
词汇专训词汇专训 人教版人教版 八年级下八年级下词汇专训词汇专训 一一、根据句意及首字母提示完成、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词单词1.You cant get to the airport on time u you hurry up.【中考贵港】2.The boys were e when they saw their basketball team win the game.3.They often b books from the library.xcited nlessorrow词汇专训词汇专训4.It is reported that Beijing has a blind passengers to take the subway with their guide dogs.5.The scientist o all his money to the childrens hospital.6.Paul didnt drive to the museum.I ,he rode his bike.【2018贺州】nsteadllowedffered词汇专训词汇专训7.Please r me that I should bring her a present for her birthday.8.The worlds p is growing bigger and bigger.9.I e her to work hard and try for the exam.10.Bob and Jim have been good friends s they joined the same tennis team.【2019北部湾改编】emindopulation ncourageince词汇专训词汇专训二、单项选择二、单项选择11.You should not eat _ ice cream.Its not good for you.A.too much B.much tooC.too many D.many too【点拨点拨】根据生活常识可判断根据生活常识可判断,吃太多的冰激凌对身体不好。短吃太多的冰激凌对身体不好。短语语too much修饰不可数名词。修饰不可数名词。ice cream为不可数名词。故选为不可数名词。故选A。A词汇专训词汇专训12.The population of the poor is getting smaller and smaller._ the government,their living conditions have improved.【2018宜昌】A.As for B.Thanks to C.As a result of D.Thanks for【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“贫困人口变得越来越少。贫困人口变得越来越少。多亏了政府多亏了政府,他们的生活条件得到了提高他们的生活条件得到了提高”。As for至于;至于;Thanks to多亏了多亏了,由于;由于;As a result of由于;由于;Thanks for 因因感谢。结合句意可知选感谢。结合句意可知选B。B词汇专训词汇专训13.Many social workers went there to help_ clean water and food to local people.A.put out B.come outC.work out D.give out【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“许多社会工作者去那里帮助许多社会工作者去那里帮助分发干净的水和食物给当地人分发干净的水和食物给当地人”。put out“熄熄灭灭”;come out“出版出版”;work out“解决解决,锻锻炼身体炼身体”;give out“分发分发”。故选。故选D。D词汇专训词汇专训14.Though he is_ at home,he doesnt feel _,for he has many things to do.A.alone;lonely B.lonely;aloneC.alone;alone D.lonely;lonely【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“虽然他独自一人在家虽然他独自一人在家,但是他并不感到但是他并不感到寂寞寂寞,因为他有很多事情要做因为他有很多事情要做”。alone为形容词为形容词,意为意为“单独的单独的”;lonely意为意为“孤独的孤独的,寂寞的寂寞的”。故选。故选A。A词汇专训词汇专训15.The Internet is so closely connected with our daily life.Can you_ a life without it?A.understand B.imagineC.consider D.expect【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“互联网与我们的日常生活联系如此密切。你互联网与我们的日常生活联系如此密切。你能想象没有了它的生活吗能想象没有了它的生活吗”?understand“理解理解”;imagine“想象想象”;consider“认为认为”;expect“期望期望”。故选。故选B。B词汇专训词汇专训16.When you are swimming,_ your ears.You can use earplugs(耳塞)to stop water getting into your ears.A.take after B.take part inC.take off D.take care ofD词汇专训词汇专训17.Mrs.Zhang is a famous actress.And she always speaks in a sweet _.A.music B.noise C.voice D.song【点拨点拨】music“音乐音乐”;noise 指指“噪音、喧闹声噪音、喧闹声”,指不悦耳的、不和谐的嘈杂声;指不悦耳的、不和谐的嘈杂声;voice 指指“说话声、说话声、歌唱声、嗓音歌唱声、嗓音”等;等;song“歌曲歌曲”。根据语境可知此。根据语境可知此处指处指“说话声音甜美说话声音甜美”,指嗓音。故选指嗓音。故选C。C词汇专训词汇专训18.The ice and snow in Harbin is beautiful,so every winter_ tourists come here.【2018龙东】A.two million of B.millions ofC.million ofB词汇专训词汇专训19.If we travel abroad,we prefer to stay in fivestar hotels.Thats because they _guests with the best service to make them feel at home.【中考哈尔滨】A.preview B.provide C.prevent【点拨点拨】preview回顾;回顾;provide提供;提供;prevent防止。句防止。句意为意为“如果我们去国外旅游如果我们去国外旅游,我们更喜欢呆在五星级酒我们更喜欢呆在五星级酒店。那是因为它们店。那是因为它们_顾客最好的服务顾客最好的服务,使他们感使他们感到宾至如归到宾至如归”。空格处指。空格处指“提供提供”。故选。故选B。B词汇专训词汇专训20.Its too late.I _ that I may meet bad persons.Dont worry.It is safe here.A.fear B.hide C.decide D.collect【点拨点拨】由语境可判断由语境可判断,这里表达的含义为这里表达的含义为“太晚了太晚了,我害怕我可能遇到坏人我害怕我可能遇到坏人”。fear“害怕害怕”;hide“藏藏”;decide“决定决定”;collect“收集收集”。故选。故选A。A词汇专训词汇专训一一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.You can find the bank _(easy).2.The weather is _(cloud)today.3.Tom likes China because Chinese people are _(friend).【中考绥化】cloudyfriendlyeasily词汇专训词汇专训4.The boy and his father go _(swim)every weekend.【中考镇江】5.There are two _(hospital)in the neighborhood.6.I can see some _(mountain)in the photos.7.What time do you brush your _(tooth)?teethmountainsswimminghospitals词汇专训词汇专训8._(Lily)family has a cat.Its very cute.9.Chinese scientists have successfully cloned(克隆)two _(monkey).They are named Zhongzhong and Huahua.【2018临沂】10.Look!Here are three _(bus).Lilysmonkeysbuses词汇专训词汇专训二、单项选择二、单项选择11.Nancy took her temperature and found she had a _.A.cough B.toothacheC.headache D.fever【点拨点拨】分析四个选项可知量体温与发烧有关分析四个选项可知量体温与发烧有关,故选故选D。D词汇专训词汇专训12.Jimmy fixed up the old bikes and _ to the poor.A.gave them away B.gave it outC.gave out them D.gave up them【点拨点拨】give away意为意为“赠送;捐赠赠送;捐赠”;give out意为意为“分发;发出分发;发出”;give up意为意为“放弃放弃”。句意为。句意为“吉吉米修理了旧自行车并把它们捐赠给穷人米修理了旧自行车并把它们捐赠给穷人”。这几个短。这几个短语为动副型短语语为动副型短语,代词放中间。故选代词放中间。故选A。A词汇专训词汇专训13.The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.A.lent B.offered C.took D.brought【点拨点拨】用词义辨析法。用词义辨析法。lend借给;借给;offer提供;提供;take 拿拿,取;取;bring带来。句意为带来。句意为“在拥挤的公共在拥挤的公共汽车上汽车上,这个小男孩把他的座位让给了一位老太这个小男孩把他的座位让给了一位老太太太”。根据句意可知是。根据句意可知是“主动提供主动提供”,故选故选B。B词汇专训词汇专训14.My father is going to New York by air tomorrow.Hell _ next month.A.relaxB.come C.return D.arrive【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“我爸爸明天将乘飞机去纽约我爸爸明天将乘飞机去纽约,他将下他将下个月回来个月回来”。return“回来回来”,符合句意。故选符合句意。故选C。C词汇专训词汇专训15.Im going to a job interview.I feel a little _.Take it easy.Some soft music can help you relax.A.nervous B.comfortableC.excited D.happy【点拨点拨】由答语中的由答语中的Take it easy.可推断出可推断出,形容词形容词nervous“紧张的

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