
湖北省荆州市育苗学校高二英语测试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. With the word “PM2.5” ____ appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days. A. constantly       B. instantly           C. roughly           D. firmly 参考答案: A 2. It’s said that the team __________ twelve top European players. A. consists of            B. is made of             C. are made up of    D. is made from 参考答案: A 3. I am sorry I am very busy now. If I           time, I would certainly go to the movies with you. A. have B. had C. have had D. had had 参考答案: B 试题分析:考察虚拟语气。文意是对不起,我现在太忙了。如果有时间我肯定和你一块去看电影。本句中if引导的从句表示对现在的情况进行假设,从句用did,主句用“would+do”,所以答案是B。 考点:考察虚拟语气。 4. — We shouldn’t waste time on playing computers games or reading novels. — ______. We’d better concentrate our attention to our study instead. A. I’d love to           B. I’m with you on that C. It’s up to you         D. It’s my pleasure 参考答案: B 5. It was on August 24th, 79AD       a volcanic eruption occurred,       left a deep impression on a Roman writer. A. when; that B. when; which C. that; which      D. that; when 参考答案: C 6. --- It’s cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. --- __________. A. Yes, take it easy.                                                            B. Well, it just depends. C. Ok, just in case.                                                              D. All right, you’re welcome. 参考答案: C 7. Students should keep in mind that there’s something more important than _______ fashion for them to seek after in _______ life. A. /; the            B. /; /             C. the; /           D. the; the 参考答案: B fashion意思是:时尚、时髦。不可数名词,前面不需要冠词。in life 意思是:在生活中。B为正确选项。 8. The native Canadians lived in __________ with nature, for they respected nature as a provider of life. A. contact B. contrast C. harmony D. relation 参考答案: C 略 9. —Could you tell me the____  of making such tasty cakes? — Well, I just follow the directions in the cookbook. A. feature    B. plan C. cost    D. trick 参考答案: D 试题分析:这里表示“你能告诉我做如此美味蛋糕的诀窍吗”。Feature特征;plan计划;cost花费;trick 诀窍,所以选D。句意:上文,你能告诉我做如此美味蛋糕的诀窍吗?下文,好吧,我就是按照烹饪书上的说明做的。 考点:考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。 【名师点睛】本题侧重考查在特定的语境中辨析名词词义的能力。由后文的回答可以推断本题答案,“我只是按照食谱上说明书(做蛋糕)”,那么前面问的肯定是“你做蛋糕有啥技巧呀?”再根据初步判断去看选项,B、C可以排除,A和D可能拿捏不准,尤其是D,考生可能会想到play tricks,认为是“把戏”的意思,就错选成A了。但是A仅仅有“特征”之意,D在此由“把戏”被转化为“技巧”,类似于tips,考生一定要注重转化意,这也是近年高考的趋势。 10. She went to the bookstore and bought _______.    A. dozen books     B. dozens books     C. dozen of books          D. dozens of books 参考答案: D 略 11. The man _______ from serious heart trouble needs a surgery badly. A. suffered                    B. suffering                  C. who suffering     D. who was suffered 参考答案: B 12.          parents say and do has a life-long influence on their children. A. Which B. That C. What D. When 参考答案: C 13.   --- How do you find the latest hit Taijiong ?   --- Well, unlike other people, I feel the story is _______touching_______ amusing.    A. rather; than B. other; than C. better; than   D. more; than 参考答案: D 14. It was on a cold winter night            Tom was waiting for his girlfriend to see a movie with him         the accident occurred.   A.that;that      B.when;that   C.when;who    D.which;where 参考答案: B 15. He _______ English for four years before he went abroad. A. has studied                                     B. was studying    C. has been studying                      D. had been studying 参考答案: D 16. The lawyer made ______ to the judge, asking him to be gentle with his clients. A. an appeal                 B. a pledge                    C. petition                       D. associated   参考答案: A 二、 书面表达 17. 书面表达(满分25分) 最近我们发现,虽然学校反复强调考试诚信的重要性,但是仍然有不少的同学在每次的 月考中作弊,这对学生今后的学习有很大的危害。     作弊原因:1. 分数太低会很没面子,也可能会让家长老师失望。 2. 有时候老师不是很严格,使得我们有机会可以抄袭 3. 本不想抄袭,但是控制不住自己。 作弊坏处:1. 严重影响了考试的公平性。 2. 作弊让分数来的非常容易,这会让人变得懒惰。从而让班级的学习氛围变差。 你认为能改进的建议有那些(提一两条建议)。 参考词汇:强调:stress   月考:monthly exam  作弊:cheat  氛围:atmosphere   Recently we find that quite a few students cheat in every monthly exam…. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   参考答案: One possible version: Recently we find that quite a few students cheat in every monthly exam although our school stresses the honest in exams over and over again. Some students think lower marks make them lose faces before teachers and parents. While others think some teachers are not so strict that they can easily get chances to cheat. At the same time, a few of them say that they can’t control themselves in exams even though they didn’t intend to do so. There is no doubt that cheating is bad for our study. On the one hand, it is unfair for every one; On the other hand, it makes students become lazy in study, wh

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