
国际贸易合同中的质量保证条款(中英文对照) 品质条款是合同中的一项主要条款,它是买卖双方对商品质量、规格、等级、标准、商标、牌号等的具体规定。卖方以约定品质交货,否则买方有权提出索赔或拒收货物,以至撤销合同。合同中的品质条款也是商检机构进行品质检验、仲裁机构进行仲裁和法院解决品质纠纷案件的依据。在订立国际贸易品质条款时,要正确运用各种表示品质的方法,也可规定一定的品质机动幅度。 货物保质期 The guarantee period applicable to the Goods 质量保证Quality Guarantee 货物品质规格必须符合本合同及质量保证书之规定,品质保证期为货到目的港__个月内。在保证期限内,因制造厂商在设计制造过程中的缺陷造成的货物损害应由卖方负责赔偿。 The Seller shall guarantee that the commodity must be in conformity with the quality, specifications and quantity specified in this Contract and Letter of Quality Guarantee. The guarantee period shall be ______ months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, and during the period the Seller shall be responsible for the damage due to the defects in designing and manufacturing of the manufacturer. 质量保证 GUARANTEE OF QUALITY: 质量保证:卖方保证合同货物采用最好的材料、精湛的做工、全新、未使用过、质量和技术规格均符合合同的要求。 The Sellers guarantee that the Commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, brand new and unused, and complies in all respects with the quality and specification stipulated in this Contract. 在自安装验收合格之日起12个月的质保期内,卖方需负责由于缺陷的设计、工艺或材料而造成货物的任何过失或故障。卖方对货物负责包修、包换或包退,并承担修理、调换或退货的实际费用。卖方不能修理或不能调换,按不能交货处理。在保修期内,修理的部件和劳动力是免费的。当货物发生故障,买方须迅速通知卖方,而卖方必须在买方发出通知的5日内免费为买方修理或更换故障的零部件或设备,除非技术说明书另有说明。 The Seller shall, within twelve-month warranty since the installation and acceptance, be responsible for any fault or failure due to the defective design, workmanship or material. In addition, the Seller should also be responsible for the repair, replacement or return of the goods and the actual fees arising from such repair, replacement or return If the Seller cannot repair or replace the goods, then it shall be deemed that the Seller cannot make a delivery. During the warranty, the Seller should repair the parts free of charge. In case of any failure to the goods, the Buyer should promptly notify the Seller and the Seller must, within five (5) days since the Buyer gives a notice, repair or replace such parts or equipment having a failure for the Buyer free of charge, unless otherwise specified in the Technical Description. 卖方应保证合同项下所供货物是全新的、未使用过的,是最新或目前的型号,除非合同另有规定,货物应含有设计上和材料的全部最新改进。卖方进一步保证,合同项下提供的全部货物没有设计、材料或工艺上的缺陷(由于按买方的要求设计或按买方的规格提供的材料所产生的缺陷除外),或者没有因卖方的行为或疏忽而产生的缺陷,这些缺陷是所供货物在最终目的地国家现行条件下正常使用可能产生的。 The Supplier warrants that the Goods supplied under the Contract are new, unused, of the most recent or current models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract, The Supplier further warrants that all Goods supplied under this Contract shall have no defect, arising from design, materials, or workmanship(except when the design and/or material is required by the Purchaser’s, specifications)or from any act or omission of the Supplier, that may develop under normal use of the supplied Goods in the conditions prevailing in the country of final destination. 货物的保质期是从投入使用起12个月或交付后18个月,适用较短的期限(符合合同双方书面保质期协议的规定)。采购方在保质期内或保质期后三十天内书面通知供应商在保质期内货物在适当、正常使用下出现疵瑕,供应商应在不损害采购方权利和补偿的情况下,根据采购方的选择,尽快免费进行修理或更换。 The guarantee period applicable to the Goods shall be 12 months from putting into service or 18 months from delivery, whichever shall be the shorter (subject to any alternative guarantee arrangements agreed in writing between the Purchaser and the Supplier). If the Purchaser shall within such guarantee period or within 30 days thereafter give notice in writing to the Supplier of any defect in any of the Goods as may have arisen during such guarantee period under proper and normal use the Supplier shall (without prejudice to any other rights and remedies which the Purchaser may have) as quickly as possible remedy such defects (whether by repair or replacement as the Purchaser shall elect) without cost to the Purchaser. 供应商保证货物符合订单要求,特别是无导致货物价值或使用功能受损的缺陷发生;供应商保证其产品符合使用标准和设计目的要求并保证其产品有高质量原材料加工制造。 The Supplier warrants that the goods comply with the order, in particular that they are free from defects impairing their value or fitness for the intended use and that they comply with the warranted characteristics and performance criteria. The Supplier further warrants that the goods are fit for the intended purpose and that in their manufacture high quality materials have been used. 卖方对设备正常使用的质保期为一年,易损件除外。质保期自签署“安装调试证书”之日起计算。卖方应在质保期内对正常操作的条件下出现的设备损坏给予免费修复或更换部件。 The seller's warranty for the normal use of the equipment is one year, except for vulnerable parts. The warranty period shall be calculated as of the date of signing Certificate of Installation and Debugging. Seller shall, within the period of warranty, repair the damage of equipment or change parts free of charge subject to the normal operation. 供应商保证货物符合订单要求,特别是无导致货物价值或使用功能受损的缺陷发生;供应商保证其产品符合使用标准和设计目的要求并保证其产品有高质量原材料加工制造。 The Supplier warrants that the goods comply with the order, in particular that they are free from defects impairing their value or fitness for the intended use and that they comply with the warranted characteristics and performance c

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