Unit 6 单元复习测试题 -2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册(含答案)

新外研版 必修一 Unit 6单元复习测试题 (原卷+答案) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The drought killed our c________ (庄稼),and there wasn't enough grass for the cattle. 2.How many d________ (朝代)are there in China's history? 3.It is/has been 3 years since I p________ (出版)my first book. 4.The company r________ (租用)the building, occupied part and sublet the rest. 5.Bad weather p________ (阻挡,防止) me from starting. 6.The events are w________ (包裹)in mystery. 7.I guess there are much fewer people in the Arctic r________ (地区)than here. 8.His extensive experience in other parts of Asia helped him to overcome cultural b________ (障碍). 9.All the m________ (材料)have been prepared. 10.The test can be run on various p________ (平台) and environments. Ⅱ.单句写作 1.过去30年我的家乡发生了很大变化。(take place) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.学生们很重视这次考试的成绩。(attach significance to) ________________________________________________________________________ 3.要过上幸福的生活,我们应该与自然和谐相处。(in harmony with) ________________________________________________________________________ 4.她爸爸提醒她甜食对她的牙齿有害。(remind) ________________________________________________________________________ 5.学校将重点发展理科、数学和现代语言。(priority) ________________________________________________________________________ 6.在他的讲话中,他提到了最近的加拿大之行。(refer to) ________________________________________________________________________trip to Canada. 7.学生们的兴趣大多限于学术领域。(be limited to) ________________________________________________________________________ 8.夏天让我精力充沛。(energy) ________________________________________________________________________ Ⅲ.短文语法填空 Earthquakes are a form of 1.________ (nature) disaster. They are so powerful 2.________ they can cause tall buildings to crash to the ground in just a few seconds. In fact, most of the 3.________ (death) in an earthquake are caused by 4.________ (fall) houses. New research data from earthquake zones is helping architects to design 5.________ (safe) buildings that will not 6.________ (destroy) during an earthquake. Instead of being fixed in place like most ordinary 7.________ (building), the new buildings 8.________ they have designed can move. Other researchers have 9.________ (design) a small round house that will not fall down when there is 10.________ quake. Because the houses are round, they can survive strong winds and floods and are good shelters during a disaster. Ⅰ.七选五 The art of conversation takes practice, but it's not as hard as you might think. __1__ Be around confident people. Being around confident people makes you feel good. The other person's enthusiasm makes all the conversation participants feel confident and comfortable. __2__ If it's someone who you work with or go to school with, look at the department website, or see if the person is on any special networks before talking to him for the first time. The information you get can be a good starting point for conversations. Ask questions. What do they like to do? What sort of things have they done in their lives? What is happening to them now? What did they do yesterday or last weekend? __3__ However, try to space out your questions or they'll feel like you are interrogating (审问) them, which is very bad and closes off friendships. Listen. __4__ Make movements to indicate that you are still listening. If you listen well, the other person's statements will suggest questions for you to ask. Allow the other person to do most of the talking. They will often not realize that it was they who did most of the talking, and you get credit for being a good conversationalist. Know when to end the conversation. Even the best conversations will eventually run out of steam or be ended by interruption. Smile if you are leaving, tell them it was nice to talk to them, and say goodbye. __5__ A.Listen carefully to what is being said. B.Ending on a positive note will leave a good impression. C.Ask as many questions as you can think of, including their age, income and marriage. D.With some patience and these steps, you can learn to relax and enjoy a great conversation. E.Find out about the person you will be talking to before you actually talk to him, if you can. F.Take a special course on making conversations so that you can communicate with others better. G.Identify things about them that you might be interested in hearing about, and politely ask questions. Ⅱ.完形填空 A Game of Light and Shade It was a sunny day. While buying the ticket for climbing the tower, I was surprised to see the attendant (工作人员) selling a blind man a ticket. Then __1__ the wall with the fingers, the blind man reached the stairs __2__ to the hallway. “What would a blind man climb up the tower for?” I said to the attendant, expecting him to show some __3__, but he didn't answer. “Not the __4__ certainly,” I said. “Perhaps he wants to __5__.” I bought a ticket and __6__ up the stairs. The man hadn't

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