
北京大学15秋 大学英语3作业2答案北京大学15秋 大学英语3作业2作业 ID:93081 .鼓励独立完成作业,严禁抄袭。词汇与结构Skating is such a sport in the northeast of China thatalmost everybody there knows how to skate.A.A.likelyB.B.famousC.C.popularD.D.long正确答案:C2.The teacher suggested that they in the exercise at once.A.A.had handedB.B.should have handedC.C.handedD.D.hand正确答案:D3.He did not go to school yesterday because he his fatherwho was ill.A.A.must have looked afterB.B.would have to look afterC.C.had to look afterD.D.should have looked after正确答案:C4.After walking for half an hour,she realized that she in thewrong direction.A.A.had been walkingB.B.has been walkingC.C.walkedD.D.would have walked正确答案:A5.Dont smoke in the c la s s r o o m,?A.A.do youB.B.will youC.C.can youD.D.could you正确答案:B6.There is not much time left,so I shall tell you about itA.A.in detailB.B.in briefC.C.for shortD.D.in all正确答案:B7.the room than the telephone rang once more.A.A.Hardly when he enteredB.B.Hardly he enteredC.C.No sooner he had enteredD.D.No sooner had he entered正确答案:D8.My bike is ol d,i t is in good condition.A.A.thereforeB.B.soC.C.neverthelessD.D.moreover正确答案:C9.There is that he has tried his best in the examination.A.A.not to denyB.B.not denyingC.C.no denyingD.D.without denying正确答案:C10.Would you to come to the meeting this weekend?A.A.be so kindB.B.be kind asC.C.be so kind asD.D.be kind正确答案:C11.He will write to me as soon as he home.A.A.will have returnedB.B.returnsC.C.returnedD.D.will return正确答案:B12_is generally believed,there is no water on the moon.A.A.AsB.B.WhatC.C.ThatD.D.It正确答案:A13.He devoted his whole life to care of the disabledchildren.A.A.takesB.B.takingC.C.tookD.D.take正确答案:B14.The student continued his university study his familywas poor.A.A.even thoughB.B.as thoughC.C.now thatD.D.since正确答案:A15.His father was put into prison,and he had to go toprison to visit him once in a while.A.A.a;theB.B.the;aC.C.a;/D.D./;the正确答案:D16.改错请在以下句子划线部分中,挑出错误的选项。When Daddy will come back,I am going to tell him everythingabout your poor performance at school.A.A.will come backB.B.I am going toC.C.everythingD.D.at正确答案:A17.Some people like to eat apples,but others prefer bananas forapples.A.A.likeB.B.eatC.C.preferD.D.for正确答案:D18.Most tree frogs change colors from time to time to fit in with itsenvironment.A.A.MostB.B.changeC.C.from time to timeD.D.its environment正确答案:D19.As a slow student,Jane hasnt finished her test in time,is she?A.A.AsB.B.hasnt finishedC.C.in timeD.D.is she正确答案:D2O.There are only two things worth to read in this newspaper-theTV listings and the sports page.A.A.only two thingsB.B.to readC.C.inD.D.the sports page正确答案:B21.请阅读以下文章,回答文章后的五个小题。每个小题只有一个最佳选项。Would you risk your life for a country that considered you asecond-class citizen?Would you join a military that asked you to risksacrificing your life but separated you from other soldiers because ofthe color of your skin?That is precisely what the Tuskegee Airmen did.They were brave,intelligent,African-American men and women whofought for the United States in World War II.In 1940,President Franklin Delano Roosevelt agreed to allowAfrican Americans to fly airplanes in the military.Before that,AfricanAmericans could only serve in the Armed Forces as part of the groundtroops.The first African American airmen reported for duty in 1941.They began their training outside of Tuskegee,Alabama.The soldierswere completely separated bv race and the two races could notcommunicate.About 450 African American pilots finished the training.These men were the original Tuskegee Airmen.The Tuskegee Airmen had an amazing record.They did not loseany of the bombers they were escorting(护航)When the war wasover in 1945,the Tuskegee Airmen were heroes.But when theyreturned to America,they were appalled to find out that they were stilltreated like second-class citizens.They faced the same segregation(种族隔离)and discrimination(歧视)as they had before they begantheir training.Frederick Henry,one of the original Tuskegee Airmen,lives inDetroit,Michigan.Because he wasfrom the North,he would often forget the segregation rules of theSouth.Once,Henry was on a bus alone with a white bus driver.Soon,after the two had talked for a while,a wave of other passengers cameon the bus.A problem arose when some white passengers were stillstanding,which was against the rules.Henry was put off the bus,even though he was the first person to board the bus and had paid hisfare.One thing did change,however.In 1948,President Harry S.Truman signed an executive order prohibiting segregation in themilitary.Eventually,the Tuskegee Airmen were officially thanked fortheir amazing efforts in the war.1 .Which of the following is the best title for the passage?单选题A.A.American Soldiers in World War IIB.B.American Civil Rights MovementC.C.The Tuskegee AirmenD.D.Racial Discrimination in the U.S.正确答案:C2.What does the word appalled in the third paragraph probablymean?单选题A.A.Reluctant.B.B.Pleased.C.C.Shocked.D.D.Relieved.正确答案:C3.It can be inferred from the passage that Henry.单选题A.A.refused t

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