名校版英语经典句型考点解析 take advantage of

名校版英语经典句型考点解析 take advantage of take advantage of 基本含义是:利用,可以延伸为:欺骗;占...的便宜;占……便宜等等 Students should take full advantage of the university's facilities. 学生应该充分利用大学的设施。 They took full advantage of the hotel's facilities。 他们充分利用旅馆的设备。 facility [fəˈsɪləti] n.设施;设备;(机器等的)特别装置;(服务等的)特色;(供特定用途的)场所;(学习、做事的)天资,才能,天赋 They are taking undue advantage of the situation. 他们过分利用了这种情势。 undue [ˌʌnˈduː] adj.不适当的;过分的;过度的 Take advantage of low-season airfares. 利用淡季飞机票价。 airfare [ˈeəfeə(r)]n. 机票费用;飞机票价 You may wish to take advantage of our instructional session. 你应该充分利用我们的教学课程。 instructional [ɪnˈstrʌkʃənl] adj.教学的;教育的 session [ˈseʃn] n.一场;一节;一段时间;(法庭的)开庭,开庭期;(议会等的)会议,会期;学年;(酒吧中)演奏会(尤指演奏爱尔兰音乐) adj. 为录音的歌手或乐队伴奏的 I want to take advantage of your lifetime of scholarship. 我希望能够用到您一生的学识。 scholarship [ˈskɑːlərʃɪp] n.奖学金;学问;学术;学术研究 Very few people have the money to take advantage of this consumer paradise. 没多少人有钱享受这个购物天堂。 paradise美 [ˈpærədaɪs] n.天堂;(某些宗教所指的)天国;乐土;乐园(指美好的环境);(某类活动或某类人的)完美去处;至福;伊甸园 复数: paradises Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe. 实业家们必须尽快采取行动,抓住东欧的新机遇。 industrialist [ɪnˈdʌstriəlɪst] n.工业家;实业家;工厂主 environmentalist [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst] n.环保主义者;环境保护论者 adj.环境论者的 I intend to take full advantage of this trip to buy the things we need. 我打算充分利用这次旅行来购买我们所需的物品。 Many provincial governments have taken advantage of this to place local interests above those of the central government 很多省级政府已利用了这一点,把地方利益置于中央政府利益之上。 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 Environmentalists regard these moves as the government taking advantage of the national mood to roll back protective measures 环保主义者认为这些是政府利用国民情绪来减少保护措施的举措。 mood [muːd] n.情绪;心情;气氛;坏心境;坏脾气;氛围;表达语气的动词屈折变化;(动词的)语气 It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of what is a win-win opportunity. 真奇怪,人们居然用了这么长时间才把握住一个万无一失的机会。 There have been reports of youths taking advantage of the general confusion to loot and steal. 有报道说一些年轻人乘局势一片混乱之际抢劫盗窃。 The poor are taking advantage of this edict to marry off their daughters without enormous expenditure while they can 穷人们利用这个法令,尽量不花费巨额开销就把女儿嫁出去。 edict [ˈiːdɪkt] n.法令;命令;敕令 marry off (指父母把女儿)嫁出去 He had the good fortune to marry off his daughter to the local chief 他很幸运地把女儿嫁给了当地首领。 They advised her mother to marry her off to the old man as he was very rich... 由于那个老头非常有钱,他们便建议她母亲把她嫁给他。 注意,代词位置的变化。 enormous [ɪˈnɔːrməs] adj.巨大的;庞大的;极大的 expenditure [ɪkˈspendɪtʃər] n.支出;开支;费用;消费;花费;(精力、时间、材料等的)耗费,消耗 You should take advantage of it。 你应该好好利用这个机会。 If you're too trusting, other people will take advantage of you. 如果你过于轻信,其他人就会打你的主意。 She took advantage of him even after they were divorced. 甚至在他们离婚后,她还在占他的便宜。 He's joining the club in order to take advantage of the others. 他入会是来揩油的。 He has always been taking advantage of me。 他老是占我的便宜。 It never occurred to me to take advantage of him。 我决没有想到过要占他的便宜。 Can't you see he's taking advantage of you? 他在利用你,难道你看不出来? By +doing句型 By +doing…,主语+can …. (借着……,……能够……,通过,靠,凭,借着) 例如:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 One may make progress in his English studying by listening and speaking more. 多听多讲英语可以使你的成绩得到提高。 He could diagnose an engine problem simply by listening 他仅靠听就能判断发动机出了什么问题。 He bacame a college student by working hard.他通过勤奋成为了一名大学生。 He succeeded by working hard.他通过努力工作获得了成功。 By working hard, we can learn English well.通过努力,我们可以学好英语。 By helping others, you can be happy.通过帮助别人,你可以快乐。 By asking for help, he has got out of trouble.通过寻求帮助,他摆脱了困境。 You can improve your English by practicing more. 通过练习你可以提高你的英语水平。 How do you practice your pronunciation?你是怎么练习发音的? How can I turn on the computer? 我怎样才能打开这台电脑? By pressing this button.按这个按钮。 小结:by表示方式、方法、手段等,翻译为:靠;用;通过……(而达到某种预期的目的),by+doing sth.意为“通过做某事”,在句中作方式状语。

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