
湖北省随州市小林中学高一英语月考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. She loves the old songs, _______everyone of her age is familiar.    A. to which        B. with which      C. as which         D. for which 参考答案: B 2. So far the final exam papers _________by teachers. A. have been checked   B. have checked    C. checked            D. have been checking 参考答案: A 略 3. Life is like a long race ____we compare with others to go beyond ourselves. A. which B. what C. that D. where 参考答案: D 4. —Will it rain tomorrow? —I _____. A. think not so   B. don’t hope so          C. hope not     D. don’t think it 参考答案: C 5. —You’ve left the light on. —Oh, so I have. _________and turn it off. A. I’ll go       B. I’ve gone   C. I go      D. I’m going 参考答案: A 6. They went out to sea       the missing treasure. A.search for B.search           C.in search of        D.to search 参考答案: C 试题分析:考查短语辨析。A.search for寻找;B.search搜查;C.in search of寻找介词短语D.to search  表示目的,去搜查;。句意:他们去海里寻找失踪的财宝。根据语境可知选C项。       7. If you           spit at all, please spit in the bucket(痰孟里)provided A.must          B.shall          C.should          D.may 参考答案: A 8. .          I like it, I won’t buy it, for it’s too expensive. A.Much as B.As much C.So much D.Too much 参考答案: A 9. He is planning to _____ the room downstairs ______ a studio. A. get, into B. make, from C. sell, from        D. convert, into 参考答案: D 10. In order to see better in the dark cave, they made a fire ______ light A. give               B. giving             C. to give            D given 参考答案: C 11. Anyone here is free to ____his proposal to improve these people’s living conditions . A. put on  B. put forward  C. put in  D. put out 参考答案: B 略 33. — When can I see you, Mr. Black? Three o’clock this afternoon?    — Oh, no. I ________a meeting then. A. will have    B. will be having   C. am having     D. have 参考答案: B 略 13. The reason _____ she explained seemed reasonable.   A. why             B. that             C. what           D. if 参考答案:  B 解析:本题考察定语从句,现行词为reason,在从句中作动词explained的宾语。 14. ------ Hurry up, or we’ll miss the train. ------        . We still have fifteen minutes left. A. Take it easy       B. Good lucky        C. I think so 参考答案: A 15. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _______ as the plane was making a landing.     A. seat      B. seated    C. seating       D. to be seating 参考答案: B 二、 完型填空 16. Once a gentleman was traveling on a train. He felt ____41____ and got off at a station in search of water. When he reached the water tap (水龙头), the___42_____started. He ran back but____43____it. It was getting____44____and he decided to spend the night at the station. The next morning he asked the ticket office about the next train and was told it would be on the next____45____. So he decided to find a place for a day’s_____46___. He went to the nearby hotel to ask for a room but found   ____47____. At last he ____48____ a small house. He asked the___49_____ whether he could stay in his house for a day. The owner immediately____50____, then served him food and gave him a room to stay. _____51___ he did not ask anything in return. At seven, the gentleman heard a ___52_____at the door. The owner opened the door. The gentleman saw a man dressed in ___53_____ clothes enter the house and___54_____the owner to pay his debts (债务). The gentleman came to know that the owner was in need of___55_____. The next morning he left a pack in the drawer of the room and ____56____. When the owner found the pack, he saw that there was a   ___57_____written to him, which read: “You ____58____ me but did not expect anything from me. Yesterday evening I heard the___59_____ between you and the stranger and____60____that you were in need of money. This is what you need.” 41.A.sleepy      B.thirsty     C. hungry        D.tired 42.A.passenger    B.officer   C.tap         D.train 43.A.caught       B.lost       C.missed      D.passed 44.A.dark         B.cold         C.hot        D.bright 45.A.we        B.month    C. hour      D.day 46.A.work        B.stay          C.fun        D.travel 47.A.one         B.nobody    C.none       D.lots 48.A.built      B.repaired    C.enjoyed     D.reached 49.A.owner    B.manager   C.driver       D.guest 50.A.accepted     B.changed    C.agreed      D.refused 51.A.So         B.But          C.Because     D.Unless 52.A.knock       B.sound     C.noise       D.call 53.A.cheap      B.strange    C.expensive    D.dirty 54.A.invited     B.hated      C.asked        D.promised 55.A.advice     B.money     C.time         D.water 56.A.stayed up   B.came up   C.gave in       D.went away 57.A.note        B.story      C.diary    D.joke 58.A.cheated     B.supported  C.helped    D.understood 59.A.quarrel     B.conversation C.bargain   D.discussion 60.A.planed      B.explained   C.hoped     D.learned 参考答案: 41.B 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.C

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