
人教版高中英语必修一选修8单词表中文 必修一 UNIT1 survey add up upset ignore calm calm (…)down have got to concern be concerned about walk the dog loose vet go through Amsterdam Netherlands Jewish German Nazi set down series a series of outdoors spellbinding on purpose in order to dusk at dusk thunder entire entirely power face to face curtain dusty no longer\not…any longer partner settle suffer suffer from loneliness highway recover get\be tired of pack pack(sth)up suitcase overcoat teenager get along with gossip fall in love exactly disagree grateful dislike join in tip secondly swap item UNIT2 subway elevator petrol gas official voyage conquer because of native come up apartment actually AD base at present gradual gradually Danish enrich vocabulary Shakespeare make use of spelling latter identity fluent fluently Singapore Malaysia such as frequent frequently usage command request dialect e expression midwestern African Spanish play a part (in) eastern southeastern northwestern recognize lorry Houston Texas accent catfish lightning straight block cab unit3 journal transport Prefer disadvantage fare route Mekong flow ever since persuade cycle graduate finally schedule fond be fond of short coming stubborn organize care about detail source determine change one’s mind journey altitude make up one’s mind give in atlas glacier Tibetan rapids valley waterfall Pace bend meander delta attitude. Qomolangma Boil forecast Parcel insurance wool as usual reliable view pillow midnight at midnight flame beneath Laos Laotian temple cave UNIT4 earthquake quake right away well crack farmyard pipe burst million event as if at an end nation canal steam dirt ruin in ruins suffering extreme injure survivor destroy brick dam track useless shock rescue trap electricity disaster dig out bury mine miner shelter a(great)number of title reporter bar damage frighten frightened frightening congratulation judge sincerely express outline headline cyclist UNIT5 quality warm-hearted mean active generous easy-going self selfish selfless selflessly devote devoted Bible invader found republic principle nationalism livelihood peaceful giant mankind layer guidance legal fee passbook out of work helpful youth league Youth League stage vote attack violence as a matter of fact blow up equal in trouble willing unfair turn to quote release lose heart escape blanket educate educated come to power beg relative terror cruelty reward set up sentence be sentenced to anti- anti-black president Nobel Peace Prize opinion 必修二 UNIT1 cultural relic rare valuable survive vase dynasty ivory dragon amber in search of amaze amazing select honey design fancy style decorate jewel artis belong belong to in return troop reception at war remove less than wooden doubt mystery former worth rebuild local apart take apart painting castle trial eyewitness evidence explode entrance sailor sink maid Berlin Think highly of informal debate UNIT2 ancient adj compete competitor take part in medal n stand for mascot Greece Greek magical adj volunteer homeland regular adj basis athlete n admit slave nowadays gymnastics athletics stadium gymnasium ( gym ) as well host responsibility olive wreath replace motto swift similarity Athens charge in charge physical fine poster advertise princess glory bargain prince hopeless foolish adj goddess pain one after another deserve striker UNIT3 abacus calculate PC( = personal comPuter ) laptop PDA ( personal digital assistant ) analytical adj calculate universal adj simplify sum operator logical logically technology technological adj revolution artificial intelligence intelligence adj solve mathematical from … on reality designer personal personally tube transistor chip as a result total adj so … that … network web application finance mobile rocket explore Mars Anyhow (也作 anyway )goal happiness human rare supporting download programmer virus android signal teammate type in a way coach arise with the help of electronic adj appearance character mop deal with watch over naughty niece spoil UNIT4 wildlife protection wild habitat threaten decrease endanger die out loss reserve hunt zone in peace in danger (of) species carpe

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