人民大商务英语翻译实务(第二版) 课件30

中餐菜名翻译方法中餐菜名翻译方法 释译释译汇报人:汇报人:余姗姗余姗姗 中国地大物博、历史悠久、深受儒家思想影响,有些菜名包括传说典故、名人轶事、吉庆祝福等等。这类菜名的文化性较强,我们在翻译时可以采用释译,解释说明菜名背后的文化意义。以历史人物命名的菜肴,我们可以先翻译菜的原材料和烹饪方式,然后再点明人物身份、所在朝代,最后重点说明这道菜和人物之间的关系。东坡肉 Dongpo pork 东坡肉 Dongpo pork Dongpo pork is half fat and half lean.It is usually cut into small cubes and braised with wine and sugar.The dish is named after Su Dongpo who was a famous poet in the Song Dynasty.It is said that Su Dongpo first made the dish and people liked it very much.翻译以传说故事命名的菜肴时特别需要说清故事本身。叫花鸡 Beggar chicken 叫花鸡 Beggar chicken A beggar got a chicken one day.He wrapped the chicken with lotus leaves and covered the leaves with mud.He made a fire and put the chicken over the hot coals.And the chicken turned out to be juicy and tender.The dish became famous and even be served in imperial court.翻译具有美好寓意的菜名需要说明寓意和菜名的关系。年年有余 食材:fish 烹饪方式:fried fish 炸鱼 roasted fish 烤鱼 steamed fish 蒸鱼 braised fish 红烧鱼相关性相关性 中文里“鱼”和“余”同音,象征着富足。“Abundance”is homophonic with“fish”in Chinese which is a symbol of prosperity in China.寓意:年年有余意味着生活富足,每年都有多余的粮食和财富。在除夕夜吃鱼表达了人们对来年富足有余生活的美好祝愿。Having fish on the eve of the Chinese New Year,people make wishes for the prosperous business and great harvest in the following year.翻译特定场合的菜名需要指出菜名和场合的关系早生贵子羹原材料:红枣、花生、桂圆、莲子。Red date,peanut,longan and lotus seed soup.相关性:早生贵子和红枣、花生、桂圆、莲子的缩略语同音。The dishs name sounds like the acronym for the 4 nuts which indicate fertility and family flourishing.寓意:早生贵子是亲朋好友对新婚夫妇的祝福。The dish is served at a wedding and it is a good wish to the bride and groom:May you have a lovely baby.在翻译一些有吉庆含义、典故传说、名人轶事的菜名时,除了要翻译食材、烹饪方式、形状口味等基本信息外,还需说明菜名的由来、享用的时节场合和包含的寓意。在翻译菜名时要保留其文化色彩,使人在享用菜肴的同时能领略到更深层次的文化意蕴。谢谢观赏谢谢观赏

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