
海域使用权出让合同(中英文对照) 目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS 第一条 海域使用权的产生 Article 1 Generation of use right of sea area 第二条 出让海域位置和范围 Article 2 Location and scope of assigned sea area 第三条 海域使用权出让期限 Article 3 Assigning duration of use right of sea area 第四条 出让海域的用途 Article 4 Use of assigned sea areas 第五条 海域使用金应缴总额 Article 5 Article 5 Total amount payable for maritime area use 第六条 海域使用金缴纳办法 Article 6 Measures for the payment of sea area use fees 第七条 海域使用金缴纳地点 Article 7 Payment place of sea area use 第八条 证书办理 Article 8 Certificate processing 第九条 项目竣工验收 Article 9 Completion and acceptance of the project 第十条 海域使用权发生转让、出租、抵押和作价入股等变更 Article 10 Variations in use right of sea area such as transfer, lease, mortgage and share purchase 第十一条 提前收回海域使用权 Article 11 Early recovery of sea use rights 第十二条 使用期满 Article 12. Expiration of use term 第十三条 甲方的权利和义务 Article 13. Party A’s rights and obligations 第十五条 违约责任 Article 15. Liability for breach 第十六条 争议解决 Article 16: Dispute settlement 第十七条 其他 Article 17 Miscellaneous 部分章节示例如下: 第二条 出让海域位置和范围 Article 2 Location and scope of assigned sea area 本合同出让的海域位于 ______,面积为 _____公顷。其具体位置与四至范围如本出让海域的海域使用权证书附图所示。 The sea area hereunder is located at ______, with the area of _____ hectares, and its specific location and boundaries are shown on the map attached to the certificate of sea area use right for this assigning sea area. 第三条 海域使用权出让期限 Article 3 Assigning duration of use right of sea area 乙方自领取海域使用权证之日起,取得海域使用权。本合同出让的海域使用权终止日期为 _____年 __月 __日。 海域使用权到期后,在同等条件下,乙方有优先继续使用的权利。乙方如需继续使用的,需在期满前两个月向甲方重新办理海域使用申请审批有关手续。 Party B acquires the right to use the sea area upon the date of obtaining the certificate of sea area use right. The expiry date of the use right of assigned sea area hereunder is ___ day ___ month ____ year. Party B shall, upon the expiry of the right to use the sea area, have the priority to continue to use the sea area under the same conditions. Where Party B wishes to continue to use the area, it should, two months prior to the expiry date, re-apply to Party A for approval of the application for use of the area. 第四条 出让海域的用途 Article 4 Use of assigned sea areas 本合同出让的海域规定用途为_____,海上构筑物为_____。 海域使用权出让期限内,乙方不得擅自改变出让的海域规定用途,擅自改建或者扩建海上建筑物。确需改变海域规定用途的,或者改建或扩建海上构筑物的,乙方须提前向甲方提出书面申请,经甲方同意后方可实施。 The sea area assigned herein is______, and the sea structure is ______. Party B shall not, during the term of the assignment of the use right of the sea area, change the prescribed use of the sea area assigned, or alter or expand the marine structures without permission. Where it is really necessary to change the prescribed use of the sea area, or to rebuild or expand the offshore structures, Party B shall submit a written application to Party A in advance, and shall only implement it with Party A's consent. 海域使用金应缴总额 Article 5 Article 5 Total amount payable for maritime area use 根据《中华人民共和国海域使用管理法》及有关法律规的规定,单位和个人使用海域,应当缴纳海域使用金。 本合同出让海域的海域使用金应缴总额为: In accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Sea Area Use and related laws and regulations, any unit and individual using sea area shall effect payment for sea area use. The total amount of using sea area payable for the sea area assigned hereunder is 1、全额缴纳。本合同出让海域的海域使用金征收标准为每公顷每年_____人民币,应缴总额为人民币_____,¥_____。 1. Full payment. The levy rate of sea use fee for the sea area assigned hereunder is RMB _____ per hectare per year, and the total amount payable is RMB _____ Yuan, ¥_____ . 2、批准减缴。经 _______ 批准(文号_____),同意减缴海域使用金,减缴方式为_____。本出让海域的海域使用金应按每公顷每年_____ 人民币缴纳,应缴总额为____ 人民币,¥_____。 2. Reduction of payment by approval. The payment of sea area use fee is permitted to reduce with approval of _______ (Document No. _____ ), in the form of _____. The sea area use fee of the assigned sea area shall be paid at RMB _____ per hectare per year, and the total amount payable shall be RMB ____ Yuan, ¥_____ . 3、批准免缴。经 ______批准,或根据 ______,本合同出让的海域免缴海域使用金。 3. Approval of exemption from payment. With the approval of ______ or in accordance with ______, the sea area assigned hereunder is exempted from the payment of the sea area use fee. 4、法定免缴。本合同出让的海域属于法定免缴海域使用金的项目用海。乙方不得利用本出让海域兼营经营性用海活动。确需兼营经营性活动的,须报经甲方同意,并按规定缴纳海域使用金。 4. Statutory exemption of payment. The sea area assigned hereunder is the project sea area which is statutorily exempt from the payment of sea area use fee. Party B shall not use the assigned sea area to concurrently engage in operational sea activities, and if it is necessary to engage in operational activities, Party B shall report to Party A for approval and pay the sea use fee in accordance with the provisions. 5、其他 ______ 5. Other provisions ______ 以上海域使用金应缴总额,除乙方一次性缴纳全部海域使用金应缴总额外,遇国家和省、市海域使用金征收标准发生调整的,自调整次年起,乙方未缴纳的剩余海域使用金应缴总额按调整后的海域使用金征收标准重新计算和调整。 Except for the total amount payable by Party B for all the sea area use fees in a lump sum, if the levy standards of national, provincial or municipal sea use fee are adjusted,

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