
山东省2022年中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-05完成句子用单词所给的形式填空 一、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.(2022·山东青岛·中考真题)The harder you work, the ________(lucky)you will be. 2.(2022·山东青岛·中考真题)With the teacher’s help, Li Hua got the inspiration from Chinese Ancient Poems and ________(final)created a new poem by himself. 3.(2022·山东青岛·中考真题)Our government is trying hard to help save the pandas. Let’s take ________(act)to join. 4.(2022·山东临沂·中考真题)Teenagers will feel _______ and even get angry if someone reads their diaries.(comfortable) 5.(2022·山东临沂·中考真题)The headmaster will study the report _______ before making a decision.(careful) 6.(2022·山东临沂·中考真题)My _______ garden is very nice. (grandmother) 7.(2022·山东临沂·中考真题)It’s said that in the future there will be longer summers and _______ winters than before. (short) 8.(2022·山东临沂·中考真题)Two Chinese _______ have been to space so far. They’re Liu Yang and Wang Yaping. (woman) 9.(2022·山东临沂·中考真题)When Dave goes back home from school, his dog always greets him at the door with _______. (excite) 10.(2022·山东临沂·中考真题)Baby pandas only _______ about 0.1 to 0.2 kilos when they’re born.(weight) 11.(2022·山东临沂·中考真题)It took around 120 hours to print this 3D house while it usually takes around one to two years to build a house in the _______ way. (tradition) 二、完成句子 12.(2022·山东枣庄·中考真题)But I know it is important _________ _________ a second language. 但是我知道再学一门语言是重要的。 13.(2022·山东枣庄·中考真题)The spirit of climbers shows me that I should never give up trying to _________ my _________. 登山者的精神向我表明我不应该放弃对实现自己梦想的努力。 14.(2022·山东枣庄·中考真题)Many times I thought about giving up, but I _________ _________. 许多次我都想放弃,但我奋力坚持了下来。 15.(2022·山东枣庄·中考真题)I practice English and read books _________ _________. 我在家里练习英语,阅读书籍。 16.(2022·山东枣庄·中考真题)English is the most difficult _________ _________ in all of the subjects. 在所有的科目中,英语对我来说是最难的。 三、根据首字母填空 17.(2022·山东日照·中考真题)I must r__________ the books to the library before Friday. 18.(2022·山东日照·中考真题)We all volunteered on the farm e__________ Tom, who was ill at home. 19.(2022·山东日照·中考真题)Tom was so sleepy that he could h__________ keep his eyes open. 20.(2022·山东日照·中考真题)My car has b__________ down. Will you please give me a ride? 21.(2022·山东济宁·中考真题)I’m h_______. I want to buy something to eat. 22.(2022·山东济宁·中考真题)Alan is an honest boy. You can t________ him. 23.(2022·山东济宁·中考真题)A_______ is the fourth month of the year. 24.(2022·山东泰安·中考真题)There are 5 people waiting for Nucleic Acid Testing(核酸检测)in front of me. I am the s________ one. 25.(2022·山东济宁·中考真题)The sun rises in the e________ and sets in the west. 四、根据汉语提示填空 26.(2022·山东青岛·中考真题)Our monitor won the first ________(奖)in our school talent show. All of us take pride in him. 27.(2022·山东青岛·中考真题)________ (每一个)of the students in our group is thirsty for success in the speech competition. 28.(2022·山东日照·中考真题)Reading __________ (广泛) will make you a wise man. 29.(2022·山东日照·中考真题)National parks give a safe home to local plants and __________ (动物). 30.(2022·山东日照·中考真题)If you don’t do it now, you’ll only __________ (后悔) it. 31.(2022·山东济宁·中考真题)Go to bed if you feel _______ (困倦的). 32.(2022·山东济宁·中考真题)China _______ (成功地) held the 24th winter Olympic Games. 33.(2022·山东济宁·中考真题)My sister Sally is always _______ (有礼貌的) to others. 34.(2022·山东泰安·中考真题)Wu Dajing, together with his teammates ________(赢得)China’s first gold medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics. 35.(2022·山东泰安·中考真题)The students are often ________(分开)into several groups by the teacher before discussing the difficult questions in class. 五、根据句意及音标填空 36.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)You’d better go to hospital right now if you have a ________ /ˈfiːvə (r)/. 37.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)How ________ /'kwɪkli/ he worked out the math problem! 38.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)Lots of ________ /’tʊərɪts/ travel to Weihai every year. 39.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)She ________ /gru:/ colorful roses in the garden. 40.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)The book ________ /’menʃənz/ many kinds of protected animals. 41.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)The community has a professional ________ /’medɪkl/ team. 42.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)To our surprise, he ________ /rɪ’fju:zd/ our invitation to the party. 43.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)My father’s ________ /’nɒlɪdʒ/ of computers is rich. 44.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)Which dog do you think is the ________ /’klevərɪst/ of the three? 45.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)The museum is open every day ________ /ɪk’sept/ Monday. 六、英译汉:整句 46.(2022·山东滨州·中考真题)Thanks to my teachers’ help. I made rapid progress in all of my subjects. ______________________________________________________________ 七、汉译英:整句 47.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)公交站点有很多人在等车吗? __________________________________________ 48.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)王亚平在太空的科学课很精彩,我们受益匪浅。 __________________________________________ 49.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)自从毕业后,他们就没见过面。 __________________________________________ 50.(2022·山东威海·中考真题)如果你足球踢得够好,就会入选学校足球队 __________________________________________ 51.(2022·山东潍坊·中考真题)我想知道你是否同意我的观点。(whether…or not) _____________________________________________________________ 52.(2022·山东滨州·中考真题)读书不但让我感到快乐,还能使我提高成绩。(not on

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