
江苏省2022年中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-02选择题(基础提升) 一、单项选择 1.(2022·江苏徐州·中考真题)Dad sometimes goes to the supermarket with us ________ he hates going shopping. A.because B.so C.though D.if 2.(2022·江苏徐州·中考真题)—Can we play games here? —Better not. If you ________, please go to the open space there. A.must B.can C.may D.will 3.(2022·江苏徐州·中考真题)—I love this T-shirt. ________ does it cost? —50 yuan. Why not try it on? A.How long B.How often C.How old D.How much 4.(2022·江苏徐州·中考真题)We need to guard ________ any possible danger around us. A.for B.over C.with D.against 5.(2022·江苏徐州·中考真题)—Daniel has gone to Beijing on business. —Oh, I didn’t know. When ________? A.has he left B.was he leaving C.did he leave D.will he leave 6.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)COVID-19(新冠肺炎) ________ the world, and many people’s life changes a lot. A.influenced B.is influencing C.is influenced D.was influenced 7.(2022·江苏连云港·中考真题)The traffic light is green. Let’s go ________ the road. A.against B.among C.across D.above 8.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)— There will be a robot on show in our school next week. — Really? I wonder ________. A.what it likes B.what it is like C.what does it like D.what is it like 9.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)—Coffee or tea, Frank? —Coffee, please. To get relaxed, ________ is better than a cup of coffee. A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything 10.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)We should learn some basic life skills since we ________ depend on ourselves some day. A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t 11.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)Our English teacher came into the classroom ________ a smile on her face. A.in B.over C.with D.against 12.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)You will not get the special gift ________ you finish all the tasks. A.after B.because C.while D.unless 13.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)—Dad, what’s for dinner? It ________ nice! —I’m cooking chicken soup. A.tastes B.smells C.looks D.feels 14.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)The chief engineer announced that they ________ a space lab on the space station around the end of 2022. A.have built B.had built C.will build D.would build 15.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)—Does the colour red represent good things in Chinese culture? —Yes. But writing one’s name in red is not good, and we usually ________ it. A.avoid B.advise C.allow D.accept 16.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)—How about going to the library this afternoon? —________ Reading is my therapy. A.Are you kidding? B.You got me there. C.Don’t you know? D.You read my mind. 17.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)—Julie was playing the piano every time I saw her. —You know ________. A.every dog has its day B.many hands make light work C.practice makes perfect D.the early bird catches the worm 18.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)— ________ did the online concert begin? — You didn’t miss anything. It has just begun. A.When B.Where C.What D.Why 19.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)— Cindy, can I look at your notebook? It looks special. — Sorry. I usually write down something ________ in it. A.perfect B.practical C.pleasant D.private 20.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)Read the Tang poem A spring morning on the right. Its theme is about ________. A spring morning Meng Haoran This spring morning in bed I’m lying. Not wake up till I hear birds crying. After one night of wind and showers. How many are the fallen flowers! A.history B.sights C.friendship D.festivals 21.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)200 families won 2021 Jiangsu Most Beautiful Families Award this year, and 15 families from Taizhou were ________ them. A.among B.between C.over D.on 22.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)Schools should ________ students to form good working habits through labor(劳动) education. A.force B.encourage C.warn D.promise 23.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)UNICEF, part of the United Nations, ________ in Europe in 1946 after World War II. A.set up B.was set up C.took up D.was taken up 24.(2022·江苏无锡·中考真题)Oh, she smiles! She nods! She understands! We’ve got ________ dog in the world. A.a cleverer B.the cleverest C.a shyer D.the shyest 25.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)—What a sunny day! Why not go camping with your friends? —________ A.It’s my pleasure. B.You’d better not. C.No, I don’t mind. D.That sounds great. 26.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)The government is ________ elevators(电梯) in the old buildings of some communities so that people, especially the elderly can go up and down easily. A.putting away B.putting out C.putting in D.putting through 27.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)Look at part of one page from an English-Chinese dictionary, which of the following words can be looked up on this page? A.necessary B.modest C.navy D.need 28.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)________ cultures such as Chinese knot, Chinese paper-cutting and Chinese opera are deeply loved by students. A.Social B.Modern C.Traditional D.Natural 29.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)—________ is China Tiangong space station from us? —About 400 kilometers above the earth. A.How much B.How often C.How far D.How long 30.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)—It is impossible to finish the difficult task in such a short time on my own ________ both of us work together. —No problem. Let’s start! A.if B.but C.because D.unless 31.(2022·江苏宿迁·中考真题)—Would you lik

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