
模块三:难题技巧点拨模块三:难题技巧点拨难题难题3 3 短文短文填空填空题型分析题型分析 短文填空是广东地区中考英语试卷最难题目之一,它的分值是15分,分为10个小题,每小题1.5分,占整份英语试题分值的12.5%(15/120)。短文填空一般在一篇200250字左右的故事性短文中挖出10个空(一般一行或一句一个空,首句不设空),要求学生通读短文,并根据上下文来补全短文,每空只能填一个单词(不能填数字)。主要考九大词类(名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、数词、介词、连词、冠词)。该题旨在测试考生的英语阅读理解能力和简单的书面表达能力,看其是否能够运用所学过的英语知识进行简单的书面交流,从而达到既考查学生的语言基础知识,又考查他们的观察能力、联想能力以及对语言的综合运用能力。题型变化专练题型变化专练 为了答好短文填空题目,我们要打好基础关。这个基础关既包括1600个单词,300多个短语以及一部分常用句型和习惯用语的意思和用法,也包括各种词的词形变化。此处重点介绍在短文填空中常考的名词和动词的词形变化。名名 词词 的的 词词 形形 变变 化化 所填名词为不可数名词或单复数同形(Chinese,Japanese,fish,deer,sheep)。所填名词为可数名词,按以下规则变化形式。1.空格前有显性等于显性等于1的标志词的标志词时(a;an;one;either;each;every;this;that),后面名词用单数形式。如:There is a(one)cat in the room.It is sleeping.房间里有只猫,它正在睡觉。Tom came up with an idea to solve the problem.Tom想出一个主意来解决这个问题。There are many flowers and trees on either(each)side of the road.路的两边都有很多花和树。2.空格前有显性大于显性大于1的标志词的标志词时(two.;some/any;a lot of;a number of;a great many;many;hundreds of;several;one of+最高级+名词;all;between;among;both;these;those等),后面名词用复数形式。如:His house has three bedrooms,two kitchens.他的房子有三间卧室,两间厨房。Hundreds of/(A number of;A lot of;A great many)students have lunch at school.很多学生在校吃午餐。Mo Yan is one of the best writers in China.莫言是中国最好的作家之一。Both(All the;Those;These)boys are very good at math.两个(所有;那些;这些)男孩子都擅长数学。3.空格前没有显性标志词没有显性标志词时,从上下文寻找隐性标志词 来决定所填名词的单复数形式。如:The guide dogs are(隐性)very clever.They(隐性)can help the blind do many things.狗很聪明,他们能帮盲人做很多事情。Go and help me fetch the pen,please.Its(隐性)on the desk.请帮我去拿支笔来,它在桌面上。请用空格里名词的正确形式填空,并把标志词画出来。请用空格里名词的正确形式填空,并把标志词画出来。对点专练对点专练There is a (sheep)and three (cow)on the farm.Can you see the two (bird)flying in the sky?Would you please give me some (advice)on how to learn English?A lot of (dog)came to help the old duck.Do you know the (son)of hers?None of them live with her.sheepcowsbirdsadvicedogs sonsChina is one of the most beautiful (country)in the world.A number of (flower)are on show in the flower market.This (cap)is cheat,but that (cap)is expensive.The (shelf)is at the end of the street.Go and fetch it back.Of all the (singer),Jay Zhou has the most special voice.countriesflowerscapcapshelfsingersWhats the (weather)like in Hainan Island in winter?We saw several (duck)swimming in the (lake).Those (book)are useful to us.You must read it one by one.Every (week),we go to see our grandparents in the countryside.Ten (hour)is enough for me to finish the task.weatherduckslakebooksweekhours动动 词词 的的 词词 形形 变变 化化 所填动词要根据时态、语态以及语法要求,按所需的形式填写。具体变化如下:具体变化如下:1.符合以下符合以下5种情况时,后面动词用原形。种情况时,后面动词用原形。(1)空格前有情态动词(can,could,may,might,must,should,need)时。如:Can I take Bus No.4 to get there?我可以坐四路公交车到那里吗?Mr.Lin was out just now.You may sit here and wait for him.林先生刚才外出了,你可以坐这等他。The traffic light is red.You mustnt go across the road.红绿灯是红色的。你不准过马路。(2)空格前有标志词“to”时(pay attention to,look forward to,be/get used to等几个要加ing形式的除 外)。如:They wanted to move away because its too noisy here.他们想搬走因为这里太吵了。Sally advised us to take more notes in class.Sally建议我们上课做多点笔记。I looked forward to seeing my old friend as soon as possible.我盼望尽快见到我的老朋友。(3)空格前有助动词时(do,does,did,will,would.)。如:Do(Did)you have an e-mail address?你有邮箱吗?He doesnt like drawing.Instead,he likes singing.他不喜欢画画,但他喜欢唱歌。Will you come to my birthday party tonight?今晚你会来参加我的生日晚会吗?(4)空格前有不定式省to的使役动词时(let,make,have,help.)。如:Lets play cards after lunch,OK?午饭后我们打牌,好吗?The boss always makes his workers work for a long time.这老板常让他的工人长时间工作。This morning I had my sister wash my clothes.今早我叫我姐姐帮我洗衣服。(5)某些固定句型。如:Youd better stay here.Its raining hard.你最好待在这。天下大雨。I would rather watch TV at home than go out to play.我情愿在家看电视,也不愿外出玩。He prefers to have a class rather than have a rest.上课和休息相比,他更喜欢上课。Why dont you(not)visit me sometime next week?为什么不在下星期某时来看我呢?Would(Could)you please(not)pass me a glass of water?请你(不要)递给我一杯水,好吗?请用空格里名词的正确形式填空,并把标志词画出来。请用空格里名词的正确形式填空,并把标志词画出来。对点专练对点专练They have decided to (take)part in the sports meeting.Did you (visit)the Great Wall with him yesterday?All of us must (close)our eyes when we do the eye exercises.I dont (agree)with you.Next week Tom will (move)to New York alone.takevisit close agree moveWould you please (give)me a hand?If it rains tomorrow,youd better (stay)at home.I cant (get)up early tomorrow because I will stay up to watch the football match tonight.The teacher often makes his students (exercise)for some time every day.New Year is coming.Lets (make)a wish to each other.give stay getexercisemake2.符合以下符合以下3种情况时,后面动词用种情况时,后面动词用ing形式。形式。(1)空格前有be动词(is,am,are,was,were.),并表 示进行时态时。如:He is running fast to catch the school bus.他正快跑以便能赶上校车。I am looking up a new word in the dictionary.我正在字典里查一个新单词。Are you writing to your parents now?你正在给你父母写信吗?She wasnt watching TV while her mother came home last night.昨晚当她妈妈回家时,她没在看电视。What were you doing at ten oclock yesterday?你昨天10点钟时在做什么?(2)空格前有如下标志词(avoid;mind;finish;practice;enjoy;介词.)时。如:In this way,they could avoid being disturbed.就这样,他们能避免被打扰。Would you mind turning down the music?你介意调小点音乐吗?I enjoy practicing speaking English with you every day.我乐意每天与你一起练习说英语。Lily

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