
七年级英语上 RJ 一般疑问句(一般现在时) 般疑问句是疑问句的一种。它是只用yes(是)或no(否)来回答的句子。其结构是:   系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分   通常回答为:   肯定:Yes,+主语+提问的助动词.   否定:No,+主语+提问的助动词的否定形式. 1.将陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如句中有be 动词(am is are …)时,可直接将它们提至主语前。 I'm in Class 2Grade 1. → Are you in Class 2Grade 1? We're watching TV. → Are you watching TV? 2.陈述句中有情态动词(can may must …)时,直接将它们提至主语前。 He can swim now. → Can he swim now? The children may come with us. → May the children come with us? 3.陈述句中有实义动词作谓语时,则由do或does(第三人称单数)引导,放在句首,且后面动词需变为原形。 I like these animals. → Do you like these animals? She wants to go to the movies. → Does she want to go to the movies? 需要直接变化的词语 I /me变成you we /us变成you my变成your our变成your am变成are some变成any and变成or this变成that these 变成those 陈述句的否定形式(一般现在时) 1.含有系动词的句子在变否定句时只须“在系动词的后边加上not”,前面的几个了陈述句变否定句分别为 I’m a Chinese boy. → I’m not a Chinese boy. She is twelve. → She isn’t twelve. 2.含有情态动词的句子 ( can ), 在变否定句时直接在情态动词的后边加上not She can play basketball. →She can not play basketball. His mother’s cousin can sing many English songs. →His mother’s cousin can not sing many English songs. 3.含有行为动词的句子在变否定句时只须在行为动词前加don’t . We don’t have many friends. →We don’t have many friends. The students don’t take their books to school. →The students don’t take their books to school. 含有行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,变否定句时“在行为动词前面加doesn’t , 且后面动词需变为原形”。 She doesn’t have a red pen. →She doesn’t have a red pen. Her mother doesn’t buy a skirt for her. →Her mother doesn’t buy a skirt for her. 句子单复数变化 1. 人称代词要变成相应的复数人称代词。 人称代词 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 主格 I we you you she\ he\ it they 宾格 me us you you her\ him\ it them 物主代词 my our your your her \his\ its their She is a girl. →They are girls. 2.am,is要变为are。 I’m a student. →We are students. 3.不定冠词a,an要去掉。 He is a boy. →They are boys. 4.普通单数名词要变为复数形式。 It is an apple. →They are apples. 5.指示代词this,that要变为these,those。 This is a box. →These are boxes. 句子单数变复数变化练习题 将下列句子改为复数 ① Is this you aunt? —Yes, it is./NO, it isn't. This isn't my aunt. ② It is a book. Is it a book? It isn't a book。 ③ He is my father。 Is he your father?—Yes, he is. /No he isn't. He isn't my father. ⑤ This dictionary is on the desk. Is this dictionary on the desk? This dictionary isn't on the desk. ⑥ This girl is my sister. Is this girl sister?This girl isn't my sister。 一般疑问句+否定句练习题 将下列全部改为一般疑问句、做肯否定回答,且改为否定句 1. She is in the kitchen. (改为一般疑问句) ______________________________ 2. They are in the bedroom. (改为否定句) ________________________________ 3. Is it in the classroom? (作否定回答) ________________________________ 4. Are they near the desk? (作否定回答) ________________________________ 5. My books are in the bag. (就划线部分提问) ________________________________ 6. It is time to go to school. (变成否定句) ________________________________ 7. Tom watches TV every evening. (改为否定句) ________________________________ 8. I do my homework every day. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) __________________________________________________ 9. She likes milk. (改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答) __________________________________________________ 10. John comes from Canada. (对划线部分提问) ________________________________ 11. She is always a good student. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) __________________________________________________ 12. Peter and Joy like going skating. (改为否定句) ________________________________ 13. I’d like some juice. (对划线部分提问) ________________________________ 14. I’d like to go swimming. (对划线部分提问) ________________________________ 15. I’m in the park. (对划线部分提问) ________________________________ 16. I’m interested in dancing. (改为一般疑问句) ________________________________ 17. She is not good at drawing. (变为肯定句) ________________________________ 18. Today is Saturday. (对划线部分提问) ________________________________ 19. There are seven days in a week. (对划线部分提问) ________________________________ 20. Jimmy likes playing computer games. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) ___________________________________________________ 21. We go to school every morning. (改为否定句) _____________________________________ 22. He speaks English very well. (改为否定句) _____________________________________ 23. I like taking photos in the park. (对划线部分提问) _____________________________________ 24. My father is a teacher. (对划线部分提问) _____________________________________ 25. I will make the bed. (改为一般疑问句) _____________________________________ 26. Can you clean the tables and chairs? (作否定回答) ______________________________________ 27. We can go there by coach. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________ 28. I am ten years old. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________ 29. The T-shirt is twenty yuan. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________ 30. The woman in the car is my mother. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________ 31. This book is mine. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________ 32. Linda likes apples. (改为一般疑问句) ___________

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