名校版英语语法考点解析 knowledge用法

名校版英语语法考点解析 knowledge用法 1. knowledge,在我们的心里根深蒂固就是一个不可数名词,没错。 表泛指时不用冠词;表程度时,可用 a little, some, much 等修饰,但不可用a few, many 等修饰,更不能用复数形式。如: Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 He has much knowledge of music. 他很懂音乐知识。 The door to knowledge is study. 通向知识的大门是学习。 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解是很危险的事。 You’ll find English is a bridge to so much knowledge. 你会发现英语是通向如此丰富知识的桥梁。 2.在表达“某某知识”时,使用通常要用 the knowledge of/about结构: He is interested in the knowledge of chemistry. 他对化学知识很感兴趣。 My knowledge of English is very poor. 我的英语知识很贫乏。 His knowledge of physics is pretty basic. 他的物理知识相当浮浅。 practical/medical/scientific knowledge 实际 / 医学 / 科学知识 3.常见搭配: increase knowledge 增加知识 extend knowledge 扩大知识量 improve knowledge 提高知识 enrich knowledge 丰富知识 widen/broaden knowledge 拓宽知识 get, gain, obtain, acquire, absorb knowledge学习知识 Clever children absorb knowledge easily. 聪明孩子容易吸收知识。 Step by step we gain knowledge. 我们一步一步地获取知识。 After several years’ self-study he gained a lot of knowledge. 经过几年的自学,他学到了不少知识。 以下带介词的表达也类似地表达“学习”: He’s eager for [after] knowledge. 他求知心切。 He’s eager for [after] knowledge. He has a hunger for [after] knowledge. 他有强烈的求知欲。 4.貌视可数名词与不定冠词连用 非常有趣的是,knowledge 虽为不可数名词,但有时可在其前用不定冠词,以表示某人有某种程度的知识,此时的不定冠词相当于some。如: He has a knowledge of history. 他懂点历史。 A knowledge of English is very important. 会点英语是非常重要的。 We’re looking for someone with a good knowledge of German. 我们正在找一个精通德语的人。 She has a wide knowledge of painting and music. 她在绘画和音乐方面知识渊博。 The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject. 这门课程似乎是以具备某些基础知识为前提的。 She has acquired a good knowledge of English. 她英语已经学得很好。 For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish. 担任这项工作需要精通意大利语和西班牙语。 She has an encyclopedic knowledge of natural history. 她具有广博的自然史知识。 以上5例句摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music. 父亲对音乐只懂一点皮毛。 He had a real knowledge of animals, birds and flowers. 他在花鸟走兽方面知之甚多。 This book was designed in order to provide a working knowledge of finance and accounts 本书旨在提供金融和会计方面的实用知识。 He did have a real knowledge of the country 他对该国的确知之甚多。 以上4例摘自《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 She has a passable knowledge of English. 她英语(知识)方面还可以。 再做下面的试题也就有了杀鸡用牛刀的感觉啦: — I find it very difficult to read ____ novel you lent me last week. — Yes. It’s necessary to have _____ good knowledge of history. A. the; 不填 B. a; 不填 C. the; aD. a; a 【分析】 考生可能以为第一个空是特指对方上周所借给“我”的小说,故应填定冠词;第二个空后面是抽象名词,为不可数名词,不填冠词,于是错选A。然而,此处knowledge之前须用不定冠词表示某人有一定程度的知识,have a good knowledge of意为“对……很了解”在……方面有较好的知识储备“,是固定搭配,故正确答案选C (1) pose 照相的时候摆的、或者为了给别人看特意摆的姿势 (为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势;装腔作势;故作姿态 Strike a pose for the picture. 摆个pose照像。 strike a pose/an attitude 摆出某种姿态 He asked me to pose nude for him. 他请我给他摆裸体造型。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 She struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other waving an imaginary cigarette. 她摆了个姿势,一只手叉腰,另一只手夹着一支假想的香烟。 He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera. 他摆了个悠闲的姿势拍照。 We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses. 我们进行了几次预拍摄,摆了各种不同的造型。 In many writers modesty is a pose, but in Ford it seems to have been genuine. 很多作家都是故作谦虚,但福特却似乎表里如一。 She'd flung herself in a pose of melodramatic exhaustion. 她一下子摆出一副筋疲力尽的夸张姿势。 (2) posture 姿态 不可数名词,如背部是否直等,不指具体的动作,具体的动作用position。 She has great posture, so she rarely has back pain. 她的姿态特别好,所以她从来不背疼。 Being a dancer herself, she has excellent posture. 由于她自己是舞蹈演员,所以她姿态优美。 Back pains can be the result of bad posture. 腰背疼可能是不良姿势造成的。 Good posture is essential when working at the computer. 用电脑工作时良好的姿势极其重要。 Exercise, fresh air, and good posture are all helpful 锻炼、新鲜空气和好的坐立姿势都很有益。 Poor posture can cause neck ache, headaches and breathing problems. 姿势不当会导致颈部疼痛、头痛和呼吸困难。 An observant doctor can often detect depression from expression, posture, and movement. 善于观察的医生常常能从人的表情、姿势以及动作诊察出抑郁症。 Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, compresses the body's organs 坐着或者走路的时候低头垂肩,这种不正确的姿势会压迫体内的器官。 I don't have the ramrod posture I had when I was in the Navy. 我现在没有当海军时那样笔挺的身姿了。 Sit in a relaxed upright posture. 保持放松、直立的坐姿。 You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture. 通过采取更好的坐姿,你的腹部马上就会看起来平坦一些。 (3) position 某个具体的姿势、静态的动作 a sitting/kneeling/lying position 坐 / 跪 / 卧姿 Keep the box in an upright position. 把盒子竖着放。 Make sure that you are working in a comfortable position. 工作时一定要保持舒适的姿势。 My arms were aching so I shifted (my) position slightly. 我胳膊疼了,所以稍微变了变姿势。 That position looks uncomfortable. 这个姿势看起来很不舒服。 (4) gesture 手势(示意动作);(表明感情或意图的)姿态,表示 His gestures were economical, his words generally mild. 他的肢体语言极尽简化,措词总体温和。 She could only raise her hand in a gesture of benediction 她只得举起手来做了一个祝福的手势。 There is an enormous sense of mission in his speech and gesture. 他的一言一行都带着强烈的使命感。 He throws his hands open in a gesture which clearly indicates his relief. 他摊开双手,明确表示他已如释重负。 He made a dismissive gesture. 'Suit yourself.' 他做了一个很不屑的手势。“随你便。” Amy made an awkward gesture

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