【教案】人教版(2019)选择性必修第—册 Unit3 Sarek National Park教案

Unit 3 Fascinating parks:Sarek National ParkTeaching Objectives:Knowledge aims:Grasp the main idea.Get to know theinformation of the Sami people.Emotional aims:Raise the awareness of western culture.Ability aims:Improve the reading skills.Enhance cooperation ability.Studying Procedures:Step1.Lead-in1.Watch a music video.2.Look at the pictures of some parks at homeand aboard.Step2.Pre-readingFree talk:1.What kinds of parks have you been to?What were they like?2.When youthink of national parks,what comes to mind first?Step3.While-readingPart1.Fast readingReading task1.Skimthetextandfindoutthemainidea._Reading task2.Scan the text and match the subheadings with the paragraphs.A land of Mountains and IceMan at Peace with NatureA Land of AdventureA Summer Where the Sun Never SleepsPara.1:_Para.2:_Para.3:_Para.4:_Part2.Careful readingReading task3.Read the text carefully and answer these questions.1.How many hoursa day does the sun shine in summer in Sarek?_2.What steps has the Swedish government taken to keep Sarek in its natural state?_3.How has life changed for the Sami?Why might so few Sami want to live in Sarek?_4.Why does the writer think the sweat and hard work is worth it?_Reading task4.Read the passage again and complete the table.Reading task5 Work in groups and analyse the sentences.1.Around 9000 years ago,this ice melted,leaving behind about 100 glaciers.2.For example,this morning my breakfast is flat bread warmed over a fire,driedreindeer meat,and some sweet and sour berries that I found growing near my tent.仿写:1.火车被大雪困住,导致了晚点。_2.今晚我的晚饭是在烤箱里烤的一片披萨、水果干和一些我在野外找到的新鲜蔬菜。_Step4.Post-readingReading task6Complete the summary of the passage using the correct forms of the words from thetext.In the remote far north of Sweden.in Sarek National Park above the Arctic CircleI wake up to the sound of the wind b_ the cloth of my tent.Standing at thee_ of the mountain,watching the Rapa River f_ through the valley below,I feel so b_to be alive and have this rare opportunity to explore this uniquet_,which is almost unknown to the outside world.Once covered by v_sheets of ice,Sareks mountains are home to the Sami,the nativeresidentsofthepark.TheSamlivedoffreindeer,movedwiththem,anda_ them for hundreds of years.Today,most Sami have left theirancientc_ in the mountain valleys and live a modern life in villages near Sarekinstead.To keep its natural state,except for the Sam,no one is allowed to live in Sarek,and all newdevelopment is b_ within the park b_.It is hoped thatSarek National Parkwill always remain as it is,natural and beautiful.Step5.Development DiscussionDo you think setting up national parksis an effective way to balance development and theprotection of nature?Why or whynot?Do you have any more ideas to make a balance?Step6.HomeworkWrite acomposition to introduce a park in your hometown.1.Imitate the text we have learnedtoday.2.Use the Non-finite Forms of the Verbs.3.80 words is OK.

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