
UNITA better me1Listening and speakingReadingGrammarWritingCulture expresslPronunciation and listening skills lConversationlPassagelNews reportListen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the questions.Pay attention to the speakers attitudes.1 What is the womans attitude to other peoples opinion of her?A.Worried.B.Interested.C.Indifferent.2 What is the womans attitude to rock music?A.She likes it.B.She does not like it.C.She is indifferent to it.3 What is the womans attitude to going shopping?A.Positive.B.Negative.C.Neutral.Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the questions.Pay attention to the speakers attitudes.4 How does the woman feel about this years basketball season?A.Itll be exciting.B.Itll be disappointing.C.Itll be better than last year.5 How does the woman feel about her dormitory?A.Positive.B.Negative.C.Indifferent.6 What is the mans attitude to the play?A.Positive B.Negative.C.Neutral.Scripts:1 M:W:Q:2 M:W:Q:You like wearing cool clothes.I do.And I care little about what people think of me.What is the womans attitude to other peoples opinion of her?Those old people cant stand rock music.Yeah,its too noisy for them,though young people like us find it very exciting.What is the womans attitude to rock music?Scripts:3 M:W:Q:4 M:W:I dont like going shopping with my girlfriend.Its so boring and the stores are always so crowded.I guess thats why I cant be your girlfriend.I go shopping nearly every weekend.Its so much fun!What is the womans attitude to going shopping?Jack seems to think that this years basketball season will be disappointing.Thats his opinion.Most others,including me,have high expectations of it.Scripts:Q:5 W:M:Q:6 W:M:Q:How does the woman feel about this years basketball season?I dont think I want to live in the dormitory next year.Its crowded and a little messy.I think I need more privacy.I know what you mean.How does the woman feel about her dormitory?How do you like the play you saw last night?Well,its nothing like what I expected.Just a waste of time.What is the mans attitude to the play?Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the questions.Pay attention to the speakers attitudes.根据说话人提到的一些能反映态度的词语,如 little,hardly,never,actually等,以及说话人的语气可以初步推断出说话人对某一事物的态度是肯定的(positive)、否定的(negative)或是中立的(neutral)。TipsWord tips comic n.漫画书find your way 设法到达(某处)scary a.吓人的;恐怖的Alex Thomas 亚历克斯托马斯(男子名)1 Where are comics increasingly used?A.In medical care.B.In medical research.C.In medical teaching.D.In medical examinations.Listen to a news report and choose the best answer to each of the questions.Listen to a news report and choose the best answer to each of the questions.2 What can comics be used to do?A.Entertain the patients.B.Let out negative emotions.C.Explore treatment plans.D.Make knowledge easier to understand.Listen to a news report and choose the best answer to each of the questions.3 Why can comics help students understand patients experience?A.They help patients relax.B.They lighten the atmosphere.C.They create a sense of emotion.D.They provide more scientific information.Scripts:A growing number of comics are finding their way into medical classes.Experts say that comics can be a great way of explaining complex or scary medical processes in an easy and entertaining manner.Medical teachers use comics a lot.Alex Thomas is one of them.He said,“We are trying to present scientific information with pictures so that medical students are excited to learn about it without realizing they are learning.”Besides,Scripts:comics are a powerful medium for telling personal stories as the use of pictures can create a sense of emotion.In this way,medical students can understand the patients experience of illness emotionally.Word tips 1 Listen to a conversation and complete the sentences with what you hear.1 Id love to,but I _.Ive got lots of homework to do.2 Oh,_!Why are you so busy?You look stressed out.3 I _ have so much to do.Im racking my brains about how to meet deadlines.4 I dont know if I can _ it much longer.5 Campus life might be _,but we students need to balance work and rest.have no timewhat a pityalwaysstandtiringRack your brains 绞尽脑汁;冥思苦想deadline n.最后限期2 Does Mark have to participate in research groups?3 Is Mark disappointed by campus life?2 Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions with“yes”(Y)or“no”(N).NYN1 Does Mark like having so much homework to do?Scripts:Tom:Mark:Tom:Mark:Tom:Mark:Mark,do you want to play basketball with me?Id love to,but I have no time.Ive got lots of homework to do.Oh,what a pity!Why are you so busy?You look stressed out.I always have so much to do.Im racking my brains about how to meet deadlines.What kinds of things do you have to do?Write a paper every week,participate in research groups,and prepare for tests,to name a few.I dont know if I can stand it much longer.Scripts:Tom:Mark:Yeah,campus life might be tiring,but we students need to balance work and

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