
第七节动词的时态和语态第一部分六年高考题荟萃2010年高考题I.(10 上海 28)Every few years,the coal workers their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A.are having B.have C.have had D.had had答案:B考点:本题考查时态。解析:根据时间状语every few years,可判断本句应为般现在时,因此答案选B。2.(10 上海 31)The church tower which will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished.A.has restored B.has been restored C.is restoring D.is being restored答案:D考点:本题考查被动语态。解析:Restore意思为修复,而最后一句表明工程还未完成,因此为正在修复中,答案选D.3.(10 福建 28)Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs theybefore leaving their hometowns.A.promised B.were promised C.have promised D.have been promised 答案:D考点:现在完成时的被动语态4.(10 福建 28)-Guess what,weve got our visas for a short-term visit to the U K this summer.-Hownice!You a different culture then.A.will be experiencing B.have experienced C.have been experiencing D.will have experienced 答案:A考点:考查将来进行时解析:-猜猜看,我们已经得到了今年夏天去香港的短期签证-太棒了,你到时候将会感受到不同的文化5.(10 安徽 28)Were you surprised by the ending of the film?No,I the book,so I already knew the story?A.was reading B.had read C.am reading D.have read答案:B.考点:本题考查时态用法。解析:句意为“我看过书了,己知道这个故事”。在“knew”前已看过,故用过去完成时。6.(10 安徽 34)Weve spent too much money recently.well,it isnt surprising.Our friend and relatives around all the timeA.are coming B.had come C.were coming D.have been coming答案:D.考点:本题考查时态用法。解析:句意为“近来我们花了太多钱了。-并不惊奇,近来朋友和亲戚总是来访。”用have been coming表示从过去到现在一-直所发生的动作。7.(10 湖南 24)This coastal area a national wildlife reserve last year.A.was named B.named C.is named D.names答案:A考点:考查动词时态和语态。解析:根据主语This coastal area与 name之间的被动关系排除B、D 两项。根据句中的 last year判断用一般过去时,故选A 项。8.(10 湖南 27)I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone it.Was it you?A.has done B.had done C.would do D.will do答案:B考点:考查动词时态。解析:该空动作发生在was just going to cut之前,即表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时态。句意为:“我正要剪切我的蔷薇丛但(发现)有人己经将它剪切了。是你干的吗?”9.(10 湖南 31)I walked slowly through the market,where people all kinds of fruits and vegetables.Istudied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.A.sell B.were selling C.had sold D.have sold答案:B考点:考查动词时态。解析:根 据“I studied t:he prices carefully and bought what 1 needed 的提示可判断此处表“人们当时正在出售各种水果和蔬菜”,即表示过去某时正在发生的动作,故选B 项。10.(10 湖南 34)Im tired out.I all afternoon and I dont seem to have finished anything.A.shopped B.have shoppedC.had shopped D.have been shopping答案D考点:考查动词时态。解析:句意为:“我现在很累。我整个下午一直在购物,我好像什么事都没做成似的。”由语境可判断选D 项。11.(10 江西 30)Mother wanted to be a good provider,a role she since her marriage to Father.A shoulders B shouldered C is shouldering D has been shouldering答案:D考点:考察时态。解析:在 本 句 since表示自从过去到现在,所以用现在完成时,现在完成进行时为现在成时的一种。12.(10 山东 29)The living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table a l r e a d y for a meal to becooked.A.laid B.laying C.to lay D.being laid答案:A考点:本题考查with复合结构的用法/被动语态。解析:with复合结构的构成是“with+宾语+宾语补足语”,由于table与 lay(搁放)之间逻辑上的动宾关系,所以空格处用过去分词表示被动。13.(10 山东 30)U p to now,the program thousands of children who would otherwise have died.A.would save B.savesC.had saved D.has saved答案:D考点:本题考查动词时态的用法。解析:句意应为“截止到现在,这个项目已经挽救了成千上万的本来会死去的孩子的生up to now是现在完成时态的标志,所以空格处使用现在完成时态。14.(10 天津 4)We on this project for four hours.Lets have a rest.A.are working B.have been working C.worked D.had worked答案:B.考点:考查动词时态。句意:我们在这项工程上一直工作了四个小时了。咱们休息一会。解析:从句子的时间状语for four hours和后面的句子Let、have a rest可知,动作从过发生,到说话的时候一直在进行着,所以此处要用现在完成进行时态。15.(10 天津 10)Traditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper cutting at the culture show of the 2010Shanghai World Expo.A.are exhibiting B.is exhibitingC.are being exhibited D.is being exhibited划,答案:c.考点:考查被动语态。句意:想剪纸一样的天津民间传统艺术品正在2 010上海世博会的文化展览中展出。解析:因为2010年上海世博会现在还在进行着,所以像剪纸一样的天津传统民间艺术品也是“正在被展览”,所以用现在进行时态的的被动语态形式。16.(10 四川 11)In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is p l e a s a n t.A.to deal with B.dealing with C.to be dealt with D.dealt with答案:A 考点:考查不定式主动表被动。解析:在某些形容词后经常用不定式的主动形式表被动,此时,不定式动作和句子的主语存在动宾关系。又如:The apartment is comfortable to live in.17.(10 四川 16)一 When shall we restart our business?一 Not until we our plan.A.will finish B.are finishingC.are to finish D.have finished答案:D考点:考查动词时态。解析:在状语从句中,经常用一般现在时表将来时,用现在完成时表将来完成时。此处为 until引导的时间状语从句,故用现在完成时,选 D。意 为“直到我们完成我们的计我们才重新开始我们的生意。”18.(10 四川 18)Youve failed to do what you to and Im afraid the teacher will blame you.A.will expect B.will be expectedC.expected D.were expected答案:D考点:考查动词时态。解析:句中you与 expect存在被动关系,首先排除C。又有have failed提示应是过去你被期盼做的事,故应为过去时,正确答案为D。19.(10 全国 I 21)一Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?No,I my homework all day yesterday.A.was doing B.would do C.has done D.do答案A句意:一你读完了 Jane Eyre吗?一没有,我昨天一直做作业。解答:根据选项此题考察时态,此题可以根据句意解答,也可以使用排除法。A 表示一时间内持续进行且未完成的动作使用进行时。题干中有all day yesterday时间提示为过应该选择与过去相关的时态,排 除 D。B 为过去将来时不符合题意,C 过去完成时是过的过去,使用过去完成时题目中需要有一-般过去时,题干中没有一般过去时因此也排除。20.(10 全国 I 21)When you are home,give a call to let me know you safely.A.are arriving B.have arrived C.had arrived D.will arrive答案:B句意:当你到家的时候,打电话给我让我知道你已经到家了。解答:根据选项此题考察时态。此题可以根据句意也可以使用排除法。句意为“当你家的时候,打电话给我让我知道你已经到家了”B 选项使用现在完成时表示将来完成,为“已经同时也可以使用排除法,arrive既可以使用现在进行时表示将来也可以will+do表示将来,因此A 和 D 同时排除,C 为过去完成时,使用过去完成时时句中定要有一般过去时,过去完成时是过去的过去,因此C 也排除,选择B.21.(10 全国 I 32)The

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