
可 爱 文 艺 卡 通 主 题 模 板D E S I G N E D BY P P T M I A OModule 6 Unit 2He ran very fast.1 12 23 34 4MainContents5 56 67 78 8Analysis of the Teaching MaterialAnalysis of the Teaching MaterialAnalysis of the StudentsAnalysis of the StudentsTeaching and Learning MethodsTeaching and Learning MethodsTeaching AimsTeaching AimsKey Point and Difficult PointKey Point and Difficult PointTeaching AidsTeaching AidsTeaching ProceduresTeaching ProceduresBlackboard DesignBlackboard DesignReflectionReflection9 91 Analysis of the Teaching Material1 Analysis of the Teaching Material Can you run fast?Can you run fast?Can Sam play football?Can Sam play football?四年级四年级 You can play football well.You can play football well.He ran very fastHe ran very fast五年级五年级 六年级六年级AbilitiesAbilities She couldnt see or hear.She couldnt see or hear.1 Analysis of the Teaching Material1 Analysis of the Teaching Material12First PeriodModule 6 Unit 2Module 6 Unit 2Abilities in the Abilities in the present:You can present:You can play football well.play football well.Abilities in the pastWords:swam,past,slow healthy.Sentence structure:He ran very fast.He swam very fast.Write about Write about animals abilitiesanimals abilitiesModule 6 Unit 1Module 6 Unit 1Second PeriodSecond Period1 Analysis of the Teaching Material1 Analysis of the Teaching Material2 Analysis of 2 Analysis of StudentsStudentsGrade 5,Aged 10-11Grade 5,Aged 10-11Willing to experience new language and the Willing to experience new language and the culturecultureKnow and obey class rulesKnow and obey class rules*Active in class*Active in class*Need help in talking more about*Need help in talking more about abilities in Englishabilities in English5P Teaching Method5P Teaching MethodTask-based Teaching MethodTask-based Teaching MethodCooperative learningCooperative learning3 3 Teaching and Learning MethodsTeaching and Learning Methods4 4 Teaching AimsTeaching AimsLanguage abilitiesLanguage abilitiesThinking qualityThinking qualityCulture characterCulture character1.Use the words:past,swam,slow,healthy2.Use and sentences in discussions:He ran very fast.He swam very fast.See the good sides of others.Respect each other.4 4 Teaching AimsTeaching Aims Learning ability Learning abilityWork in groups and share ideas.5 Key Point and Difficult Point5 Key Point and Difficult PointKey point:Use the words and sentences to talk about abilities in the past.Difficult point:Talk about the good sides of others.PPTPPTphotosphotosblackboardblackboard6 6 Teaching AidsTeaching Aids7 7 Teaching ProceduresTeaching Procedures1 12 23 34 45 5PreparationPreparationPresentationPresentationPracticePracticeProductionProductionProgressProgressStep 1 PreparationOne day,Mr Hare wanted to compete with Mr Turtle again.Task 1Revisionrun fastjump highswim fastpass the ball wellTask 1ChantRun,run very fast.Jump,jump really high.Swim,swim very fast.I can play basketball well.Step 2 PresentationTask 2Watch and answer.1.Can the horse run fast?2.Can the elephant play basketball well?Task 2In the past,I ran very fast.passfastpastTask 2In the past,Amys grandpa.Task 3Amys grandpa _ ran very fast jumped high swam very fastListen and choose.swim(swim(原形原形)-swam()-swam(过去式去式)Task 3How is Grandpa now?Watch and answer.Task 3slowfastknowlowslowTask 3healthyAn apple a daykeeps the doctor away.An apple a day keeps you healthy everyday.Task 3Tips:Read the text.Point to the book.Read loudly.Imitate.Role play with your partner.Step 3 PracticeTask 4In the past,he ran very fast.Read and match.In the past,he played basketball well.In the past,she played table tennis well.In the past,he swam very fast.Step 4 ProductionTask 5Show timeIn the past,_my grandma ran very fast.Show TimeSuccess Criteria1.Stand in front of the class;2.Speak loudly.3.Speak fluently.Step 5 ProgressMr Hare and Mr Turtle 2Mr Hare and Mr Turtle 2Picutre Book Picutre Book One day,Mr Hare wanted to compete with Mr Turtle again.Mr Hare ran very fast.But then,there was a river.And Mr Turtle swam very fast.Mr Turtle helped Mr Hare.Finally,both of them were the winners.Everyone is gifted.Respect each other.Self-assessmentL Language abilitiesanguage abilities(语言能力)(语言能力)I can use the words and sentences in talking about abilities.(我能用所学讨论他人能力。我能用所学讨论他人能力。)1 OK 2 Good L Learning abilityearning ability(学习能力)(学习能力)I can work in groups and share my ideas.(我能与他人合作并分享观点。我能与他人合作并分享观点。)1 OK 2 GoodThinking qualityThinking quality(思维品质)(思维品质)I can see the good sides of others.(我能欣赏他人闪光点。我能欣赏他人闪光点。)1 OK 2 Good CultureCulture character character(文化品质)(文化品质)I now respect others.(我能尊重他人。我能尊重他人。)1 OK 2 Good Suggestions:1-3 Try to get help from the teacher and classmates.4-6 Great,keep working hard!Read the text again and talk about your families abilities.Read the book Super Dogto know more about animals abilitiesSummary and Homework8 Blackboard Design8 Blackboard Design9 9 ReflectionReflectionReflection of teaching methodsReflection of teaching methodsReflection of studentsReflection of students learni

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