
湖北省2022年中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-05完成句子 一、完成句子 1.(2022·湖北襄阳·中考真题)如果你尝试冰雪运动,你会玩得很开心。 If you try ice and snow sports, you will _______ _______ _______ _______. 2.(2022·湖北襄阳·中考真题)昨晚当你给我打电话时我正在听音乐。 I _______ _______ _______ _______ when you called me last night. 3.(2022·湖北黄石·中考真题)登得越高,你就看得越远。 ________ ________ you climb, ________ ________ you will see. 4.(2022·湖北黄石·中考真题)我想知道你能否帮我解答这个题。 I wonder ________ ________ ________ ________ me to solve the problem. 5.(2022·湖北黄石·中考真题)王亚平成为了中国第一位漫步太空的女性,真了不起! ________ ________ Wang Yaping is to become the first woman ________ ________ in space. 6.(2022·湖北黄石·中考真题)人们直到失去健康之后才意识到它的重要性。 People ________ ________ the importance of ________ _________ they ________ it. 7.(2022·湖北黄石·中考真题)你跑得如此快以致于我不能赶上你。 You run ________ ________ ________ I can’t catch up ________ you. 8.(2022·湖北荆州·中考真题)During COVID﹣19, we’re advised to get together ________. 新冠肺炎疫情期间,劝告大家要尽可能少聚集。(as) 9.(2022·湖北荆州·中考真题)For Chinese children, ________ a second language in school. 在校期间, 中国孩子多学一门语言是非常重要的。(be) 10.(2022·湖北荆州·中考真题)My mom often ________ Grandma Wang when she is in hospital. 王奶奶住院时,我妈妈经常照看她。(take) 11.(2022·湖北荆州·中考真题)A new Yangtze River Bridge ________ in Jingzhou. 荆州将建一座新的长江大桥。(build) 12.(2022·湖北荆州·中考真题)Look! Jack ________ . Let’s join him. 瞧!杰克正在踢足球,我们也去吧。(play) 13.(2022·湖北恩施·中考真题)据说从下学期开始,煮饭会成为小学生的一项必备技能。(say) ____________________ (that) cooking will be a basic skill for pupils from next term. 14.(2022·湖北恩施·中考真题)昨天早上,我很开心收到了多年未见的朋友的来信。(hear) To my great joy, I ____________________ a friend whom I haven’t seen for years yesterday morning. 15.(2022·湖北恩施·中考真题)毫无疑问,冬天是堆雪人的好时节。(snowman) No doubt it’s a good time to ____________________ in winter. 16.(2022·湖北恩施·中考真题)我的笔友戴维来自一个欧洲国家。(come) My pen pal, David, ____________________ a European country. 17.(2022·湖北恩施·中考真题)在适应这里的生活后,汤姆过得和以前一样幸福。(happy) After getting used to the life here, Tom lives ____________________ before. 18.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)习近平主席寄语青少年:“未来属于你们!你们要成为有理想,有本领,有担当的年轻人。”(belong) President Xi told teenagers, “Future ________ you. You are to be a person with ideals, ability and a strong sense of responsibility.” 19.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)因为下雨,学校运动会不得不被推迟。(put) The school sports meeting had to ________ because of the rain. 20.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)上个月,他们想出了一些办法给年轻人提供更多就业岗位。(come) They ________ some ideas to offer the young more jobs last month. 21.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)我们应该学会自己处理问题。(deal) We should learn to ________ the problems by ourselves. 22.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)你能帮我寻找丢失的校服吗?(look) Could you help me to ________ the lost school uniform? 23.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)人们应该习惯于乘坐公共交通工具出行。(get) People should ________ travelling by public transportation. 24.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)火车晚点了,我们已经在车站等候了两个小时。(wait) The train is late. We ________ it at the station since two hours ago. 25.(2022·湖北十堰·中考真题)我们齐心协力就能带来变化,创造一个更加美好的未来。 Together, our actions can make a difference and lead to ________. 26.(2022·湖北十堰·中考真题)对学生们来说,知道学习的重要性是必要的。 It’s necessary for students ________ the importance of studying. 27.(2022·湖北十堰·中考真题)这学期他们参加了各种各样的活动,包括种庄稼、做饭等。 They took part in ________ activities this term, including planting crops, cooking meals and so on. 28.(2022·湖北十堰·中考真题)上海人民的生活已经恢复正常,这是多么令人激动的消息啊! Life in Shanghai has returned to normal. ________ the news is! 29.(2022·湖北十堰·中考真题)玛丽很粗心,经常错误地拿走别人的家庭作业。 Mary is so careless that she often takes others’ homework ________ . 30.(2022·湖北宜昌·中考真题)当我们看到长江里的江豚时是多么兴奋啊! (excited) ________ we were when we saw finless porpoises in the Yangtze River! 31.(2022·湖北宜昌·中考真题)最近许多中国人对太空更感兴趣了。 (number) ________ Chinese people show more interest in space recently. 32.(2022·湖北宜昌·中考真题)完美的假期取决于你明智的决定和行动。(depend) A perfect vacation ________ your wise resolution and action. 33.(2022·湖北宜昌·中考真题)父母应鼓励孩子在周末亲自去看望祖父母。(person) Parents should encourage their children to visit their grandparents ________ on weekends. 34.(2022·湖北宜昌·中考真题)据报道,中国已经为非洲儿童提供了大量的帮助。(offer) It is reported that China ________ much help to African children already. 35.(2022·湖北随州·中考真题)中国是世界上最古老的国家之一。 China is one of ________ ________ countries in the world. 36.(2022·湖北随州·中考真题)汤姆很擅长讲故事。 Tom is very good at ________ ________. 37.(2022·湖北随州·中考真题)晚上我要么看电视要么听音乐。 In the evening, I ________ watch TV ________ listen to music. 38.(2022·湖北随州·中考真题)你读过《哈利·波特》吗? ________ you ________ Harry Potter yet? 39.(2022·湖北随州·中考真题)那首用二胡演奏的乐曲尤其使我感动。 The piece which ________ ________ on the erhu especially moved me. 二、根据首字母填空 40.(2022·湖北随州·中考真题)I usually go to bed at half p________ ten. 41.(2022·湖北随州·中考真题)My alarm didn’t go o________ so I woke up late. 42.(2022·湖北随州·中考真题)The Beijing Winter Olympic Games opened on F________ 4th, 2022. 三、根据汉语提示填空 43.(2022·湖北襄阳·中考真题)—The three astronauts of Shenzhou XIV have been sent into space successfully. —What an inspiration to us all! And it’s reported that ______________ (这座空间站将由中国独立完成). (complete) 44.(2022·湖北襄阳·中考真题)—The government _______________ (已经告诫人们不要轻易相信) what they hear when they meet the Telecom fraud(电信诈骗) already.  (warn) — And we can al

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