
四川省2022年中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-05补全对话&改错&语法填空&选词填空 一、 补全对话(共7小题) 1. (2022•广安)A:Hi,Tom!You look very happy today! B:Oh,yes.Guess what?My best friend Ben is coming. A:Really?(1)    B:Tomorrow.I can't wait to see him. A:(2)    B:He will stay with me for two weeks. A:(3)    B:He is really friendly.I'm sure you will like him when you see him. A:What does he look like? B:(4)    He plays football well. A:Could you introduce him to me? B:(5)    A.How long will he stay? B.Of course. C.How often does he visit you? D.What is he like? E.He is tall and strong. F.When is he coming? 2. (2022•凉山州)(at a fast food restaurant) A:Lily is going to the bank,so she may be a little late. B:It doesn't matter.(1)    A:OK. (5 minutes later) A:(2)    B:50 Yuan.I have paid by WeChat. A:It is really convenient now.What can we do if we don't have mobile phones?I can't imagine that. B:It is reported that we won't have to take a mobile phone with us in the future. A:Really?(3)    B:We will pay in an easy and quick way. A;An easy and quick way?What is it? B: (4)    A:Why? B: (5)    A:Wow!That sounds unbelievable.I wonder how much science and technology will be able to change our life. A.Just show our hands when paying. B.Then let's order the dishes first. C.Because there is a computer chip(芯片)in our hands. D.How much did you pay for our dinner? E.How shall we pay? 3. (2022•遂宁)A:World Book Day is coming.Our after﹣school book club will hold an activity about sharing stories. B: (1)    A:I don't know.Can you give me some advice? B:What about Little Women? (2)    A:But I don't like this kind. B:What do you think of Robinson Crusoe? A: (3)   Many students have already read it. B:How about Treasure Island? A:Er,I've heard of it. (4)    B:It tells a story about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. A:Oh,that's wonderful!I want to share the story.Do you have this book? B:Yes.It's my favorite book. A:(5)    B:Yes,of course. A.That's too common. B.Can you lend it to me? C.What do you want to share? D.But I almost forget what it's about. E.It's a story about four sisters growing up. 4. (2022•成都)Man:Good morning,welcome to the Art School. Woman:Thanks.I'd like to join one of your evening art courses. Man:OK. (1)    Woman:Chinese painting course.I like Chinese painting. (2)    Man:Yes,it is.Very beautiful.Now let's fill in this form. (3)    Woman:Lucy Green. Man:Which country are you from? Woman:Well,(4)   But actually I'm American. Man:I see.Next question.Can you tell me where you live? Woman: (5)    Man:Thanks.Now,I'll give you some information. A.It's so beautiful. B.Which course? C.I work here in England. D.What's your name,please? E.Yes,it's 58 Charnwood Road. 5. (2022•成都)Bob,an exchange student from the UK,is at Li Ming's home in Chengdu.They are talking about the photos on the wall. B﹣﹣Bob L﹣﹣Li Ming B:What are you picking in the photo? L:Mulberries.Mulberries like these taste delicious. B:Oh,really?Are mulberries(1)   fruit in Chengdu? L:Yes,there are a lot every May.You know Sichuan has a long history of silk culture.Silk from Chengdu became famous(2)   as early as 2,000 years ago.I mean nearly all the people in the country knew it!And mulberry(3)   are the main food for silkworms. B:I see.Where did you pick the mulberries? L:Inside an ecological (生态的) park in Chengdu. (4)    like picking mulberries and feeding silkworms are hot in May. B:Wow!The ecological park(5)   like a great place.What else can you do in the park? L:You can rent(租) a piece of land and grow crops or vegetables.Some experts will give you help if necessary.This way,you can learn more about(6)   . B:That's a good way to(7)   the life on the farm.It may help you forget the pressure in life and feel(8)   . L:That's true.It has many (9)   .It also produces food for the city and makes the city greener. B:Could you(10)   me there this weekend?I can't wait to visit the ecological park. L:No problem. 6. (2022•泸州)A:Hey,Jack,I plan to watch TV tonight.Do you want to join me? B:Sure.What do you want to(1)   ? A:Well,what do you think of talk shows? B:I don't mind(2)   ,but sometimes they can be a bit boring. A:That's true.Do you want to watch the news? B:Yes,I think(3)   .Maybe we can watch that new talent(4)   after the news.I usually can't stand talent shows,but that one is quite funny. A:OK,sure,but the soccer game starts(5)   5:00 pm. B:Oh,yeah,I want to watch that game,too. 7. (2022•达州)Guide:I am happy to be your guide these days.Are you satisfied with my service? Tourist:Yes,thank you.(1)    Guide:I am very happy to hear that.(2)    Tourist:They are very friendly and polite.The drivers will stop when we cross the road. Guide:(3)    Do you like the city? Tourist:Yes,it's very beautiful. Guide:(4)    Tourist:Well,I want to buy some local special snacks for my family.Where can

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