名校版英语经典句型考点解析 of an evening

名校版英语经典句型考点解析 of an evening of an evening 怎么理解? He comes of a morning(an afternoon,an evening,a Sunday). we would sit together of an evening and listen to music.为什么要用of an evening,而不用in an evening? 解析: of an evening,属于习惯用法,用作状语。意为“晚上经常,晚上多干什么,通常在晚上;往往在晚上;经常在晚上的某个时候”,指动作的习惯性。 多跟always, often, would often (过去常常)等词语连用。 We would often have a walk of an evening. 我们过去常在晚上散步。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 He always likes to go swimming of an evening. 他总喜欢晚上去游泳。 They always like to go there of an evening. 他们总是喜欢晚上到那里去。 He often comes to see us of an evening. 他通常在晚上来看我们。 We would often have a walk of an evening. 我们过去常在晚上散步。 I limited myself to two modest ambitions: to do phisical exercises every morning and to read more of an evening. 我有两个切实可行的计划:即每天早晨进行体育锻炼,晚上多看点书。 What time do they get up of a morning? 他们早晨几点钟起床? He is a watchman and sleeps of a morning. 他是夜间警卫,所以上午常睡觉。 We used to play basketball of an afternoon. 我们过去经常在下午打篮球。 类似的用法,还有of a morning, of an afternoon, of a night…… They always like to go there of an enening.他们总喜欢晚上去那儿。 Sometimes he goes fishing of a morning.= Sometimes he goes fishing habitually in the morning. 有时候他早晨去钓鱼。 What do you do of a Saturday?= What do you do on Saturdays? 星期天你经常做什么? I like to relax with a pipe of a moring. 我喜欢于早晨用笛子放松心情。 The memories came flooding back of a night in Belleville. 在贝尔维尔的夜晚往事常涌上心头。 现在完成进行时的构成:have /has been doing→“一直在做某事” 现在完成进行时的定义:表示动作从过去某个时刻开始一直持续到现在,甚至将来,强调进行的过程。也表示从过去到现在时的一段时间被反复进行的动作或存在的状态。现在完成进行时表示过去发生的动作或状况一直持续到现在,这个动作可能仍在继续进行或刚刚结束。如: She has been burning the midnight oil to prepare for GRE.她最近在熬夜准备GRE考试。 All these days he has been writing articles to our magazine.这些天来他一直在给我们的杂志写文章。 Tom has been phoning Alice every night for several months.几个月来,汤姆每天晚上都给艾丽斯打电话。 He has been going to Seattle for a half a year.他这半年间经常去西雅图。 They have been repairing the broken road.他们一直在维修那条损坏的道路。 I've been trying to find out her telephone number.我一直在查问她的电话号码。 They have been widening the road.他们在拓宽这条路。 She is very tired. She's been typing letters all day.她很累了。她整天都在录入信件。 I've not been feeling very well for the past few days.这几天以来,我一直感到不太舒服。 It hasn't been working properly for three weeks.它已有3个星期运作不正常了。 经典句型解析69:inquire about 询问,查询,查问,打听 下面通过经典例句来学习其用法,以期达到融会贯通: I rang up to inquire about train times 我打了电话查询列车时刻。 We inquired about the way to the station. 我们打听去车站的路。 They inquired about the matter time and again. 他们一再探问此事。 He went to the hospital to inquire about her. 他到医院去打听她的情况。 When the doctor answered the phone,Mr Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient,a Mr John Gilbert. 当医生接电话时,吉尔伯特先生说,他想询问一位病人,一位叫约翰.吉尔伯特的先生的情况。 I recommend that you inquire about the job .我建议你打听一下这项工作。 Did you ever inquire about euthanasia ?那你是否曾询问过? Inquire about registration of house property promulgated .查询房产登记有规定。 What should I say if they inquire about my purpose ?如果他们问我旅行的目的该怎说? It is also considered impolite to inquire about one 's property .去了解某人的私有财产也被认为是失礼的。 I ll inquire about the flights .我将打听航班的情况。 I'd like to inquire about the job for sales manager. 我想询问一下销售经理这个职位的情况. I 'll inquire about the flights .我将打听有关航班的情况。 He will inquire about trains to paris .他要打听去巴黎的火车。Inquire about trains to london .打听去伦敦的火车。 The survey did not inquire about their feelings about hong kongers as potential mates .这一调查没有询问受访者对选择香港本地人做伴侣的感受。 He inquired closely about it. 他详细地查问了这事。 We anxiously inquired about the whereabouts of the missing child. 我们焦急地打听着失踪孩子的下落。 inquire可以接从句: He inquired whether there had been any messages for him 他询问是否有留给他的口信。 He called to inquire when the train would arrive. 他打电话询问火车什么时候到站。 拓展: 1.inquire after问候,问好 Elsie called to inquire after my health. 埃尔茜打电话来问候我。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 They all inquired after your health. 他们都问你好。《汉英大词典》 He inquired after her health. 他问起她的健康情况。 She inquired after her parents. 她向父母问好。(So good of you to inquire!你能来问候真是太好了!) Next morning the king came to inquire after him. 第二天早晨,国王来问候他。 Inquire of sb about向(某人)打听(某事);询问某人某事 We HAs inquired of Manager Zhang about the varieties, quality and price of tea. 咱们向张经理询问了茶叶的品种 、 质量、价格等疑难题目. 2.inquire into调查,探讨,研究 Inspectors were appointed to inquire into the affairs of the company. 督查员受委派调查该公司的事务。 I found someone inquiring into the accident that year. 我发现有人在调查当年的事故。

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