
Summary writing概要写作概要写作What is summary?A summary is a short statement that gives only the main points of sth,not the details.牛津高阶英汉双解词典牛津高阶英汉双解词典 摘要摘要,是一种对原始文献或文章的基本内容进行是一种对原始文献或文章的基本内容进行浓缩浓缩的的语义连贯语义连贯的短文的短文.普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明概要写作:提供一篇350词以内的短文,要求考生基于该短文写出一篇60词左右的内容概要。(满分25分)词数词数少于少于4040的和的和多余多余8080的,的,从从总分中减去总分中减去2 2分分3Steps to help our writingStep 1:ReadStep 2:Underline key words/Make an outlineStep 3:Rewrite the sentences in other waysStep 4:Make the summary coherentStep 5:Check to make the summary betterRead and writeWhat can make students feel anxious?Language AnxietyReading1.Whats the type of the passage?A.Narrative (记叙文)B.Exposition (说明文)C.Argumentation (议论文)2.Whats the structure of the passage?A.Topic different opinions conclusion B.Introduction detailed information C.Phenomenon(现象)analysis(分析)suggestionsPara1 Para 4 Para2-3 When a student cuts class,fails to prepare for class or do homework,or is unable to answer even simple questions about the topic being studied in class,it is clear that the student is not learning well,and teachers may wonder why.One of the causes might be language anxiety.Language anxiety is a fear occurring when a learner is expected to perform in the foreign language.That is,when a student is asked to perform in the target language in class,he is likely to become nervous and fail to do it.Para.1:Find the key words in this part.Supporting details of language anxietyPara.1:How to rewrite/paraphrase student is not learning well.one of the causes might be language anxiety in the foreign languageExpressions for reasons:换词:换词:_ _ _unsatisfying performance/be not good at not learning well-bad/poor performance /perform badly/poorly because.,because of,account for,as a result of,on account of,due to,owing to,contribute to,lead toStudents may experience language anxiety Students may experience language anxiety leading to their unsatisfying behaviors in class.leading to their unsatisfying behaviors in class.The good news is that so far some research has suggested language anxiety can make students focused,get good grades and build up high self-confidence.Despite these benefits,most research has also shown a negative relationship between language anxiety and performance.The negative kind of anxiety harms learners performance in many ways.As time goes by,they will doubt themselves,refuse to join in discussions and try to avoid using the language.Para.2:Find the key words in this part.Supporting details of disadvantageThe good news is that so far some research has suggested language anxiety can make students focused,get good grades and build up high self-confidence.Despite these benefits,most research has also shown a negative relationship between language anxiety and performance.Para.2 How to rewrite/paraphraseKey information:The good newsLanguage anxiety can make students focused Despite also shown a negative relationship The good news is that so far some research has suggested language anxiety can make students focused,get good grades and build up high self-confidence.Despite these benefits,most research has also shown a negative relationship between language anxiety and performance.Para.2 How to rewrite/paraphrase句式转化:Language anxiety not only brings benefits but also negative influence.Or:Besides some benefits,the negative side plays an important part as well.Para.3 Find the key wordsPara.3 Find the key wordsTeachers and researchers might sometimes be able to judge language anxiety through measuring scales.There are a number of scales,the best known of which is called the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale or FLCAS.The FLCAS was developed to measure the specific anxiety reaction of a student to foreign language situation.However,this is not recommended because researchers consider that language anxiety is observable in class.Signal words换词:换词:observablecan be observed/noticed/seen/found._consider think/believe/hold the belief that /in ones opinion _ 句型转化:句型转化:This is not recommendedTeachers are advised not to.Teachers are advised not to use FLCAS to measure students language anxiety instead of observing it in class.Teachers should/are supposed to observe students language anxiety in class instead of using FLCAS.Teachers and researchers can judge language anxiety from measuring scales,but researchers maintain it can be noticed in class.Para.4 Find the key wordsTo help students to deal more effectively with language anxiety,teachers are advised to allow students to perform differently according to their own abilities.More importantly,teachers ought to provide various opportunities for classroom success in the language.In this way,students can be freed from the pain of severe language anxiety.Gradually they will become more and more confident of their language abilities and eventually experience what it means to succeed in the language classroom.Supporting details of resultHow to paraphraseHow to paraphrase表目的:in order to./to do./so as to.转换句型:Teachers are advised to.Teachers ar

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