
2021-2022学年福建省厦门市某学校英语高职单招测试试题(含答案) 一、单选题(20题) 1.I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ________ me to Disneyland at weekends. A.takes B.took C.will take D.has taken 2.—These grapes look really beautiful. —They()! See the price,$ 3.99 a pound.Too expensive, aren‘t they? A.would B.could C.might D.should 3.Peter. I"m hungry. Please give me()bread. A.a B.a piece C.a piece of D.many 4.He’s had his lunch at school,()he? A. isn’t B. hadn’t C. doesn’t D. hasn’t 5.---You can hardly see the words on the blackboard,()? ---(). They are too small. A.can’t you; Yes,I can. B.can’t you;No,I can’t. C.can you; Yes,I can. D.can you;No,I can’t. 6.---Do you feel like()for a walk? ---Sorry,I would like()TV at home. A.go;watch B.going;seeing C.go;watching D.going;to watch 7.For our own safety,it’s important to ________ the traffic rule on the way to school. A.break B.make C.change D.follow 8.---Will you drive to the party? ---No,I am having my car(). A.repair B.to repair C.repairing D.repaired 9.While building a tunnel through the mountain, _________. A.an underground lake was discovered? B.there was an underground lake discovered C.a lake was discovered underground D.the workers discovered an underground lake 10.---How time flies ! ---Yes. Two months()a short time. A.are B.was C.is D.have passed 11.Not only ______ study well, but also he is always ready to help others. A.he does B.he did C.does he D.did he 12.Not only I but also Lucy and Mary()tired of having such boring work. A.is B.are C.am D.be 13.This is the place()we took the book. A.in which B.for which C.at which D.at where 14.The play is _____ worth ______. A.very, watching B.good, to watch C.well, watching D.very, being watched 15.It suddenly occurred to me that we could _________ the police for help. A.ask B.look C.tell D.meet 16.They are learning to play()piano. A.the B.a C./ D.an 17.Do you want to be() artist when you grow up? A.a B.an C./ D.the 18.________ Mike didn’t win the race,he was still wearing a smile on his face. A.If B.Since C.Although D.Because 19.I have ________ hands and ________ fingers. A.two;two B.two;five C.one;ten D.two;ten 20.The number of the people who()cars()increasing. A.own;are B.own;is C.owns;is D.owns;are 二、填空题(20题) 21.John said he wasn’t disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face________him________. A.turned;down B.took;in C.made;out D.gave;away 22.We should try our best to leave our generation a world better than________we were given. A.it B.one C.the one D.those 23.I prefer a house in a mountain village to________in such a large city as Changsha. A.that B.it C.this D.one 24.—Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? —________,if he is ready. A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case 25.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he________about his fate all the time. A.is complaining B.has complained C.was complaining D.had complained 26.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you don’t ________the complaints from all directions. A.care about B.set about C.bring about D.go about 三、补充对话(10题) 27.---Can you turn off the lights in the kitchen? We are paying too much for electricity. ---()I never realized that. A.I know B.Really? C.I’ve had enough! D.I’d love to. E. Great! E.Don’t do that! F.Don’t worry G.No problem. 28.---(). ---Oh,nothing special. I read some newspapers. A.while I am away B.when I come back C.Excuse me D.Let’s go walking E.By bike F.What’s your weekend? G.Do you live here H.How long have you lived here? 29.---Hi,Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong? ---(). A.I caught a bad cold B.It’s a good idea C.By train D.He is tall and handsome E.I’m not sure. F. OK! F.You’11 be fine soon. G.H. How are you feeling now? 30.---I am glad to have met you,Linda. ---(). A.I am Tom B.Is he your father? C.So do I! D.This is Tom E. Thank you. E.Do you like wine? F.What about your father? G.H. How are you? 31.(4) A.Sounds reasonable. B.It’s just for ourselves! C.It taught me a good lesson. D.There are few cars at this time on the road. E.I’m an excellent. F.And there’s no policeman on the street. G.But the seat belt is for your safety. 32.---My father is an engineer.(). ---He is an engineer,too. A.I am Tom B.Is he your father? C.So do I! D.This is Tom E. Thank you. E.Do you like wine? F.What about your father? G.H. How are you? 33.---(). ---No,I can’t stand it. It’s awful. A.I am Tom B.Is he your father? C.So do I! D.This is Tom E. Thank you. E.Do you like wine? F.What about your father? G.H. How are you? 34.(2) A.Thank you,doctor. B.I am not feeling very well. C.Good afternoon. D.Is it serious? E.Do you

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