高考英语续写 高考英语复习 读后续写

高考英语写作之高考英语写作之续写篇续写篇冲突、矛盾whowherewhenwhatwhyHow(how things panned out?)The twins(Jenna and Jeff)MotherFatherkitchenOn Mothers DayMaking breakfast for motherSurpriseTo celebrate Mothers Day1.steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake2.the porridge boiled over and put out the fire3.the stove was a mess 4.Jeffs hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain.5.The piece of bread in the pan had turned blackBeginningClimaxEndingprocess?The twins planned for a breakfast as a surprise for Mothers day.The plan was under way.They messed up the breakfast.CONFLICT!ContentPART 01 谋篇布局PART 02 遣词造句 PART 01 谋篇布局【负转正】的情节轮廓【段首句】决定故事走向 找到可呼应的【细节】怎么编故事?负正转传 播 正 能 量弘 扬 真 善 美【负转正】的情节轮廓【段首句】决定故事走向 找到可呼应的【细节】P1:As the twins looked around them in disappointment,their father appeared.P2:The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.负正转1.How would the father feel on seeing the mess?2.Was the breakfast ready at last?3.What would they say to their mother after waking her up?4.How would the mother react and feel after seeing the breakfast?【负转正】的情节轮廓【段首句】决定故事走向 找到可呼应的【细节】A MOTHERS DAY SURPRISEThe twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mothers Day.How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed.They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge.They had watched their mother in the kitchen.There was nothing to it.Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do.原文细节:The next minute,the porridge boiled over and put out the fire.Jenna panicked.Thankfully,Jeff.But the stove was a mess now.Jenna told Jeff to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge.But Jeffs hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain.Jenna made him put his hand in cold water.Then she caught the smell of burning.Oh dear!The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.5.Did the father help the twins make the breakfast?If so,What would the father do to help?6.Who would cook the breakfast at last?7.According to the details of the passage,what other emotions do you think the mother would have?Why?原文细节1:Para 1父亲要发火了解情况后,父亲没有发火父亲和他们一起做早餐在父亲的帮助下,早餐顺利做好了。他们非常开心Para 2双胞胎祝母亲节日快乐母亲非常惊喜。母亲注意到Jeff 的手母亲万分感动“收尾点睛”原文细节2:PART 02 遣词造句在父亲的帮助下,早餐顺利做好了。Para 1父亲要发火了解情况后,父亲没有发火父亲和他们一起做早餐他们非常开心情绪描写动作描写动作描写动作描写情绪描写Para 1父亲要发火情绪描写情绪的“外露”句式:Judging from sbs eyes/expression/behavior,it was evident that sb did sth(was trapped in+情绪).“从某人的眼神/表情/行为判断,很明显,某人(陷入.中)。Judging from his expressions,it was evident that he was about to explode after seeing the mess.Para 1了解情况后,父亲没有发火动作描写“动作链”动作链描写:Having done,sb.did,didand did.But to their relief,having learned their plan,he knelt down,patted them on the shoulder and said in a gentle voice,“Time is on our side,lets do it together.”了解情况后,蹲下来,拍肩膀 说Para 1父亲和他们一起做早餐动作描写“立即行动”“解决矛盾”之“立即行动”:没有丝毫犹豫,某人Without the slightest hesitation,sb didWithout the slightest hesitation,they started their battle once again.(preparing for the breakfast once again).Para 1在父亲的帮助下,早餐顺利做好了。动作描写动作面“动作面”描写:Before long,armed with the experience of failure and an extra helping hand,the breakfast was ready,giving off pleasant smell.非谓语 +谓语 +非谓语/非限定从早餐做好了有了经验和父亲的帮助发出宜人的香味Para 1他们非常开心情绪描写“死里逃生”“正向结果”之“死里逃生”:Exhausted though they were,their hearts were filled with nothing else but joy and pride.尽管某人又又,但是某人的内心充满了Adj.and adj.though sb.was,sbs heart was filled with nothing else but母亲万分感动Para 2双胞胎祝母亲节日快乐母亲非常惊喜母亲注意到Jeff 的手“收尾点睛”语言描写心理描写动作+情绪情绪+动作环境描写心理描写或Para 2双胞胎祝母亲节日快乐语言描写“先闻其声”“转场衔接”之“先闻其声”:“Happy mothers day!”uttered the words in the same breath.通过“语言”、“声音”来进行场景的切换Para 2双胞胎祝母亲节日快乐心理描写Seeing the breakfast,the surprised mother felt as if it had been smiling/winking its eyes,and saying softly,“Happy mothers day!”看到看到Seeing sth,某人感某人感觉好像好像Sb felt as if它在它在it had been doing并且并且说and saying,“”Para 2母亲非常惊喜心理+环境描写“喜出望外”“正向结果”之“喜出望外”:Under no circumstance had their mother expected her day to start with such a warm gift.某人绝不会料到,会如此By no means/under no circumstance had sb.expected sth.to be so adj.Para 2母亲非常惊喜心理+环境描写“环境比喻”“环境描写”之“环境比喻”:The scent of the food filled with the bedroom,which,as if by magic,had turned into the most lovely place in the world.A 充斥着/点亮了B,好像魔法似的,B 变成了CA filled with/lit up B,which,as if by magic,had turned into C.Para 2母亲注意到了Jeff 的手动作+情绪描写“如鲠在喉”“真情感化”之“如鲠在喉”:But then,the mothers throat tightened when she noticed Jeffs hand.当,某人喉头一紧。Sb.s throat tightened whenPara 2母亲万分感动情绪+动作描写“情绪翻腾”She understood the whole thing at once and felt a warm current welling up in her heart and surging through her.某人感到一股强烈在内心升腾、奔涌。Sb.felt a great sense of+情绪+welling up in sb.s heart and surging through sb.She fondly gathered the twins into her arms.Para 2收尾点睛喃喃自语“Thank you,my honey.Thank you,”the happiest mother in the world kept repeating these words.用语言描写来结束全文。细节呼应,主题议论寄情于景,喃喃自语时光荏苒

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