
shengZL_2:Quiz details个人测试成绩记录试卷:unit-3编号:unit3试卷满分:100姓名:叶蕾学号:12200251班级:登录:2012-10-11 14:39:09交卷:2012-10-15 18:26:58上机地址:老师是否已批卷:,已批卷批卷时间:2012-11-08 14:48图例:/Right or marked by instructor X Wrong?To be marked by instructorQick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 1 Dictation(每小题:分)Directions:I n this section youll hear some sentences.I neach sentence there is a word or phrase missing.Fill in theblanks while listening to the sentences.1.He willed himself to sit quietly,allowing his eyes gradually tohe night.3.There are some journalists who,sadly,are verythers success.4.His voice sounded very different inside the5.Ministers have shown great reo explain theirposition to the media.6.Sometimes pupils mayduring a site visit.7.His eyes were shining with anger and he seemed to be about8.The Natural Selection offers a helping hand tohe spirit of a free world.9.The only excitement in her life now seemed to be the10.XBut this I must say,It seems ou that youshould be too angry over this affair.Part 1 Dictation(每小题:2 分;满 分:20 分)小题得分 对错我的答案客观1.2/adjust toadjust to2.2severesevere3.0Xenvyenvious of4.2/tunneltunnel5.0Xgretreluctance6.2/engageengage7.2Zpunchpunch8.0Xstartleextend9.2Zexchangeexchange10.0X(未答)unworthy ofSubtotal:12老师评语:_ Qick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!q放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations(每小题:分)Directions:I n this section youll hear a long conversation orconversations.Listen carefully and choose the best answerto the questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage ordialog.1.l A.To have a good time.l B.To visit a friend.Lul C.To be close to the Nature.区 D.To show how poor people can be.2.区 A.It was wonderful.l B.It was too long.l C.It was terrible.l D.It was too short.LJ3.l A.A pond and lamps.l B.A creek and patio.C.Dogs and stars.cD.Dogs and a pond.4.A.B.His family was very poor.It was terrible to be short of money.C.His family was very rich.cD.It was terrible to live in the countryside.5.cA.Glad.B.Satisfied.C.Surprised.D.Proud.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage ordialog.6.cA.She had very little to say.cB.She didnt know he called.C.She was too busy to call.D.She felt too sad to call.7.A.Its good that he died without pain.B.Its sad that he died from an accident.C.D.Ifs natural because everyone dies.Its surprising that he died too early.8.A.Because her father didn*t mind so much.B.Because her father told her not to worry.C.Because her father knew he would die.D.Because her father was in serious pain.9.A.That he would die soon.B.That he was not severely hurt.C.That he would not be crippled.D.That he was going to live.10.A.People are hurt very easily.B.People shouldn*t fear death.C.People should treasure their lives.D.People must be more careful.Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations(每小题:2 分;满分:20 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.2DD2.2zAA3.2/CC4.2AA5.2CC6.2/CC7.0XAD8.0XCA9.0XCA10.2BBSubtotal:14老师评语:.i Qick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!9 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 3 Understanding Passages(每小题:分)Directions:I n this section youll hear a passage orpassages.Listen carefully and choose the best answer tothe questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage ordialog.1.A.Because she was a music lover.B.Because she was a fan of the pianist.C.Because she wanted him to be better on the piano.D.Because she could not leave him at home alone.2.A.She walked over to greet her friend.B.She went to the restroom.C.She went out to get some drinks.D.She told her son about the pianist.A.Playing with some kids.B.Playing the piano.C.Sleeping in the seat.D.Crying in the seat.A.He was surprised and lost for words.B.He lost his temper and left in anger.C.He kindly asked him to leave.D.He went over to play the piano together with him.A.It disappointed the audience.B.It was put to an end halfway.C.It was extraordinarily wonderful.D.It was not as successful as the master had expected.Part 3 Understanding Passages(每小题:2 分;满 分:10 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.2CC2.2zAA3.2/BB4.2DD5.2CCSubtotal:10老师评语:Part 4 Cloze(with Options)(每小题:分)Directions:Read the following passage carefully andchoose the best answer from the choices.Questions 1 to 20 are based on the following passage.The woman grew quite excited when she noticed her guest 1.chance to change the subject and began,They say that 3.Xn tell how much love is in a persons heartby looking at what kind of garden he keeps.I want to be theHere are some of my flowers.This one is 6.little down today 7.II ofthe heat weve been having,but shell be fine when the heat 8.X_in a couple of days.I think Ill take thisgo,thats better,isnt it,sweetheart?She turned and 12.home from the shop six years ago.She was 14.her.The first night after I planted her here,115.X18.I _ Ithe songs I sang to the other plants thatthe space that I give her.The gardener made her way fromone plant to another as she went on with the personal historyof each plant.Part 4 Cloze(with O p tio n s)(每小题:1 分;满分

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