
Reading and Thinking【版本:新人教册别:选择性必修二】UNIT 1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS目录页contentsPre-readingLanguage PointsWhile-readingHomeworkPost-readingPre-readingCovid-19:Battling the devilPre-reading:Lead-inWhat other infectious diseases do you know?Pre-reading:Lead-inWhile-readingJOHNSNOWDEFEATS“KINGCHOLERA”While-readingSkim the first two paragraphs,and answer the following questions.While-reading1.Who is John Snow?2.Why is it called the“King Cholera”?3.How did the cholera spread?Itusedtobeoneofthemostfeareddiseasesintheworld.Itcausesseverediarrhoea,dehydration,andevendeath.Millionsofpeoplediedfromit.HeisafamousdoctorwhodefeatsthecholeraandheattendedtoQueenVictoriawhenshegavebirth.Who?What?While-readingJOHNSNOWDEFEATS“KINGCHOLERA”Find a problemIntheearly19thcentury,whenanoutbreakofcholerahitEurope,millionsofpeoplediedfromthedisease.Ask a questionHowdidthecholeraspread?Two contradictory theories:nBad air caused the disease.nCholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water.Which one do you believe more?While-readingRead Paragraph 3 and find out which theory is true?Find out the supporting evidence.Two contradictory theories:nBad air caused the disease.nCholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water.While-readingEvidence 1Observe and mark on the exact places where all those who died had lived.While-reading:ThinkofamethodEvidence 1He discovered that in two particular streets the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in then days.While-reading:CollectdataEvidence 1There were multiple deaths near the water pump.Some households(such as 20 and 21 Broad Street,and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street)had had no deaths.pubpumpBroad StreetCambridge StreetWhile-reading:CollectdataInanotherpartofLondon,awomanandherdaughterhaddiedofcholeraaftermovingawayfromBroadStreet.Itseemedthatthewoman liked the water from the pump so much that she had itdeliveredtoherhouseeveryday.Asaresultofthisevidence,JohnSnowwasabletoannouncethatthepumpwatercarriedcholeragerms.Accordingly,hehadthehandleofthepumpremovedsothatit could not be used.Through this intervention,the disease wasstoppedinitstracks.Evidence 2While-reading:CollectdataCan you make sure that the water pump was to blame?While-readingRead Paragraph 4,5 and check your assumptions.Then answer the following questions.1.How to make sure that water was to blame?2.What other evidence did John Snow find to support the results?After removing the handle of the pump,the disease was stopped in its tracks.The water from Broad Street pump had been infected by waste.Some companies sold water that was polluted by raw waste.While-readingRead Paragraph 3,4,5 and check your assumptions.Then answer the following questions.In his use of maps and statistics,Snow transformed the way scientists study diseases.3.Why is John Snow considered as the father of modern epidemiology?While-readingRead the passage again and discuss the following stages of scientific research in groups.What order would you put them in?collectdatathinkofamethodanalysetheresultsaskaquestiondrawaconclusionfindaproblemfindsupportingevidence1426735While-readingThestructure ofthispassageproblem(Para 1)theories(Para 2)process(Para 3)conclusion(Para 4)solution(Para 5)While-readingPost-readingDiscuss in groups the following questions:uHow has John Snows work affected our daily lives?uDo you think John Snow is a great scientist?Give some reasons.Post-readingScientific inquiry starts with observation.The more one can see,the more one can investigate.Martin ChalfiePost-readingWe dont regard any scientific theory as the absolute truth.Kenneth R.MillerPost-reading Homework

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