a miracle,〞 the girl answered. "My brother has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can_____42____ him. So how much does a miracle cost?" "We don't sell a miracle here, little girl. I'm _____43___ but I can’t help you," said the salesman. “I have the ____44____ to pay for it.〞 said the girl. "What kind of miracle does your ___45__ need?" asked a well-dressed man standing nearby. "I don't know," she answered. "My daddy can’t ___46___ for it, so I want to use my money.〞 "How much do you have?" asked the man. "$1.11," she answered, “but I can try and get some more.〞 She said again and again. "Well," ____47___ the man. "a dollar and a half can buy a miracle. Let’s go and see your brother.〞 That man was a very good ____48____. The operation was free and her brother became well. “What’s the ____49____ of the operation?〞 her mom asked. The little girl smiled. She knew exactly how _____50____ a miracle was: a dollar and a half with the faith(诚意) of a little girl. 41. A. sell B. make C. buy D. take 42. A. hurt B. fight C. kill D. save 43. A. glad B. sorry C. wor

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