
浙江省金华市第六中学高一英语测试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. 语音知识:找出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的选项 1. react     A. campaign   B. career     C. circulate   D. moustache 2. chemical  A. charming    B. childhood   C. Christmas   D.chew 3. question  A. generation  B.obervation    C. explanation  D. suggestion 4. summary  A. confuse     B. industrial    C.amuse    D.support 5. leather   A. instead     B. great       C. reason     D. idea 参考答案: ACDBA 26. It was raining heavily, and little Mary felt cold, so she stood        to her mother.   A. closing        B. close        C. closely       D. closed 参考答案: B 略 3. Last night’s TV news said that by then the death of the missing people ____ yet. A. had not been proved B. has not been proved C. was not proved D. had not proved 参考答案: A 句意:昨晚电视新闻报道,直到那时走失人员是否死亡,还需查证。say和prove两个动作比较起来,prove发生在“过去的过去”,因此应该使用prove的过去完成时。另外,prove与从句主语the death含着逻辑的被动关系。故A项正确。 4. Can you tell me if you have found the key ________ your car. A. for          B. to          C. about         D. by 参考答案: B 5. There was ____ time ____ I hated to meet them on the way to school. A. the; that        B. the; when       C. a; that       D. a; when     参考答案: D 6. ---How is he getting along with his English? ---_________ spoken English is concerned, he stands first in our class. A. As well as B. As long as C. As soon as D. As far as 参考答案: D 略 7. ___ he has become a rich man is known to all in our town.      A. That       B.Whether       C. /    D. What 参考答案: A 8. He said John was his best friend, who _____ to be a thief. A. turned up    B. turned down    C. turned over    D. turned out 参考答案: D 9. Don’t worry. I’ll help to _____ the guests. A. hold             B. wait             C. accept           D. host 参考答案: D 10. The boy ________ on the ground ________ to me that he ________ the book on the table.  A. lied; lied; laid         B. who lay; lied; laid    C. lying; lay; laid          D. lying; laid; lay 参考答案: B 11. An accident happened, which frightened the reporter, but he quickly _______ himself and continued his interview. A. recovered            B. comforted         C. swapped                   D. conquered 参考答案: A 12. The students together with the head teacher _________ visit the Chime Long Paradise. A. is going to   B. are going to   C. is to be D. may going to 参考答案: B 13. —May I ask a question after class,Sir? —        , but not during my lunch break. A. I am sorry   B. Anytime        C. Go ahead   D. Certainly 参考答案: D 14. This dictionary ________ me. It cost me twenty dollars. A. is belonged to     B. is belonging to     C. belongs to     D. belonged to 参考答案: C 15. — Jack, you seem in high spirits.    — ______ .We won the match 4-0.    A. Guess what?         B. So what? C. No wonder. D. No doubt. 参考答案: A 16. ---What is going on over there? ---.They are arguing _______ each other _______private affairs. A. about; with     B. with; about     C. with; with   D. about; about 参考答案: B 二、 书面表达 17. 请根据下列提示要点,以“the Ways to Keep Healthy” 为题,写一篇短文。 提示: 1. 人人都想保持健康。 2.饮食要健康:多吃水果、蔬菜,因为它们富含纤维素和维生素;少吃黄油、奶酪、咖啡和巧克力,少喝可口可乐等饮料,因为它们含糖和脂肪太多,糖和脂肪使你迅速变胖。 3.有良好的生活习惯:坚持每天都吃早餐,定期锻炼,充足的睡眠,不要过度劳累,不抽烟等等。 要求: 1. 短文须包括上述所有要点,可以适当增加细节,使短文连贯,五句话完成。 2.词数约100左右。 参考答案: Everyone hopes to be in good health. But how? Here are some ways to keep healthy. First, you need a healthy diet. It is better to eat fresh fruit and vegetables because they have a lot of fibre and vitamins. Don’t eat the food which contains too much sugar and fat, like butter, cheese, coffee and chocolate. Fat and sugar make people put on weight easily. Second, good living habits are very important. You should do regular exercise to build up your body. Besides, enough rest is necessary for your health. You need 8 hours’ sleep a night and don’t work too hard. Smoking is a bad habit, so never smoke. In a word, healthy food and good living habits are good ways to keep healthy. 注:试卷已经改为五句话作文,但这答案没改,所以仅供参考 三、 阅读理解 18. Craziest Food Festivals sounds like a joke topic, but once you start looking into it, you’ll realize they’re everywhere---the crazier, the better. 1. Bibimbap Festival In the South Korean town of Jeonjuloves, their “mixed rice” dish is a hearty serve of rice topped with raw beef, a rainbow of vegetables, a raw egg and gochujang sauce (韩国的辣椒酱) so much. They take four days out of October to celebrate it. Like any festival there’s music, entertainment and magic, but making it that little bit different is the bibimbap that’s whipped (搅拌) up in a big bowl by dozens of chefs and served to over 400 people. 2. Waikiki Spam Jam (怀基基午餐肉节) Who knew this canned meat had so much love? Well, it turns out that a can of Spam is the go-to item in Hawaii, along with a grass skirt and garland (花环). The people of Hawaii love Spam so much that they even spend a day in May serving out the best Spam, a type of cheap canned meat made mainly from pork. 3. Bessieres Easter Egg Festival At Easter time,

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