2023届高三英语一轮复习2021年1月浙江卷听力分析报告课件-(18张) (2)

20211月普通高等学校招生全国月普通高等学校招生全国统统一考一考试试(山山东东卷第一次卷第一次)听力分析听力分析报告告具体分析主旨大意题。根据男士的话“Were planning a surprise party for Susanna this Friday.”可知,他们正在准备派对,对话围绕Susanna即将退休,大家为她准备惊喜派对而展开。故选A。解析1.What are the speakers talking about?A.A party.B.A gift.C.A trip.M:Hi Sally!This is Joe.W:Hi Joe!M:Were planning a surprise party for Susanna this Friday.She is retiring this month.Would you like to come?W:Sure,count me in.Text 1 话题:准备退休派对 词数:30 时长:13 语速:138词/分解析2.What is the man considering doing?A.Joining a research team.B.Starting his own business.C.Attending more interviews.W:I think you should try hard to get that job.You should do careful research to prepare for the interview.M:Thanks.But Ive changed my mind.Why should I go to those job interviews?Id like to be my own boss.Text 2 话题:就业与创业 词数:41 时长:15 语速:164词/分事实细节题。根据男士的话“Id like to be my own boss.”可知,他想自己当老板。B项是它的同义转述。故选B。解析推理判断题。根据男士和女士的对话“these books were due yesterday”“You know you need to pay a fine for that”可知,书是昨天就到期了,所以要交罚款。由此推知这是在图书馆。故选A。解析3.Where are the speakers?A.In a library.B.In a store.C.In a bank.M:Excuse me.Im sorry that these books were due yesterday.W:Thats okay.You know you need to pay a fine for that,right?Thats one dollar and fifty cents total.Text 3 话题:逾期还书 词数:30 时长:12 语速:150词/分due 到期 pay a fine 交罚款重点语块事实细节题。根据男士的话“Im here to see the flat.I saw your ad about a room for rent.”可知,男士是想要看房子。此题中的三个选项在原文中均有体现,注意听细节进行辨别。故选C。解析M:Hello!W:Can I help you with anything?M:Er Yes.Im here to see the flat.I saw your ad about a room for rent.W:Oh,youve come to the wrong door.The flat for rent is one floor up.Text 4 话题:租房询问 词数:38 时长:15 语速:152词/分4.Why is the man talking to the woman?A.To fix the door.B.To place an ad.C.To see a flat.事实细节题。根据女士的话“But she wouldnt come to live with us.”可知,女士的祖母想住在她自己的家。故选C。解析M:Does your Grandma still live in your hometown?W:Yes.She says she can take care of herself though her hearing is going.Shed love to have her children go back and stay with her.But she wouldnt come to live with us.M:Thats typical of people of her age.Text 5 话题:独居老人 词数:50 时长:17 语速:176词/分5.What would the womans Grandma like to do?A.Leave her hometown.B.Visit her children often.C.Live in her own home.6.推理判断题。根据男士的话“Its time to go.We promised Mom not to be late.Ive to get to stop and put gas in the car first.”可知,他们该走了,并且答应了妈妈不迟到。但是得先给车加油。由此可推知,他们是一家人,对话很可能是发生在家里。故选B。7.观点态度题。根据男士的话“Ill give you five more minutes.Then Im going on without you.”可知,男士说再给女士五分钟的时间,要不就不带她走了。由此可推知男士听起来不耐烦。故选A。解析6.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In an office.B.At home.C.At a gas station.7.How does the man sound?A.Impatient.B.Confused.C.Humorous.M:Come on.Its time to go.We promised Mom not to be late.W:Just hold your horses.Whats the hurry,anyway?M:Well,Ive to get to stop and put gas in the car first.W:That wont take long.M:Well,it wont if there is no line there.W:But Im not quite ready.M:(7)Ill give you five more minutes.Then Im going on without you.W:You wouldnt do that to me.M:Oh,yes,I would.Text 6 话题:催促出行 词数:73 时长:26 语速:168词/分hold ones horses 耐心点line(人或事物的)行,排,列 重点语块8.事实细节题。根据女士的话“Simon,I owe you an apology.I shouldnt have said nothing and left the party suddenly.”可知,Sophia给Simon道歉是因为她什么也没说就突然离开了聚会。B项具有一定的迷惑性,但注意原文说的是女士如此匆忙差点撞翻了摆满酒杯的桌子。故选A。9.事实细节题。根据男士的话“Jashar told me your dad had an accident.”可知,Sophia的父亲出了事故。故选B。解析8.Why does Sophia apologize to Simon?A.For leaving without saying goodbye.B.For breaking the wine glasses.C.For being late for the party.9.What happened to Sophias father?A.He lost his job.B.He had an accident.C.He missed a meeting.M:Hello,Sophia!W:Simon,I owe you an apology.(8)I shouldnt have said nothing and left the party suddenly.You know,I was in such a hurry that I nearly knocked over the table with glasses of wine.M:Oh,forget it.(9)Joshua told me your dad had an accident.How is he now?W:Much better.He hurt his knee in his office and hes now at home.He will have his last appointment with the doctor next Monday.I guess hell be able to get back to work soon.Text 7 话题:表达歉意 词数:88 时长:34 语速:155词/分owe sb an apology 欠某人一个道歉 knock over 撞翻重点语块10.推理判断题。根据Tracy的话“Ive just finished my term paper for my world history class.”可知,她刚刚完成世界历史这门课程的学期论文。由此推知,Tracy是一名学生。故选A。11.观点态度题。根据Jim的话“Its a good job but a bit difficult for me now.It requires a lot of work.”可知,这工作不错,但对于他来说有点难,需要大量的工作。由此推知,这项工作要求高。故选B。12.事实细节题。根据Tracy的话“Now Id better let you go get some food.”及男士的回答“Yeah.Its great seeing you again.”可知,男士将要去吃东西。故选B。解析10.What is Tracy?A.A student.B.A librarian.C.A programmer.11.What does Jim think of his job?A.Enjoyable.B.Demanding.C.Boring.12.What is Jim probably going to do?A.Meet a friend.B.Eat something.C.See his boss.W:Hey Jim.How are you?M:Hi Tracy.Why are you carrying so many books?Do you need any help?W:No,thanks.Im going to the library to return them.Its not far away.(10)Ive just finished my term paper for my world history class.How are you doing?M:Not bad.Very busy,though.I just got off work.Im about to get something to eat.W:I hear youve changed your job.Where are you

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