name storiesPPT教学课件

Name StoriesLead inLead in陈则航submarine(潜水艇)沉 则 航择To choose my own direction/lifeGuessing gameThis name means that this person is very knowledgeable.This name means a mountain.This name means a crystal in the capital of China.This name means that this person is a hero or a pillar of society.This person is named after one of the ancestors of Chinese people.张一山张一山周文博周文博魏京晶魏京晶黄英杰黄英杰王王 尧尧Lead inLead inWhat does your name mean?In pairs,talk about your names.Prediction Prediction 1.Look at the pictures and read through the descriptions(see your handout).2.Try to match the students with their descriptions.Wang JiannanIssac EvansHeather Smith1,4,5,92,6,73,8,10Check your predictionsCheck your predictionsListen to learnListen to learnNan is a type of _ for building houses.It indicates that my parents want me to be the pillar of _.In terms of sound,Jiannan means _.It also sounds like another set of characters which stand for“built in the _”.So from my name,I know where I come from.woodsocietyhealthy boysouthWang Jiannan 王建楠 Listen to learnListen to learnA smith is a person who works with _.No one in my family can figure out which of our _was a smith.Heather is a purple _ growing all around in the place where my mother comes from.So my mother named me Heather to remind her of her _.metalancestorsflowerHeather Smith homeListen to learnListen to learnEvans is a very_ Welsh name.I dont know what it _.But Im _ for what my grandfather did for the family.Isaac is the name from a famous _ whom my parents admire very monmeansgratefulIsaac Evans musicianWang Jiannan 王建楠 Heather Smith Isaac Evans 王健男 王建南 smith-metal-ancestors flower-home violinist common hardship specific hold up smith ended up significance vivid put up with heather abnormal pillar of society Find the explanations for the underlined words in Ex.I.VocabularyVocabularyUnderstand the wordsUnderstand the wordsparticularsupporta useful person to the societyimportant meaningsvery unusualspecificsignificanceabnormalhold upa pillar of societysomebody who works with metala purple flowerlivelysettled down finallyhad to beardifficultiessmithheathervividended upput up withhardship1.It is for a man to wear skirts.2.The Red Army men great during the Long March.3.Fins(鳍鳍)are a feature to fish.4.The students who have just come back from the US give us a description of New York.5.Doing voluntary work is of great to ones growth.abnormalput up with hardshipspecificvividsignificanceVocabulary Vocabulary Phrasal Verbs came across hold up stand for counted on figure out ended up put up withAnswersWork in groups of four.Choose one interviewer.The other three students are Wang Jiannan,Heather Smith and Isaac Evans.The interviewers need to work out questions to find out the information(see the group work sheet).Group work AssignmentAssignment1.P8 Ex.52.P54 3,4Phrasal Verbs 5 came across grew up stands for count on put up with figured out looks like ended up holding upAnswers读写结合教学支架活动不恰当的表现之一是设计口语活动让学生应用语言。第二次磨课,教师让学生排成一圈,分别练习主人和客人如何进行口头邀请和回复,耗时较长。口语活动虽能活跃气氛,但更适合培养口头交际能力而不是写作能力,而且口头邀请和书面邀请存在较大差异,语言并非完全通用。Manak发现促进学生读写连接的七个概念,分别是:注意、审视、引导、解释、理解、指导和精心写作4。在学生阅读过程中,教师引导学生注意并审视作者的写作方法,解释作者选择的原因,当学生能够更好地理解作者的决定且能够表达出来时,他们就可以接受教师指导,或是接受阅读材料的影响,进行写作。这些环节能帮助学生学习如何像作者一样去阅读,像读者一样去写作。读写结合教学中的活动可以参考这些概念类别,最大限度地保证这些过程的发生,可采取小组讨论、辩论和师生互动的形式,或是通过学习单引导,激活学生的分析思维,真正理解作者的写作逻辑,才能在后续写作中恰当使用阅读时获取的语言知识和信息。目前尚无语篇分析是读写结合教学的起点,须从单元整体来厘清写作任务与语篇的关系。3b写作任务安排在3a之后,但写作任务实际是对单元内容的应用,应该分析单元中各语篇的编排逻辑,制订单元整体教学目标3,如本单元从口头语篇到非正式书面语篇,再到正式的书面语篇,都是围绕“邀请拒绝”这一功能进行编排,那么单元教学目标之一应该是学生能在不同情境中使用恰当语言进行邀请和拒绝。要实现这一单元教学目标,学生需要了解不同情境下的语篇如何实现邀请目的,这就需要对语篇进行系统的分析和比较,突出差异。如2b和3a虽然同为邀请信,但写作对象不同。2b写给同学,语言轻松,篇幅较长,使用祈使句“Lets have a party.”和疑问句“Can you come to the party?Can you help with any of these things?”发出邀请,详细交代了为什么要开欢送会以及需要同学在欢送会上做什么,表明邀请者之间的平等关系,以及邀请者希望促成这一聚会的愿望。3a是校长写给家长,用词简洁准确,没有在邀请原因上多花笔墨。而3b写作任务是Write an invitation to a party or any other event,邀请对象是同学,学生应该根据邀请活动的性质来决定写作的内容和风格。第一次磨课,为明确邀请信写作结构和常用句型,丰富礼貌用语,教师提供了多个句子,让学生将它们与写作原因、时间和地点进行匹配,并设计了两个活动:(1)Which sentences are used to show the reason,time and place?Put them into the right order.(2)There are other sentences to show our politeness.Put them into the right place.第二次磨课,教师又将活动升级,要求学生对3a进行扩写,在开头、主题和结尾添加学习过的句式和表达。教学活动为:But I dont think its good enough.Can you help me to make it more attractive so that more people would come to our opening?You can add more information as supporting details.教师虽关注了学生表达的丰富性,但忽视了单元中语篇之间的差异。3a虽没有提供多条邀请原因,但对于具体语境来说是合适的:校长邀请家长来参加学校新图书馆开幕式,作为校方来说,理由已经非常充分,只需交代清楚活动时间、地点等必要信息即可;而扩写3a这一活动忽略了语境差异,不利于培养学生写作中的“读者意识”,即依据读者来调整写作。权威定义,笔者认为读写结合教学有广义和狭义之分,广义的读写结合教学指在教学中涉及读和写两种活动;狭义的读写结合教学指使用单一语篇或多个语篇,以语言使用和发展为目的,以读写连接点为设计活动的起点,以多种引导性活动作为支架,将读和写在不同阶段进行结合,最终实现语篇的深度理解和语言迁移运用的教学方式。从阅读和写作的目的来看,读写结合教学可以分为以读促写和以写促读。本课例属于以读促写,教学的最终目的是将写作学习者培养为独立写作者。在以读促写教学中,学习者以原有知识和经验作为学习起点,先细读文本,再完成基于读写连接点的支架式活动,完成对文本内容和结构的评价与反思。活动可分为内容、语言和结构活动,内容活动指学习者通过阅读获得、评估和使用信息;语言活动指学习者获取语篇中的词汇、语法、修辞等语言知识,分析语言功能的对应关系;结构活动指学习者提取语篇结构信息。接着,学习者进入写作过程,通过构思、草稿、修改、反馈等环节不断内化前一阶段活动获取的信息、知识和结构。最后,通过写作来学习,同时完成写作的交际目

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