
Three bears lived in a house in a wood.A little girl called Goldilocks went inside.She ate three bowls of porridge.Goldilocks sat in a very small chair.It broke.She slept in a very small bed.Unit 13My seven days Warm up:RiddlesWhich letter is a vegetable?Which letter is a vegetable?Which letter is an animal?Which letter is an animal?Which letter is a question?Which letter is a question?Which letter is a kind of drink?Which letter is a kind of drink?Which letter is full of water?Which letter is full of water?Which letter is part of your head?Which letter is part of your head?P(pea)B(bee)Y(why)T(tea)C(sea)I(eye)Free talkA:What day is today?B:Its Sunday.-How many days are there in a week?-There are _ days in a week.-What are they?-They are Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday.sevenwi:k 周周New words:n n 1.Monday mndin n 2.Tuesday tju:zdin n 3.Wednesday wezdin n 4.Thursday :zdi n n 5.Friday fraidin n 6.Saturday stdi n n 7.Sunday sndin n1 星期的头一个字母要求大写星期的头一个字母要求大写.n n2 在星期几时用介词在星期几时用介词onn nWhat do you do on Monday?n nI go to school _ Monday.n nI often play basketball with my friends _ Sundays.ononMondayIts the day between Sunday and Tuesday.In Britain,it is the first day of the week.Tuesdayits the day right after Monday.Wednesday nIts the day before Thursday.nIts in the middle of the working days.Thursday nIts the day before Friday.Fridayn nIts the end of the working week.n nYou are going to have fun in the afternoon.Friday n nHis opposite team Cambridge was very happy to see it.His name is Pat Kruse.n nIm not like him.I never play in a match.I play for fun.opposite:相反的 team:小组/团队Saturday Its a holiday.You dont work on this day.You can enjoy yourself.holiday:假日假日 enjoy yourself:玩得开心玩得开心What can you do on holidays?n nI can play soccer.n nI can play computer games.n nI can ride a bike.n nI can listen to music.n nI can go to the zoo.n nI can paint pictures.n nI can go swimming.Sunday Its the last day of the week.You can have a good rest.have a good rest rest好好休息好好休息Fill the wordsS_nday M_nday T_esday W_dnesday Fr_day S_turday Th_ _sday w_ _kuoueiau re e根据解释判断是哪天根据解释判断是哪天1.Its the day right after Monday.2.Its a holiday.You dont work on this day.You can enjoy yourself.3.Its the day between Sunday and Tuesday.4.Its the day before Friday.5.Its in the middle of the working days.6.Its the last day of the week.中小学教育教学资源打包下载https:/

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