[荐]供应商交货质量的保证协议 (中英文对照)

供应商交货质量的保证协议 (中英文对照) Directory 目录 1 Aim目的 2 Scope范围 3 Product specific quality agreement 具体产品的质量协议 4 Duration of agreement 协议期限 5 Accomplishment of the quality assurance 质量保证的完成 6 Liability责任 7 Insurance保险 8 Environment protection 环境保护 9 Severability clause 可分离性条款 10 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction 适用法律和法院管辖权 11 Final clauses最终条款 12 Signatures签名 Concluded between EGSTON Electronics Ltd. and all companies of the EGSTON group (Appendix 1) hereinafter referred to as “EGSTON” And ( hereinafter referred to as “supplier”). 本协议由EGSTON电器公司以及EGSTON集团的所有公司(附录1)(以下称为“EGSTON公司”) 与 ( 以下称为“供应商”签署)。 Both parties are referred to as “contract partners”. 合同双方(EGSTON公司与供应商)以下称为“合同合作方”。 1 Aim目的 1.1 This agreement (QAA) is concluded between the parties to i) ensure that products delivered are in line with quality parameters agreed and ii) to specify which quality assurance activities have been agreed between the parties. 本协议规定和规范合同合作方已商定的合同合作方之间交付产品的质量以及质量保证行动。 2 Scope 2.1 This QAA is an integral part of each order Egston places with supplier and is valid for all deliveries regardless if deliveries are samples deliveries or deliveries of serial products. Therefore both parties agreed that the QAA will be applicable to all claims emerging from such deliveries. 本质量保证协议是每个订单的组成部分,并对所有由供应商收到并接受的EGSTON公司下达的订单而形成的供应商交付样品和批量产品有效,还对所有由上述订单引起的索赔有效。 2.2 This QAA is an integral part of all contracts concluded between the contract partners and it is agreed that it shall be valid in addition to and in connection with the general purchase conditions of EGSTON. The QAA is also valid for all orders which are placed at the supplier by any company specified in annex 1 of this agreement. 本质量保证协议对合同合作方之间的所有合同以及EGSTON公司的“采购的一般条款及条件”有效,还对本协议附录1中指定的公司在供应商下达的订单有效。 3 Product specific quality agreement具体产品的质量协议 3.1 If necssary will be concluded in order to make sure that product and basic conditions (requirements, product application, manufacturing processes,...) are meet according to project specifications. 如果有必要,供应商和EGSTON公司将签订额外的具体产品质量协议,从而确保产品和基本的条件(要求、产品应用、制造过程……)满足与项目规范相一致的要求。 3.2 This additional quality agreement substantiates and amenagreement and other procurement documents. 此额外质量协议构成并补充当前的质量保证协其他购买文件。 4 Duration of agreement协议期限 4.1 This agreement shall come into effect upon execution of his agreement by both parties and is initially valid for 1 (one) year. If the supplier does not terminate this QAA by registered letter within a term of 3 (three) months before end of the quarter before expiration of the agreement period, this agreement will automatically and continuously be prolonged for a further 1 (one) year period. 本协议经双方签字后生效,初始有效期为一年。如果供应商在本协议期满前三个月内未通过挂号信取消本协议,本协议自动继续续约一年 4.2 This agreement is valid for all deliveries of goods or services that will be delivered after the coming into effect of this agreement and which were ordered before expiration of this agreement. This agreement also includes all complaints that arise from such deliveries. 本协议对本协议签订后到本协议终止日期前订购的所有货物或服务的交付有效。本协议还包括所有由上述货物或服务的交付引起的投诉。 5 Accomplishment of the quality assurance质量保证的完成 Quality management system质量管理体系 5.1 The supplier is liable for the compliance of quality of all goods and/or services delivered by him. 供应商对所有其交付的货物和/或服务的质量合格负责。 5.2 The supplier commits to aim for zero defects and to improve continuously for the purpose of enhancing his competitiveness 供应商承诺以零缺陷为目标,并不断改进其产品的竞争力。 5.3 The supplier commits to continuous improvement and enhancement of his methods and processes. 供应商承诺不断改进和提高其方法和过程 5.4 To cope with this responsibility the supplier has to adhere to at least a quality management system according to ISO 9001. Once a year the transmission of a valid certificate issued by an accredited certification company in copy is demanded as proof. 为了履行此责任,供应商必须至少执行符合ISO 9001的质量管理体系。作为证明,供应商应每年传送一份由认可的认证机构出具的有效证书。 5.5 Suppliers of automotive parts are additionally and mandatory required to maintain a system according to ISO/TS 16949 . 另外,汽车配件的供应商必须按照ISO/TS 16949标准维持质量体系 5.6 Suppliers who do not maintain a system according to the above-named norms commit to implement such a quality management system within a period agreed by both contract partners. The progress of the implementation will be confirmed quarterly by sending an action plan to EGSTON. 未根据上述标准维持质量体系的供应商承诺在合同合作方商定的期限内实施上述的质量管理体系。供应商应每个季度向EGSTON公司提交行动计划以确认实施的进度。 Technical documentation技术文件 5.7 The supplier must ensure that only valid documents which comply with the particular contract are used. Specifications, norms and drawings etc. upon which orders are based are binding. 供应商必须确保仅使用符合相关合同的有效文件。作为订单依据的规格、标准和图纸等具有法律约束力。 5.8 All technical changes (parts, drawing etc.) have to be documented by the supplier and remain traceable for a period of 15 years. 所有的技术变更(部件、图纸等)必须在供应商处归档并保持可跟踪15年。 5.9 The Supplier undertakes to critically review all technical elements of the product specification received such as

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