
安装分包合同条件(中英文对照) 目录 Table of Contents 前言 Preface 分包合同协议书 Subcontract Agreement 通用合同条件 General Conditions of Contract 1 一般规定 1 General provisions 2 分包合同文件 2 Subcontract documents 3 主合同 3 The main contract 4 承包商 4 Contractors 5 分包商 5 Subcontractors 6 分包商人员 6 Subcontractor’s personnel 7 分包商施工机械设备和配件 7 Subcontractor's construction equipment and accessories 7.1 分包商施工机械设备 7.1 Subcontractor's construction equipment and equipment 7.2 备品配件 7.2 Spare parts and accessories 7.3 分包商施工机械设备和备品配件进出口 7.3 Import / export of Subcontractor's construction machinery, equipment and spare parts 7.4 分包商施工机械设备和车辆的使用 7.4 Use of Subcontractor's construction equipment and vehicles 7 分包商施工机械设备和车辆的转让、出售、抵押或担保等 7 Transfer, sale, mortgage or guarantee of Subcontractor's construction equipment and vehicles 7.6 分包商施工机械设备和车辆再出口 7.6 Re-export of Subcontractor's construction equipment and vehicles 7.7 分包商施工机械设备和车辆报废 7.7 Scrapping of Subcontractor's construction equipment and vehicles 7.8 分包商施工机械设备、车辆、备品配件的专用性 7.8 Dedication of Subcontractor's construction machinery, equipment, vehicles and spare parts 7.9 分包商对施工机械设备、车辆、备品配件的承诺和担保 7.9 Subcontractor's undertakings and warranties on construction machinery, equipment, vehicles, spares and accessories 7.10 分包商对承包商的保证和保障 7.10 Subcontractor's guarantees and warranties to the Contractor 8 开工 Commencement of work 9 分包商的流动资金需求 9 Subcontractors' requirements for working fund 9.1 分包商应满足分包工程施工所需流动资金的义务 9.1 Subcontractor's obligation to meet the working capital requirements for the construction of the Subcontract Works 9.2 分包商的垫资协议 9.2 Subcontractor's advances agreement 9.3 承包商与分包商垫付款项及其财务往来 9.3 Advances and financial transactions between the contractor and Subcontractors 10 材料和设备的检查和检验 10 Inspection and examination of materials and equipment 11 不合格的工程、材料和设备的处理 11 Disposal of non-conforming work, materials and equipment 12 质量 12 Quality 12.1 按照要求施工 12.1 Construction under requirements 12.2 质量体系文件 12.2 Documentation of quality system 12.3 质量检查 12.3 Quality inspections 13 现场试验 13 Field tests 13.1 现场材料试验 13.1 On-site testing of material 13.2 现场工艺试验 13.2 Field tests of workmanship 14 隐蔽工程和工程的隐蔽部位 14 Concealed work and concealed parts of the work 14.1 覆盖前的验收 14.1 Acceptance prior to covering 14.2 重新检验 14.2 Re-inspection 14.3 分包商私自覆盖 14.3 Subcontractor’s private coverage 15 竣工验收 15 As-built Acceptance 16 缺陷责任 16 Defect liability 17 计量和估价 17 Measurement and valuation 17.1 工程计量 17.1 Measurement of work 17.2 计量方法 17.2 Method of measurement 17.3 估价 17.3 Valuation 17.4 删减 17.4 Deletions 18 变更 18 Variations 19 暂定金 19 Provisional amounts 20 因法律改变的调整 20 Adjustment for variation in law 21 因成本改变的调整 21 Adjustment for variation in cost 22 计日工 22 Day labor 23 合同价格 23 Contract pricesLump sum contracts 24 结算和支付 24 Settlement and payment 25 违约责任 25 Liability for breach of contract 25.1 分包商违约责任 25.1 Subcontractor's liability for breach of contract 25.2 承包商违约责任 25.2 Contractor's liability for breach of contract 26 暂停施工 26 Suspension of work 27 承包商接管部分安装工程 27 Taking over by contractor part of installation works 27.1 承包商接管部分安装工程 27.1 Taking over by contractor part of installation works 27.2 承包商调整分包商的安装工程 27.2 The Contractor’s adjustment of the installation works by the Subcontractor 28 承包商终止分包合同 28 Termination of subcontract by contractor 28.1 整改通知 28.1 Notice of rectification 28.2 由承包商终止分包合同 28.2 Termination of subcontract by contractor 29 分包商终止分包合同 29 Termination of subcontract by Subcontractor 29.1 由分包商终止分包合同 29.1 Termination of Subcontractby Subcontractor 29.2 停止工作和分包商设备的撤离 29.2 Cessation of work and withdrawal of Subcontractor's equipment 29.3 终止时的付款 29.3 Payment on termination 30 保险 30 Insurance 30.1 除工程一切险和第三者责任险之外的保险 30.1 The insurance other than works all risks and third party liability insurance 30.2 保险事故理赔 30.2 Claims for insurance accident 30.3 保险费及其风险 30.3 Insurance premiums and risks 30.4 应保持保险有效 30.4 Insurance to be kept in force 31 税务 31 Taxation 31.1 遵守中国和工程所在国税法的义务 31.1 Obligation to comply with Chin’s tax laws and the country which the works located 31.2 各自承担纳税义务 31.2 Individual obligations to pay taxes 31.3 保障和保证义务 31.3 Guarantee and warranty obligations 32 不可抗力 32 Force majeure 33 分包商索赔 33 Subcontractor’s claims 33.1 一般规定 33.1 General provisions 33.2 索赔通知和索赔时效 33.2 Notice and validity time of of claim 33.3 分包商索赔性质的确定 33.3 Determination of the Subcontractor claims nature 33.4 相关索赔 33.4 Related claims 33 无关索赔 33 Unrelated claims 33.6 索赔不能影响分包合同的履行 33.6 Claims cannot affect performance of subcontract 34 承包商索赔 34 Contractors' claims 35 适用法律 35 Applicable law 36 争议解决 36 Dispute resolution 37 其他规定 37 Miscellaneous 部分章节示例: (4) 分包商认识并理解到分包合同协议书项下的安装工程是主合同工程的组成部分。分包商愿意在分包合同约定的工程范围内,在分包合同约定的工期内负有义务,实施、完成安装工程并修复其中的任何缺陷,保障安装工程质量,履行健康、安全和环境保护义务。 兹达成协议如下: (4) The Subcontractor recognizes and understands that the Subcontract Works under the Subcontract Agreement are an integral

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