
(时间:45 分钟满分:100 分).单项选择。(20分)()1.Ifyoulovewhatyouraredoingandworkhard,you willanything difficult andsucceed.(2012临沂)A.get toB.get overC.get onD.get up()2.Ifthe robot wrong,you can get a newoneforfreeorgetallyourmoneyback.(2012无锡)A.wentB.goesC.would goD.will go()3.Theoldtheatrewillclosesoon _ someextra donations are made.(2012无锡)A.soB.ifC.becauseD.unless()4.Ididn tseeLauraatthepartylastnight.Doyou know .A.why didn t she comeB.what happenedC.when would she arriveD.where she has been()5.He home so late that his father wasangry last night.A.gave backB.returned backC.brought backD.got back()6.Is easy to who picks the fruitand vegetables on your net farm?A.that;findB.it;findingC.that;find outD.it;find out()7.the development of China,many greatchanges in myhometowninrecentyears.A.Thanks for;have been taken placeB.Thanks to;have taken placeC.Because of;have been happenedD.Thanks for;have taken place()8.How long have you the car?I it two years ago.A.bought;have hadB.bought;boughtC.had;boughtD.had;have had()9.Mike is that he can learn everythingquickly.A.so a clever boy B.so clever a boyC.such clever a boyD.too a clever boy()10.This is your dictionary,please .A.take away itB.take away themC.take it awayD.take them away.完形填空。(30分)Montywas the son of a horsetrainer.When he wasinhisninthgrade,hewasaskedtowritea 1 aboutwhat he wanted to be and do when he grew up.Thatnighthewroteasevenpage papersayingthatsomeday hed 2 a horse ranch(牧场).He wroteabout his dream in great detail and he 3 drew apicture o f a 200acre ranch with all the buildings.Heputa greatdealofhis 4 into theprojectand the next day he handed it in5histeacher.Twodayslaterhe receivedhispaperback.Onthe front page was a large red F with a 6 thatread,“See me after class.”The boy with the dream went to see the teacherafterclassandasked,“7 didI receiveanF?”Theteachersaid,“Thisis an 8 dream forayoungboylikeyou.Youcomefroma poorfamily.Owninga horseranchrequiresa lotof 9 .You haveto buytheland.Youhaveto payforotherthings.There is no10youcouldeverdo it.”Thenthe teacheradded,“11 you rewritethispaperwitha morerealisticgoal,I will reconsider your grade.”The boy wenthomeand thoughtabout 12 longand hard.He asked his father what he should do.Hisfathersaid,“Look,son,youhavetomakeupyourownmindon this.However,I thinkit is a veryimportant13for you.”Finally,aftersittingwithitforaweek,theboyturned in the 14 paper,making no changes atall.Hesaidto the teacher,“Youcan keepthe F andIll keep my 15.”()1.A.speechB.paper C.noticeD.diary()2.A.paint B.win C.ownD.sell()3.A.justB.almost C.everD.even()4.A.heart B.life C.adviceD.trust()5.A.toB.with C.fromD.for()6.A.wordB.letter C.noteD.post()7.A.HowB.Why C.WhenD.Where()8.A.unusual B.unforgettableC.unimportant D.unrealistic()9.A.money B.time C.spaceD.effort()10.A.wonder B.way C.problem D.matter()11.A.Though B.Since C.UntilD.If()12.A.himselfB.him C.itD.itself()13.A.change B.gift C.message D.decision()14.A.long B.thick C.sameD.correct()15.A.gradeB.dream C.duty1D.secret.阅读理解。(10分)(2012黄冈)WangBings fatherbegan smokingwhenhe was afreshman(大学一年级学生)in college.Hisfriendpassed him his first cigarette.Hehas now beensmoking for more than 30 years.Its a classic example of how young people areintroduced to cigarettes,except that nowadayssmokers develop their habit at an even younger age.It hasbecomea majorconcern(担忧)inChinathatmany teenagers begin to smoke.A survey showed that22.5%of the middle school students questioned hadtried smoking and 15.8%of them smoked regularly.Formanyteenagers,smokingis a symbolof beinganadult,independence,maturity(成 熟)andattractiveness becausetheimageswhotheylovebestoften smoke on screen.The social environment also plays an importantroleinattracting teenagerstosmoking.They areusedto seeing their elders,especially male familymembers,smokingat home.Manyof themimitateadultbehavior and become new smokers.To increase the price of cigarettes is aneffcetivewayto reducethenumberof youngsmokers,as teenagers have limited money to spend on them.Another way is to educate the teenagers tovoluntarily refuse cigarettes.A survey shows that92.5%of the students know smoking will be bad fortheir health.If we persuade them in a proper way,most of them may give up smoking.Allinall,thesociety,thegovernment,theschooland the family should join together to take theresponsibility for an antismoking(禁烟)campaignaimedatteenagers,notjusttoputemptyslogansandwarnings on cigarette packs.()1.Thewriterusesthefirstparagraph to .A.tell the readers a story of a smokerB.introduce the topic of the passageC.introduce the college life of Wang Bings fatherD.praise Wang Bings father as a smoker()2.What s the main idea of this passage?A.The teenagers think smoking is a symbol ofbeing an adult and independence.B.The social environment encourages theteenagers to smoke.C.The teenagers should be educated to refuseto smoke.D.The teenage smoking has become a seriousproblem in China.()3.Whatdoesthe word“imitate”in Paragraph25 mean in Chinese?A.指责B.忍受 C.模仿 D.支持()4.Fromtheunderlined

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