
高一英语语法一名词性从句制卷人:黄艳娟 种秀娟 审核人:王辛 白瑞华 使用日期:第九周 周三一、【概述】走进名词性从句:(请体会以下句子是什么从句)1.His parents told me that he had been admitted to a key university.2.His parents told me the exciting news that he had been admitted to a keyuniversity.3.The exciting news is that he has been admitted to a key university.4.That he has been admitted to a key university makes his parents excited.5.What makes his parents excited is that he has been admitted to a key university.名词性从句,即指性质相当于名词的从句,它包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。二、【名词性从句分类】1、主语从句*That you have passed the exam is good news to your parents.*Whether you will succeed depends on your hard work.*What you need is a real friend.*Why the man hadnt reported the accident was unknown.*How we prevent smog from spreading remains a puzzle.用 春 式 主 语 的 常 用 句 型 有:It+be+形容词(necessary/likely/obvious/important/certain 等)+that 从句It is likely that smog will become worse and worse.It+be+名 词(a pity/a shame/no wonder 等)+that 从句It is a pity that you have failed in the exam.(3)It+be+过去分词(said/told/reported/decided 等)+that 从句It is reported that the accident was caused by carelessness.2、宾语从句*I hope that every one of you will make great progress in English.*I dont know whether/if they will accept our invitation.*Scientists study what they cac do to protect our environment.*We must find when Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him.i t作形式宾语,真正的宾语后置,常用此种结构的及物动词有find,make,think,feel,consider 等。*1 find it important that we should keep calm in danger.有些动词或动词短语,如like,hate,appreciate等,一般不直接跟宾语从句,需要借助形式宾语it。*I hate it when you talk with your mouth full.*I would appreciate it if you could give me a hand.3、表语从句*What made the school proud was that more than 90%of the students had beenadmitted to key universities.*The problem is whether he will accept our offer.*This is what I want to tell you.*You are saying everyone should be equal.This is where I disagree.4、同位语从句同位语从句常跟在一些名词 fact,idea,news,truth,hope,doubt,suggestion,belief,evidence,thought等后,对这些名词进行解释、说明。*There is no doubt that we should study English well.*There is some doubt whether they can be friends.*I have no idea when Chaplins film will be on again.that引起的定语从句和同位语从句的区别:*I hold the belief that every coin has two sides.(同位语从句)*I was puzzled about the fact that he explained to us.(定语从句)注意:that在同位语从句中不做成分而在定语从句中充当主语或宾语的成分。三、名词性从句的引导词1.that在名词性从句中不做成分、无意义、不能省略。在单个的宾语从句中that可省略而在两个或两个以上的宾语从句中只能省略第一个。*I hope(that)you can learn English well and that you will make great progress.2.whcther/if在名词性从句中不做成分、有意义、不能省略。只用whether不用if的情况:(1)在主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中;*Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen.(2)做介词的宾语时;(3)与or not连用时;*Think it over and tell me your opinion,because whether you agree or not isimportant.(4)与不定式连用时即whether to do sth;*Whether to have a picnic depends on the weather.3.辿L特殊疑问词在名词性从句中做成分、有意义、不能省略。*How much one enjoys himself travelling depends largely on who he goes with.*Tell me which one you like best.*When shell be back depends much on the weather.*Why he did it will remain a puzzle forever.名词性从句的语序要采用陈述语序;*We havent discussed yet where we are going to place our new furniture.*I dont know why he was crying.what起到兼词的作用即在从句中充当两个成分;*What is the most important is that you should learn English well.(主语从句引导词+主语)*The city is no longer what it used to be.(表语从句引导词+be 的表语)*We havent discussed what we will do next.(宾语从句弓I 导词+do 的宾语)wh-特殊疑问词可分为两类:连接代词和连接副词;连接代词:w hat、which w ho、whom在句中做主语、宾语和表语。连接副词:when、where w hy、how在句中做状语。4.特殊疑问词+ever在名词性从句中充当连接词:常见的有:whatever whichever、whoever 和 whomever*Your support is important to our work.Whatever(=Anything that)you can dohelps.*Whoever(=Anyone who)attends the party has a chance to have a photo takenwith the movie star.*Of the five courses,you can choose whichever(=any course that)you like.四、实战演练:1.The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is one can be entirely freefor dust.2.The manager put forward a suggestion we should have an assistant.There is too much work to do.3.we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.4.-1 wonder Mary has kept her figure after all these years.-By working out every day.5.You have to know you are going if you are to plan the best way ofgetting there.6.It is difficult for us to imagine life was like for slaves in the ancientworld.7.It is often the case anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.8.9.Grandma pointed to the hospital and said,“That is I was bom10.struck me most in the movie was the father9s deep love for his son.11.From space,the earth looks blue.This is about seventy-one percent ofits surface is covered by water.12.It remains to be seen the newly formed committees policy can be putinto practice.13.14.Tomorrow is Toms birthday.Have you got any idea the party is to beheld?15.Having checked the doors were closed,and all the lights were off,theboy opened the door to his bedroom.

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