
2021-2022学年湖北省成考高升专英语自考测试卷(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(10题) 1.I still remember the college and the teachers ___ I visited in London years ago. A.what B.who C.that D.which 2.—Hello! Is that Alice speaking? —Sorry, I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong ____. A.number B.name C.address D.message 3.1945 is the year ____ World War II ended A.who B.that C.when D.which 4.The young man would havean accident if he____ more care A.didn’t take B.won’t take C.hasn’t take D.is not taking 5.You have just read the newspaper. Did you find ____ in it? A.interesting anything B.anything interesting C.interesting something D.something interesting 6.—Can I park my car here, sir? —____. You see, there’s much traffic here A.Never mind B.You’d better not C.Not at all D.Yes, please 7.—Couldyou tell me ____ yesterday? —Because my bike was broken on my way here A.whyyou came late B.why do you come late C.whyyou come late D.why did you come late 8.The boy with his two dogs ____ when the earthquake happened A.were sleeping B.is sleeping C.was sleeping D.are sleeping 9.The sign “THIS SIDE UP!”is often seen____. A.outside a hotel B.in a street C.at astation D.on a big box 10.—Amy,would you mind my closing the window? —____. It’s foggy and hazy(雾霾) outside A.Of course not B.Yes, go ahead C.Yes, please D.Ofcourse 二、单选题(5题) 11.I still remembered the day when we ______ in high school,before we left,we got together singsing a song of farewell. A.break down B.break out C.break up D.break off 12.At least this time, in ______ to earlier hardline crackdowns, some liberals are fighting back. A.contract B.contrast C.relation D.response 13.When I grew up a little, I began to ______ the meaning of words in economics such as financial crisis and unemployment in life, that is, inferior food and thriftier life. A.recover B.appreciate C.exaggerate D.address 14.It is just as well that Mr Smith was delegated (委派) to our company for guidance work,or our company would have ______ defeat. A.suffered B.lacked C.encountered D.comanded 15.His extravagant lifestyle. made me ______ that many children are still in hunger! A.entertain B.thrill C.astonish D.conclude 三、完型填空(10题) 16. 17.45 A.working B.feeling C.reading D.doing 18. 完成下列各题   The people who lives in the far North are called Eskimos(爱斯基摩人).In the world of ice and snow it is 21 to grow plants for food.The Eskimos must hunt and fish during the whole year to 22 themselves and their families with food.In winter,they hunt the seal(海豹) 23 the polar(极地的)bear.When they hunt the seal,they 24 a hole in the ice and try to 25 the seal when it comes up to breathe.   In summer,the Eskimos hunt 26 animals。and they also hunt birds and catch fish. 27 that is useful is saved.The Eskimos use the meat from animals for food.They melt(融化)the fat from their bodies and use the 28 as fuel(燃料).They make tools out of animals bones.The skin and furs of animals are used for making clothing. If an Eskimo is 29 lucky,he may kill a whale(鲸鱼), 30 a dead whale may wash up on the shore near his house.The whale is an especially useful animal,because it gives a great 31 of oil.   There is 32 wood at all where the Eskimos live.Eskimos 33 all their wood from the sea.Sometimes floating wood from places.farther south washes up on the shore. Most Eskimo houses are 34 of stones.Instead of a door,there is a long,low tunnel (地道) 35 into the house.People have to crawl(爬)through the tunnel in order to enter the house. A.important B.impossible C.impolite D.interesting 19.23.______ A.meet B.lie C.drive D.go 20.26.________________________ A.hard B.his own C.a day’s D.good 21.22.___________________ A.catching B.throwing C.beating D.playing 22.They have learned about it from _13_ people A.older B.the oldest C.outside D.most 23.33.______ A.really B.almost C.hardly D.still 24. 25. 四、词汇与结构(5题) 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 五、阅读理解(3题) 31.What hobby do Jim and Alessandro have in common? A.Traveling B.Playing football C.Horse-riding D.Learning language 32. 33. 六、写作(1题) 34.Suppose you are Doctor Bob, please write a reply to Alice. (假定你是Bob医生, 请根据左列Alice的来信写一封至少100词的回信) (注意:短文中不得出现考生的中文姓名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) 参考答案 1.C本题考查定语从句。从句中 I visited in London years ago 修饰的先行词为 the collegeand the teachers 既有物又有人,所以关系代词用 that,故答案选择 C 项。 2.A本题考查名词。由回答可知是打错电话了,have the wrong number 意为“打错电话”,故答案选择 A 项。 3.C 本题考查定语从句。句意“1945 年是第二次世界大战结束的那一年。”从句不缺成分,所以空格处应填关系副词,且先行词“the year”表示时间,所以用 when,故答案选择 C 项 4.A 本题考查时态。句意“如果这个年轻人不更小心的话,他将会遭遇事故。”在 if 引导的从句中,谓语动词用一般时表示将来,由于句子时态是一般过去时,所以用 didn’t take,故答案选择 A 项。 5.B本题考查形容词和不定代词。肯定句中用 something,否定句和疑问句中用 anything,且修饰不定代词时,形容词要后置,故答案选B 项。 6.B 本题考查情景交际。由答语“你看,这儿交通堵塞严重。”可知应选 You’d better not,“你最好不要停这儿。”故答案选择 B 项。 7.A 本题考查宾语从句和时态。宾语从句中从句要用陈述语序,且时间为 yesterday

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