
Unit 4 Making the newsjournalisteditorn.n.新闻工作者,记者新闻工作者,记者n.n.编辑编辑edit v.编辑edition n.版本photograph n.照片 v.给拍照片photographer n.摄影师photography n.摄影1 delighted adj.高兴的;欣喜的Im delighted with you slight adjustment to the plan.be delighted with/by/at对.满意;对.感到高兴I was delighted to get rid of cough.be delighted to do sth 很高兴做.delightful adj.delightful adj.令人愉快的令人愉快的delight delight v v/n/n.使使高兴;快乐高兴;快乐1.The boy is delighted to know(know)he has passed the exam.2.Much delighted(delight)with his sons performance at school,Mr Green decided to take him to Pingxiang for a holiday.3.We were delighted that we were successful in our experiment.4.To my delight(令我感到高兴的是),I took up a job which I was very interested in.2 admirable adj.值得赞扬的,令人钦佩的It was that the old man contributed most of his money to charity.admire v.钦佩,赞美I admired him for his independence.admire sb for sth因.钦佩某人admiration n.敬佩,羡慕 admirer n.崇拜者1.Saving the girls life was an _admirable_(admire)thing for him to do,which made many young people become _admirers_(admire).They always looked at him with _admiration_(admire)Our school is widely admired _for_its excellent teaching.3 unusualIt is unusual for me to do less homework.it is unusual for sb to do sth 对某人来说做.是不寻常的It is not unusual to feel very angry in a situation like this.在会议上提出好几条建议对Jim来说是不同寻常的。It is unusual for Jim to put forward several pieces of advice at the meeting.un-相反unbutton解开纽扣uncover揭开unlock 开锁4 profession n.profession n.职业,专业职业,专业 (强调专业性)(强调专业性)As a journalist,you need professional qualifications and skills.He has just turned profession.professional adj.professional adj.职业的;专业的职业的;专业的 n.n.专业人员专业人员5 eagerThe students are eager for knowleage and eager to make progress,so they are eager in their study and are always praised by their teachers.be eager for渴求某物be eager to do渴望做.be eager in 热衷于这个小男孩渴望尽快恢复健康The little boy was eager to get back on his feet as soon as possible.She is _eager _to go to college,but anxious about not passing the entrance examination.(渴望上大学)*be anxious about为.担忧/着急*be anxious to do急切地做.6 assistWho will assist us to accomplish the task?sb to do sth帮助某人做某事Lacking experience,Lily wanted me to her in her work.sb in(doing)sth帮助某人做.assistant n.助手;助理assistance n.帮助,援助 She employed a woman to assist her with the housework.assist sb with sth帮助某人做.Mark将帮助我筹备一个重要会议。Mark will_assist me to_ arrange an important meeting.Mark will_assist me in_ arranging an imporant meeting.If you come across faults but you still want the bicycle,ask the shop _assistant_(assist)to reduce the price.7 concentrateWe should concentrate our attention on our study.concentrate /focus/fix/ones attention on把某人的注意力集中在.上concentration n.浓度,集中;专注Doctors are aiming to _concentrate on_(全神贯注于)prevention rather than cure.集中注意力于be absorbed/buried inbe devoted topay attention toput ones heart intobe addicted to8 acquireOnly if you ask many questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.acquire sth 获得、取得.acquisition n.acquisition n.获得获得One can never _ _ _(获得足够的经验)acquire enough experienceIt will take her a long time to _ _ _(获得技能)she needs to become a good journalist.acquire the skills.10 assessThey assessed the value of the car at 60,000 pounds.assess sth(at sth)估算,估计(数量,价值)assessment n.评估make an assess 做出评估The doctor made an _(assess)of the damage and said he must have an operation immediatelyassessmentDamage caused by the big fire was assessed _more than 10 million dollars.at11 inform v.告知;通知They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.inform sb of sth 通知某人某事You must keep me informed of the case.keep sb informed of sth 随时告知某人某事 informed adj.有知识的,见闻广的 information n.信息It was considerate of Michael to inform us _ his delay in case we got worried.(2015福建卷)ofPlease keep us _(inform)of your settlement in America.informed12 meanwhileIn the meanwhile,Ill visit an old friend of mine.in the meanwhile 在此期间,在此同时=in the meantime同时:meantime,at the same timeThe incomes of skilled workers went up._(与此同时),unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.Meanwhile13 depend on 依靠;依赖Whether you can dispose of these goods will depend the price.depend on 取决于You cant always depend on others to help you.depend on sb to do指望/依靠某人做某事 dependence n.依赖 dependent adj.依赖的When the delayed flight will take off _(depend)much on the weather.dependsYou may depend on _that it wont happen again.it depend on后不直接+宾从-Would you like to go swimming with me tomorrow?-_ _(哪的视情况而定)It/That depends14 case n.病例;案例;情况 Leave your key with your neighbor in case you lock yourself out.in case+句子 以防万一;免得;假使Take an umbrella in case of rain.in case of+n.以防;防备14 case It is often the case that anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.It is often the case that 通常情况下_(以防)fire,all exits must be kept clear.In case ofHe had his camera ready _(以防)he saw something that would make a good picture.in case15 accuse v.指责;谴责;控告Mr Smith accused her of telling a lie.accuse sb of(doing sth)指控某人(做)了某事Tom was charged with murder.charge sb with(doing)sth

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