
C-lCabbage n.洋白菜,卷心菜Cabinn.客舱,机舱;小(木)屋Cabinet n.橱柜;内阁Cabal n.电报;电缆;缆,索,钢丝绳v.拍电报Cafeteria n.自助食堂Calculate v.计算,推算;计划,打算Calendar n.日历,月历Call fo r要求,请求,需要Call forth唤起,引起;振作起,引起Call o ff放弃,取消Call on/upon访问,拜访;号召,呼吁Call u p 召集,动员;打电话;使人想起Camel n.骆驼Campaign n.战役;运动Campus n.(大学)校园Canada n.加拿大Canadian a.加拿大的n.加拿大人Canal n.运河;(沟)渠Cancel v.取消,把作废;删去,划掉Cancer n.癌Candidate n.候选人,候补人;报考者Candy n.糖果Cannon n.大炮,火炮Canoe n.独木舟,小游艇Canteen n.食堂Words:20 Phrases:5 Total:25There were three candidates for the presidential election campaign and finallyMr.Knox won.Right away,he called his wife up to inform her.Then he boughtlots of candies for the children to celebrate the victory.At night,they went to acafeteria to taste favorite cabbage.The next day,Mr.Knox put the calendar onthe shelf.There were many problems that called for solutions.He intended tobuild more libraries on the campuses.The ministers were called up to discussthis.The proposal called forth a good deal of hostile criticism in the cabinet.The project needed a number of cables.They calculated the cost and at last theproposal was called off.Mr.Knox felt disappointed,and the worse was,hisdoctor told him that he had gotten cancer in his liver.So he cancelled all hisappointments.He decided to call on a famous doctor who lived in Canada.Hispackages were delivered across the desert by camels.He crossed a lake in acanoe first then took a ship to sail on the canal.It was strange to see a cannonon the ship.Usually,Mr.Knox had his supper at the canteen.While staying inthe passenger cabin,he would miss his family very much.总统选举运动有三个候选人,最后诺斯克先生胜出了。他立刻打电话给他的妻子通知她。然后他买了许多糖果给孩子来庆祝胜利。晚上,他们一起去自助食堂去品尝他们喜爱的卷心菜。第二天,诺克斯先生把日历放在架子上。很多问题需要解决。他倾向于在校园里建更多的图书馆。大臣被召集来讨论此事。这项提议在内阁引起了许多敌对的批评。这项工作需要大量的电缆。他们计算了花销,最终提议被放弃了。诺克斯先生很失望,更坏的消息是,他的医生告诉他说他已经的了肝癌。于是他取消了所有约会。他决定去拜访住在加拿大的一位著名的医生。他的行李用骆驼运输穿过沙漠。他先乘独木舟渡过一个湖泊然后乘船在运河上航行。在船上见到一座大炮真是很奇怪的事。通常,诺克斯先生在食堂吃晚饭。待在客舱的时候,他会非常想念他的家人。C-2canvas(s)n.帆布;油画布,油画c叩able a.有本领的,有能力的;(of)可以的,能的capcity n.容量,容积;能量,能力;接受力capitalism n.资本主义capsule n.胶囊;太空舱captive n.俘虏a.被俘虏的,被监禁的capture v./n.俘虏v.夺得,攻占carbon n.碳carbon dioxide n二氧化碳ID card身份证credit card 信用卡care fo r照管,关心;喜欢,意欲take care小心,当心take care o f 照顾,照料;承担,处理,负责career n.生涯,经历;专业,职业cargo n.船货,货物carpenter n.木工,木匠carriage n.(四轮马车);(火车)客车厢carrier n.搬运人,载体carrot n.胡萝卜carry off 夺去carry o n继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营carry o u t贯彻,执行,实现cartoon n.漫画,幽默画;动画片carve v.(雕)刻in any case无论如何,总之in case假如,以防(万一),免得in case of 假使,万一in no case 决不words:16 phrases:13 total:29When Mrs.Hayes was a child,her father,a capable carpenter cared for her verymuch.He made a very beautiful carriage for her.He drew canvases for her.SoMrs.Hayes promised to give her own children a good childhood.Mr.Hayesused to be a cargo carrier.His early career was successful until he was choosento explore the outer space!The day they departed,Mr.Hayes said to hiswife,Take care of the children in case I dont come back.Mrs.Hayesanswered,You take care.The capsule had a capcity of 10 persons but 15peoples got in.Its ridiculous to carry out the plan.All of their lives werecarried off.The moment Mrs.Hayes heard of the news,she want to take apoison capsule to kill herself.But finally she didnt become the captive ofDeath.One day,a thief stole her ID card and her credit card.The police had notcaptured the thief yet.From then on,whenever she went out,she brought aknife with her in case of need.In the day,she taught the children whatscapitalism and whats carbon dioxide.At night,she would cook beef and carrot.After supper,she accompanied them to watch cartoon.Later,the governmentbuilt up her husbands statue carved out of marble.Facing the statue,Mrs.Hayes said,In no case am I to leave my children!In any case,it is myresponsibility to bring them up.Though tired,I will carry on untill they aregrow up.当海斯夫人还是个孩子,她的父亲,一个有能力的木匠非常关心她.他给她做了一个非常漂亮的四轮马车.他给她画油画.于是海斯夫人许诺给她自己的孩子一个好的童年.海斯先生是一个好的货物搬运人.他最初的事业挺成功,直到他被选择去太空探险!他们分别的那天,海斯先生对他的夫人说:假如我没法回家了,请照顾好孩子们.海斯夫人回答:你当心.太空舱的容量是10个人,但 有15个人进去了.执行这个计划是荒谬的.所有人的生命都被夺去了.听到消息的那一刻,海斯夫人想吞食一颗毒药胶囊自杀.但最终她没有成为死神的俘虏.一天,一个小偷偷了她的身份证和信用卡.警方还没有捕获住小偷.从此无论何时出门,她都随身带着刀子以备万一需要.白天,她教孩子什么是资本主义什么是二氧化碳.晚上,她会烧牛肉和胡萝卜.晚饭后,她陪他们看卡通.后来,政府为她丈夫立了一座大理石雕刻的雕像.站在雕像面前,海斯夫人说:“我决不离开孩子们!无论如何,我都有责任抚养他们.尽管疲惫,我还是会坚持下去,直到他们长大成人C-3cash n.现金,现 款v.兑现,付(或收)现款cashier n.收银员,出纳员cassette n.盒子;盒式磁带cast v.投,扔,掷,抛;铸造n.演员表castle n.城堡casual a.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的,非正式的casualty n.伤亡人员;受害者catalog/catalogue n.目录(册)v.编 目(录)catch o n 理解,明白catch up with 追上,赶上category n.种类,类别cathedral n.大教堂Catholic a.天主教的n.天主教徒cattle n.牛;牲口,家畜caution n.小心,谨慎,警告,告诫v.警告cease v./n.停止,中止ceiling n.天花板cell n.细胞;小囚房;峰房;电池cellar n.地窖,地下室cement n.水泥;胶泥,胶接剂v.胶合;巩固,加强census n.人口普查(调查)centigrade n./a.摄氏温度计(的);百分度(的)centimetre/centimiter n.厘米ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪certainty n.必然,肯定;必然的事certificate n.iiE(明)书,执照certify”证明,证实;发证书(或执照)words:26 phrases:2 total:28Its a story about a prince.You can look for the books in the library catalog.Aprince live in a beautiful castle.His bedroom was a large room with a highceiling.The floor had been cemented over.From the window,he cou

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