
湖北省荆门市四0五学校2022年高一英语联考试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. The policeman didn’t argue with us. He just told us ____. A. how to do    B. what to do it    C. what to do    D. how do it 参考答案: C 2. We’ll never forget the days ______ we lived in the country.   A.when   B.where     C.which    D.不填 参考答案: A 略 5. China has hundreds of islands, ___________ is Taiwan Island.   A. among them the largest                B. and the largest of which   C. and the largest of them                D. but in which the largest 参考答案: C 略 4. The heavy storm ________ the bridge, _______ made it impossible to get across the river. A. destroyed….that        B. destroyed…. /    C. destroyed….which      D. was destroyed….which 参考答案: C 5. I’ll finish the job ____ I come across great difficulty.    A. however      B. even though    C. no matter     D. as though 参考答案: B 6. ---Would you mind my_______ here?  ---Can’t you see the sign “NO SMOKING”? A. smoke          B. smoking       C. to smoke     D. smoked 参考答案: B 7. China and Russia have more and more common______ , with the development of bilateral trade(双边贸易). A. interests      B. dislikes    C. customs      D. habits 参考答案: A 8. Please take down my telephone number ________ something important happens. A. in case                             B. now that                         C. even though                   D. as if 参考答案: A 9. ______recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S .would be higher than the number of English speaker by_____ year 2090.     A. A, the             B. A, /          C. The ,/            D. The, a 参考答案: A report 可数名词, a recent report 一份近来的报告  ,是泛指;第二个空填the 表特指示2090年。 10.  The murderer was brought in, with his hands______ behind his back. A. be tied     B.  having tied   C. to be tied   D. tied 参考答案: D 11. Long years of hard work made _____ possible for him to enter a key university in Beijing. A. that  B. this                      C. it                           D. which 参考答案: C 12. It’s just a small party-you don’t have to . A.dress up B.dress in C.dress down D.get dressed 参考答案: A 13. My watch needs ________,but I have no time to go to town to have it ________. A.to repair;repaired B.to be repaired;repairing C.repairing;repaired D.being repaired;repaired 参考答案: C ...need doing=...need to be done……需要被做;have sth.done让别人做……,为习惯用法。 14. Please _____all the numbers. Those numbers______10,000. A. add to ,add up     B. add up, add up to     C. add up , add to    D. add up to, add to 参考答案: B 略 15. Peter was so excited ___ he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing. A. where           B. that             C. why             D. when 参考答案: D 略 16. ----Shall I help you with the heavy suitcase? ----Thank you. _______. A. It’s up to you            B. If you like         C. It couldn’t be better      D. Of course 参考答案: C 二、 书面表达 17. 在繁重的课业负担之下,中学生也应该学会适度地自我放松。请你围绕“Ways to get relaxed”这一话题,按照下列要点写一篇100词左右的英语短文: 1.自我放松的途径:看电视、体育锻炼、上网等; 2.我更喜欢的途径及理由。 注意:1.在表达“我更喜欢的途径及理由”时,请从要点1中选择一项进行阐述; 2.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 There are various ways to get relaxed for middle school students._________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案: There are various ways to get relaxed for middle school students.One way is to take exercise,such as walking,running,playing basketball or football,etc.We can also watch TV,where we are able to enjoy varieties of color1 ful programs both in Chinese and English.Moreover,we can surf the Internet to get some relaxation and entertainment. As far as I’m concerned,surfing the Internet appeals to me most.For one thing,the Internet offers a wide range of activities for relaxation.In general,I keep track of the latest news as an enjoyment.Sometimes,I play computer games to relax myself.For another,the Internet makes it easy for me to make friends with people at home and abroad,for it is a great joy to communicate with them.In addition,having a glimpse of the vivid pictures and live videos on the Internet contributes to regaining my energy.   三、 阅读理解 18. Long ago, the Earth was clean.There were not as many people on the earth as there are now.There were a lot of trees.There was not a lot of garbage(垃圾).There were no cars.The towns grew bigger and bigger and later they were called cities.And there was a lot of garbage there soon. We are hurting the Earth when we put our garbage anywhere.The land is not very clean now.We are hurting the Earth when we put our garbage into the water.The river is not very clean now.We are hurting the Earth when we put dirty things into the air.We are hurting the Earth when we drive our cars.The air is not very clean now.We are hurting the Earth when we cut down the trees.The trees help keep our land and air clean.They give us the oxygen and the clean air that we need to breathe(呼吸).Now we do not have as much as we did before. Now the animals do not have as many homes as the

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