
C h a p t e r 1 An O v e r v i e w of B us i n e s s W r i t i n g 商务英语写作概论Objectives:1.U nderstand the importance for business people to have a goodcommand of modern business skills;2.Identify functions of business writings;3.Know the characteristics of good business writing;4.Appreciate why courtesy is listed as an important factor inbusiness writing;5.Tell the differences between a good writing and a poorwriting.C h a p t e r 2 Ad a p t a t i on a n d Se l e ct i on of W or d s 适应读者合理选词Objectives:1.Discuss why adaptation is so important in business writing;2.Identify the usual procedures to follow in adapting yourmessage;3.Satisfy your audience s needs in different circumstancesin business writings;4.Master the general principles of selecting the right words;5.Avoid improper words under various circumstances.C h a p t e r 3 C on s t r uct i on of E f f e ct i v e Se n t e n ce s a n d P a r a g r a p h s有效地组织句子和段落Objectives:1.describe how sentence length and sentence design are relatedto adaptation;2.discuss the effect of sentence length on emphasis;3.explain the principal causes of unity in sentence,paragraphand longer units of writings;4.identify redundancy;5.understand the importance of topic sentence.C h a p t e r 4 W r i t i n g f or E f f e ct s商务写作的特殊技巧Objectives:1.discuss what effects you need to communicate in businesswriting and why;2.analyze the essence of you-view-point;3.identify old language of business;4.discuss the major transitional devices;5.explain the direct order and its writing strategies;6.determine which situations require using the indirect orderand what strategies to take in indirect order;7.discuss what elements of a letter can help build goodwill.C h a p t e r 5 Th e St r uct ur e a n d St y l e of B us i n e s s Le t t e r s 商务书信的结构与格式Objectives:1.name the seven essential parts of a business letter;2.name the six specialized parts of a business letter;3.know the layout of the envelope;4.know the design and placement of a business letter;5.understand the punctuation styles;6.understand different styles of a business letter.C h a p t e r 6 In v i t a t i on s a n d t h a n k-y ou l e t t e r 邀请函和感谢信Objectives:1.understand the general structure of invitations and thank-you letters;2.apply the general structure in wring invitations letters;3.identify situation in which different special goodwi11letters are written;4.apply different techniques to special goodwill messages.C h a p t e r 7 N ot e s a n d An n oun ce m e n t s 便条与通知Objectives:1.apply the basic principles of clear writing in notes andannounments;2.identify the suggested plan used in preparing notes forleave;3.identify the plan used in letters of resigation;4.identify the indispensable qualities of letters ofcongratulation;5.identify the suggested plan used in condolence letters;6.discuss the effective ways to compose announcements.C h a p t e r 8 Le t t e r s of Ap p l i ca t i on 申请信Objectives:1.explain why it is important for you to write a good resume;2.determine what sections should be included in a resume andwhat elements should be emphasized;3.distinguish the four different kinds of resumes and selectmost appropriate one for the specific situation;4.use the guidelines when you write a resume;5.write an effective resume;6.format your resume in an acceptable way.C h a p t e r 9 Re s um e 简历Objectives:1.explain the importance of resume letters;2.determine what should be included in a resume letter and whatelements should be emphasized;3.distinguish the two different kinds of resume letters andselect most appropriate one for the specific situation;4.use the guidelines when you write a resume letter;5.write a effective resume letter;6.format your resume letter in an acceptable way.C h a p t e r 1 0 r e com m e n d a t i on l e t t e r s 推荐信Objectives:1.explain the importance ofrecommendation letters;2.determine what should be included in arecommendation letterand what elements should be emphasized;3.distinguish the two different kinds ofrecommendationletters and select most appropriate one for the specificsituation;4.use the guidelines when you write arecommendation letter;5.write a effectiverecommendation letter;6.format your resume letter in an acceptable way.C h a p t e r 1 1 M e m or a n d um,In f or m a l,Sh or t Re p or t s 备忘录与非正式的短篇报告Objectives:1.describle the functions of memorandum;2.identify the format of memorandum;3.tell the differences between formal and informal reports;4.discuss the characteristics of shorter reports and kinds ofshort reports in work place;5.write memorandums and short reports under the guidance ofyour instructors.Chapter 12 Proposal and Formal Reports 意向书与正式报告objectivesIb give a brief introduction to what is a Proposal and a report;aware of the samples for notes and study them;Tb practice using the useful words and expressions.C h a p t e r 1 3 E s t a bl i s h i n g B us i n e s s Re l a t i on s 建立业务关系Objectives:1.understand the necessity of writing letters of establishingbusiness

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