
Teaching Plan for Unit 5Course:College EnglishInstructorModuleUnit 5 A Choose to Be Alone On PurposeB Roommate ConflictsTime180mTeaching AidsMulti-mediaTeaching Objectives1.To help the students have a good understanding of the passages inthis unit;2.To help the students grasp the usages of some important words,phrases and expressions in the unit;3.To enable the students to analyze the structure of the 2 passagesin this unit;4.To introduce the basic reading skills of this unit:predicting thegeneral direction of the writers thinking,in order for the studentsto fully understand a writers point;5.To help the students further master the writing technique:makingcomparisons;6.To help the students learn about the value of goodcommunications with others;Chief Points&Difficult Points1.Get the main idea of the passage.2.Master some useful expressions&sentence structure in thepassage.3.Understand the structure of the text.PrerequisitesBefore coming for class,students should1.identify some important words for the topic.2.scan the text for main ideas.3.visit library to research about information concerning theunit.TeachingMethodsThe mixture of listening,speaking,reading,practicing and writingReference BooksTeachers Book of New Horizon College EnglishLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English(English-Chinese)Oxford Advanced Learner9s English-Chinese DictionaryLongman Dictionary of American EnglishTeaching ContentsTime AllotmentSection AI.Warm-up Activity1.Topic Discussion15mi.Students Discussionii.Teachefs Summary2.Questions on the Topic and the PassageII.Background Information5mIII.Text Structure Analysis10mIV.Structured Writing5mV.Detailed Study of the Text50mi.Words and Phrases Studyii.Language PointsVI.Text Summary1.Students Presentation2.Teachers Summary30mVII.After-text A ExercisesSection B5mI.Reading SkillII.Warm-up Activity10m1.Topic Discussion2.Questions on the Topic and the Passage20mIII.Text Structure AnalysisIV.Text Study1.Paragraph Meaning2.Words and Phrases Study3.Language Points4.Summary or Main Idea of the Passagei.Student5s Presentationii.Teacher9s Summary5mV.New Words DictationVI.After-text B ExercisesVII.Supplementary exercises15m1.Hand in the exercise of TRANSLATION.2.Finish the other after-text A&B exercises after class.Assignments3.Supplementary Exercisesi.English-Chinese Translation(5 sentences)ii.Chinese-English Translation(10 sentences)4.Preview Unit 6UnitsSection A Choose to Be Alone on PurposeI.Warm-up Activity1.Topic Discussioni.Student9s Discussion1)Have you ever stayed alone and felt lonely?Describe it.Yes or no.2)Do we really need friends?And why?Yes or no.ii.Teachers SummaryHow do we spend our time when we are alone is a forever topic.Some arescared of solitude so that they choose to stay with friends.They,if left to livealone,will find life empty,boring and lonely.They think that a life without afriend is a life without a sun.However,personal relationship may make life funand fulfilling,it may also cause tension,even conflicts.Others prefer to or have to stay alone far away from modern cities so thatthey can find creative inspirations,for which is the best type of therapy for atroubled mind without others9 interruption.However,many actually sufferfrom loneliness,and some are even totally isolated from the society.Whether living alone or staying with families or friends,what is importantis to find pleasure in life,since we can not completely separate ourselves fromothers.A healthy adult needs alone 一time to reflect on what is trulyimportant.When we are alone,we can stretch our soul until it fills up thewhole room,and use our freedom,moving at our own pace.However,itsimportant to stay rational.Dont forget that in order to be a healthy part ofothers5 lives,we must ourselves be healthy.2.Questions on the Topic and the Passage1)What is the characteristic of an American hero?It is hard to say because people have different versions of an American hero.Some think that a super hero in early literary works can leap tall buildingsin a single bound or staring death in the face everyday and somehow findinga way to escape;others regard that one can see spectacular events unfoldingthrough the eyes of a notorious man of courage and feel as though they aredefending there country or saving the woman they love.In a word,anAmerican hero is one of the manifestations of“Individualism,whichmeans that everyone wants to control their own destiny without outsideinterference from the government,a ruling noble class,the church or anyother organized authority.2)What does it mean when the writer says Inspiration in solitude is amajor commodity for poets and philosophers?Poets and philosophers often use inspiration in solitude as an excuse toexplain why they choose to stay alone.3)What can we learn from Dorothy Wordsworth and Miltons choice ofthe solitary way of life?With love from friends and families,short-time staying alone could reallyhelp them find creative inspirations.It is very important to maintain ahealthy bal

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