
专题0 5 数词和主谓一致考点1数词1.(2022 广西河池 中考真题)N o w a d a y s,b i r d s fly to the warm south in winter.A.million B.millions C.two millions D.millions of2.(2022辽宇营 口 中考真题)Tom was angry because Jerry ate of his nine apples secretly.Now he hadonly three left.A.a quarter B.one third C.a half D.two thirds3.(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)一It is Moms birthday next Wednesday.What should we do?What about buying her flowers to show our love?A.forty;forty B.forty;fortieth C.fortieth;forty D.fortieth;fortieth4.(2022广西中考真题)There are people in the picture,and the one from the left is me.A.eight;third B.eight;three C.eighth;third D.eighth;three5.(2022湖南郴州中考真题)About of my classmates help their parents do housework on weekends.A.two fifths B.second five C.second fifths6.(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)There are paintings on exhibition(展览).works werecreated by young artists.A.two hundred;Two hundredsB.two hundreds;Hundreds ofC.hundreds of;Two hundred7.(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)The Great Wall is a symbol of China.It attracts travelers from all overthe world to visit it.A.millions of B.ten million of C.ten millions8.(2022贵州黔东南 中考真题):is the population of Guizhou?一It has more than people.A.How much;thirty-eight millions of B.How many;thirty-eight million ofC.What;thirty-eight millionD.How large;thirty-eight millions9.(2022黑龙江中考真题)We will have aholiday after the entrance examination for senior high school.A.two months B.two-month C.two-months10.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)一I have been to Mount Fanjing three times.What about you?I have been therethree times,too.And I would like to visit it a time.A.three B.third C.four D.fourth11.(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)In our city museum,there are many old things from two yearsago on show.A.thousands B.thousands of C.thousand12.(2022 湖北湖北 中考真题)一a s birthday of CCYL(中国共青团)this year,isnt it?Yes,it is.We had a party fbr it.A.100 B.100s C.100s D.the 100th考点2 主谓一致13.(2022 湖北恩施中考真题)There some milk and several apples in the fridge.A.is B.are C.be14.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)一Using public ch叩sticks necessary when eating with others.-Thafs right.A.is B.are C.was D.were15.(2022辽宁大连中考真题)Once a term,there a parents5 meeting in our school.A.is B.are C.was D.were16.(2022湖南邵阳中考真题)一 A pandemic(疫情)broke out in Shaoyang last month.Y e a h.we r e so many doctors and nurses coming to help us.A.They B.There C.Those17.(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)Here is a survey about how to be a good learner among 400 students.According to the fbnn B e l o w,s t u d e n t s have chosen“Learn from mistakes as their key words.Key wordsMaking plansTaking notesAsking questionsLearning frommistakesPercentage(百分比)20%10%30%?A.80B.120C.16018.(2022贵州黔东南中考真题)In our school library,there a number of books on art.The number ofthe books still growing larger and larger.A.is;is B.are;is C.is;are D.are;are19.(2022贵州毕节中考真题)Neither Saturday nor Sunday OK because I will be quite busy these twodays.A.are B.is C.am D.be专题0 5 数词和主谓一致考点1数词1.(2022 广西河池中考真题)N o w a d a y s,b i r d s fly to the warm south in winter.A.million B.millions C.two millions D.millions of【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:现在,数百万只鸟冬天就飞往温暖的南方。考查基数词。million前面要用具体数字,不用复数,即“数字+million+名词复数”;“millions。名 词复数”表示“数百万”,表示笼统数字,即前面不加具体数字。birds为复数名词,在此泛指“几百万只鸟”,应用millions ofc 故选 D。2.(2022辽宁营口 中考真题)Tom was angry because Jerry ate of his nine apples secretly.Now he hadonly three left.A.a quarter B.one third C.a half D.two thirds【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:汤姆很生气,因为杰里偷偷地吃了他九个苹果中的三分之二。现在他只剩下三个了。考查数词运算。a quarter四 分 之 ;one third三分之一;a half二 分 之 r two thirds三分之二。根据“his nineapples”及only three left”可知,总共9 个苹果,还剩3 个,也就是吃了 6 个,占总数的三分之二,故选D。3.(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)一It is Mo m b i r t h d a y next Wednesday.What should we do?一What about buying her flowers to show our love?A.forty;forty B.forty;fortieth C.fortieth;forty D.fortieth;fortieth【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:下周三是妈妈四十岁生日。我们该怎么办?给她买四十朵花来表达我们的爱怎么样?考查基数词和序数词。第 一 空是指生日,应用序数词;第二空是表示40朵花,应用基数词,故选C。4.(2022 广西中考真题)There are people in the picture,and the one from the left isme.A.eight;third B.eight;threeC.eighth;thirdD.eighth;three【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:照片里有八个人,左边第三个人是我。考查数词的用法。eight八;third第三;three三;eighth第八。空一表示“八个人”,用基数词,可排除CD选项:空二表示“第三个人”,用序数词表示顺序。故选A。5.(2022 湖南郴州 中考真题)About of my classmates help their parents do housework on weekends.A.two fifths B.second five C.second fifths【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:大约五分之二的同学在周末帮助他们的父母做家务。考查分数表达。分数的表达:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分母用序数词的复数形式,所以五分之二的表达为:two fifths,故选A。6.(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)There are paintings on exhibition(展览).works werecreated by young artists.A.two hundred;Two hundredsB.two hundreds;Hundreds ofC.hundreds of;Two hundred【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:展出的油画有数百幅。青年艺术家创作了 200件作品。考查数词的用法。表示概数,用数词复数形式+of;表示确切的数量,用基数词+数词单数形式。结合选项可知,two hundreds表达错误,故排除A 和 B 选项,故选C。7.(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)The Great Wall is a symbol of China.It attracts travelers from all overthe world to visit it.A.millions of B.ten million of C.ten millions【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:长城是中国的象征。它吸引了来自世界各地的数白万游客前来参观。考查million的用法。million“百万”,前面有具体数字时,million不加s,不加of;前面没有具体数字时,million要加s,要加o f,构成millions o-数百万的”,空前没有具体的数字,此处表示概数,故选A。8.(2022贵州黔东南中考真题)一 is the population of Guizhou?It has more than people.A.How much;thirty-eight millions of B.How many;thirty-eigh

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