(阅读理解之七选五) 高考英语三模试题汇编+学霸经验技巧总结

2022届新高考英语三模试题汇编+学霸经验技巧总结 (阅读理解之七选五) 上岸985学姐:高考考场必备小贴士 别看他人做题的速度 @邓玮(高考以636分考入浙江大学心理学专业) 考第一门语文时,自己很紧张,试卷发下来都不敢看。于是闭上眼睛,想象一幅很平静的画面:“一望无际的大草原”,再睁开眼时心情好了许多。将试卷浏览了一遍,跟自己说了声“很简单”。 考场上不要左顾右盼观察别人做题的进度,万一人家比自己快会很有压力。 到考场遇到认识的老师、同学,建议主动打个招呼。即使是不认识的老师,也可问候一声“老师好”,一般老师都会像老朋友一样回以微笑,这可以缓解紧张的情绪。 【状元班主任解读】 有心理学家研究证明,人在心态平稳或是心情高兴的时候智商最高,最容易发挥出自己的高水平来。所以我们要时刻调节自己的心态与心情。 福 2022届湖北省荆州高三第三次模拟考试 Writing a summary of a book, or making notes of a book, is a great way for you to absorb what you’re reading. ____16____ To write a good summary, read the book carefully while taking notes on important ideas, plot, and main characters. Here are ways to guide you to make notes. Make notes on the text as you read. It will help you find important passages easily while you are writing the summary. Circle, highlight, or note anything that's confusing, important, surprising, or interesting. If the book belongs to you, feel free to highlight passages and write in it. ____17____ Write notes while you’re reading. ____18____ Taking notes as you read will allow you to record things correctly. This will create less work for you than if you try to go back and check on details later. It might be a good idea to keep several different pieces of paper next to you for notes. One can be for general impressions and quick thoughts. You can also make notes to keep track of words you don’t recognize. ____19____Write down the main characters’ names and a brief description of their personalities or major characteristics. Include a line or two about each of the main characters’ desires and goals. You can also make a timeline of the major events that occur in the book, especially if the plot is complicated or confusing. Break the book down into sections. To keep yourself from getting puzzled, think about the book in three parts. The story will have a beginning, middle, and end. ____20____ The beginning will be focused on introducing the major character. The middle will explore the major “problem” of the book. The end will resolve the book’s major problem. A. Identify the main point of each section. B. Organize your notes based on these sections. C. Keep a list of the main characters or a timeline. D. Use a dictionary to look these up and then write down the definitions. E. Keep a notebook next to you while you read so you can put down your thoughts. F. If the book does not belong to you, use sticky notes to mark the passages instead. G. It also gives you a quick reference to remember the main points anytime you need it. 2022届湖南省长沙市高三下学期第三次模拟 Exercise is good for physical and mental health, but with coronavirus cases surging across the country, exercising indoors with other people could increase your chance of infection. So, as gyms reopen across the country, here are some things to consider before heading for your workout. Assess your own risk It starts with you. You have to make your own assessment of how risky it is based on knowing your medical situation and whether you are someone who’s at high risk of infection. People aged 65 and over are at higher risk of getting a severe case of COVID-19. ____16____, it may not be worth the risk. Consider alternatives for working out Exercise outdoors is a great low-risk alternative. When you are outside, it’s easier to control how close you get to other people.____17____. Outdoors you have sunlight which has been shown to quickly inactivate the virus. And outside airflow and humidity (湿度) help weaken it. Assess your gym’s safety measures There are things gyms can do to help decrease the risk of infection.____18____. Are they taking your temperature? Are you seeing them regularly clean equipment? And are staff and other clients in the gym wearing a mask? Pay attention to air flow Your best bet is going to be a gym that is larger, able to have windows open or have multiple floors or levels to allow for physical distancing. That’s because more space and more air flow decrease the concentration of the virus in the air and likely reduce the risk of transmission.____19____. Location, location, location ____20____. Exercising indoors in hot spots where cases are surging is riskier than in areas with low infection rates, says Bruno Murtha. So check out this color coded tracker to look up the COVID-19 risk in your county, and nearby counties. A. If you fall in a high risky category B. Make a checklist before you go C. If you don’t meet the age requirement D. Your geographic site should be considered E. Avoid small gyms and those with little things F. Working outside brings you all-round benefits G. And the risk of transmission is lower outside than inside 福建省宁德市普通高中2022届高三5月份质量检测 While watching videos on Douyin, I came across a unique profile: an 88-year old farmer livestreaming trendy products in a rural setting. 36 Now a retired farmer, Wu relies on government subsidies ( 补贴). One rainy day, he returned to his rundown one-floor cottage in the suburb of

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