
考研英语阅读理解长难句真题分析详解含翻译 1. In many such cases , a cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people was wearing , promoting , or developing whatever it is before everyone else paid attention . 结构: · In many such cases [状] , · a cursory search for causes [主] finds [谓] · 宾语从句:that some small group of people[主] was wearing , promoting , or developing [谓(过去进行时)] · 宾语从句:whatever it [主] is[谓] · 时间状语从句:before everyone else [主] paid attention [谓] 单词: Cursory a.草率的 粗略的 匆忙的 词组: Search for 寻找 搜索 Pay attention to 关注 解析: · 宾语从句中包含了一个宾语从句,第二个宾语从中又包含了一个时间状语从句 · that引导宾语从句,做finds的宾语 · Whatever引导宾语从句做was wearing,promoting,ordeveloping的宾语 · Before引导时间状语从句 直译:在很多这样的例子中,一个对原因的粗略探索发现,无论是什么,人们中的一些小群体都曾穿,推销,发展过它们,在其他人关注之前 译文:在许多诸如此类的案例中,如果只是粗略地寻找原因,你会发现总是有一小群人开风气之先,率先穿上、宣传和开发此前从未留意的东西 重点: · 宾语从句中包含了一个宾语从句,第二个宾语从中又包含了一个时间状语从句 · that引导宾语从句,做finds的宾语 · Whatever引导宾语从句做was wearing,promoting,ordeveloping的宾语 · Before引导时间状语从句 2. Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people can drive trends . 结构: · Anecdotal evidence of this kind [主] fits nicely with[谓] the idea [宾] · 同位语从句:that only certain special people [主] can drive [谓] trends [宾] 单词: anecdotal a.轶闻的 fit vt.合身 合适 使升任 词组: Fit with 符合 适合 解析: · that引导同位语从句修饰idea,在句子中不做成分 直译:这种轶闻的证据和那个理论相符合,这个理论是只有某些特殊的人才能引领潮流 译文:这种事实证据正好与”只有某些特殊人物次啊能引领潮流“这一观点吻合 重点: · Fit with 符合 适合 · that引导同位语从句修饰idea,在句子中不做成分 3. In their recent work , however , some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed . In fact , they don’t seem to be required at all . 结构: · In their recent work , [状] · 插入语:however , · some researchers [主] have come up with [谓] the finding [宾] · 同位语从句:that influentials [主] have [谓] far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed [表] . · In fact , they [主] don’t seem to [系] be required at all [表] 单词: Generally a.总体 大体 普遍 词组: Come up with 提出 想出 赶上 Seem to 似乎 好像 Not at all 一点也不 解析: · that引导同位语从句补充说明finding · A than B, 翻译为和B相比A怎样 直译:然而,在最近的研究中,一些研究人员提出一个发现,即,和我们通常认为的相比,有影响力的人对社会潮流的影响其实很小。这个事实就是,人们似乎一点也不需要他们 译文:但是,在最近的研究中,一些研究人员发现,有影响力的人对社会潮流的影响力远比人们普遍认为的要小,实际上,他们似乎根本就是无关紧要的 重点: · Come up with 提出 想出 赶上 · Seem to 似乎 好像 · Not at all 一点也不 · that引导同位语从句补充说明finding · A than B, 翻译为和B相比A怎样 4. The researchers’ argument stems from a simple observation about social influence : With the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey——whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media , not interpersonal , influence——even the most influential members of a population simply don’t interact with many others . 结构: · The researchers’ argument [主] stems from [谓] a simple observation about social influence [宾] : · 补充说明:With the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey · 插入语:——whose outsize presence [主] is [系] primarily a function of media , not interpersonal , influence [表]—— · even the most influential members of a population [主] simply don’t interact with [谓] many others [宾] 单词: observation n.观察 观察结果 观察力 观察评论 Presence n.存在 在场 风采 出席 Celebrity n.名人 名望 Celebrate v.庆祝 主持 词组: Stem from 来自 源自 起源于 With the exception of 除...之外 A few 几个 Interact with 和...互动/相互作用 解析: · 冒号表示补充说明,这里补充说明前面的内容 · 两个破折号之间是插入语 · 补充说明内容中有一个插入语,可以先不看,最后再看即可 直译:研究人员的结论来自对社会影响的简单观察:除了几个名人,比如欧普拉——他的巨大存在感主要是媒体的作用,而不是人际影响力——甚至是人群中最有影响力的成员也不能完全的和那么多人相互影响 译文:研究人员的观点源于对社交影响的一个简单观察:除了一些像奥普拉温弗瑞这样的名人之外——他的频繁亮相主要是媒体影响的作用,而非他的人际影响力——即使人群中最有影响力的人也无法与那么多的其他人互动 重点: · Stem from 来自 源自 起源于 · With the exception of 除...之外 · A few 几个 · Interact with 和...互动/相互作用 · 冒号表示补充说明,这里补充说明前面的内容 · 两个破折号之间是插入语 · 补充说明内容中有一个插入语,可以先不看,最后再看即可 5. Yet it is precisely these non-celebrity influentials who , according to the two-step-flow theory , are supposed to drive social epidemics , by influencing their friends and colleagues directly . 结构: · Yet it [主] is [系] precisely these non-celebrity influentials [表] · 定语从句:who [主] · 插入语:, according to the two-step-flow theory , · are supposed [谓(被动)] to drive social epidemics , by influencing their friends and colleagues directly [宾] 单词: Colleague n.同事 Directly ad.直接地 词组: It is precisely... 正是 According to 根据 解析: · who引导定语从句修饰influentials ,在句子中作主语 · According to 引导的是一个插入语,截断了who 和 are supposed 直译:然而,人们认为正是这些非名人的有影响力的人引领了社会潮流,根据“二级传播”理论,通过直接影响他们朋友和同事 译文:然而,根据“二级传播”理论,证实这些非名人影响者通过直接影响他们的朋友和同事,推动了社会潮流 重点: · It is precisely... 正是 · who引导定语从句修饰influentials ,在句子中作主语 · According to 引导的是一个插入语,截断了who 和 are supposed 1. In his book The Tipping Point , Malcolm Gladwell argues that “social epidemics” are driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individuals , often called influentials , who are unusually informed , persuasive , or well connected . 结构: · In his book The Tipping Point , · Malcolm Gladwell [主] argues [谓] · 宾语从句:that “social epidemics” [主] are driven [谓(被动)] in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individuals ,

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