售前售后的基本问题处理(powerpoint 53页)

售前售后的基本问题处理售前售后的基本问题处理 简斯简斯买家下单演示1、搜索你想要的产品2、点击查看产品详情 3、填写数量 选择物流方式下单4、填写地址信息 确认订单 5、选择付款方式6、付款成功 7、等待卖家发货 8、确认收货 9、评价订单入口10、评价订单 11、交易完成 目录1、客户常见问题及解答模板2、订单管理3、纠纷处理4、售后5、侵权和维权案例客户常见问题1、询问产品详细信息2、付款遇到问题以及确认库存3、是否有优惠4、物流问题客户常见问题解答模板1、询问产品详细信息针对买家的问题把我们产品的优势展示给买家推荐店铺里面类似产品给买家告诉买家我们的优惠政策可以提供真实的产品图片给买家客户常见问题解答模板2、付款遇到问题以及确认库存 Sample:Hi friend,Thank you so much for your order in our store!The product you need is in stock and many cilents like it!Is there any problem with payment?Here is the introduction about payment http:/ Sincerely hope we can have the chance to do business and be friends!Any question just contact me.Best Wishes xxx 客户常见问题解答模板3、是否有优惠能给就给,改价以后告知买家付款不能给强调说明什么原因比如质量更好,重量更重已经给了折扣,跟卖家说下次购买一起给大折扣推荐买家购买更多产品,增加订单金额一起给予折扣客户常见问题解答模板4、物流问题根据物流方式和买家的国家介绍时效向买家强调快递的时效,推荐买家选择快递的方式答复买家我们会很好的包装产品,如果产品在运输途中受到损坏可以提供赔偿订单管理三种订单1、未付款订单2、成功支付未发货订单3、已发货订单未付款订单管理催促买家付款询问买家未付款的原因,提供解决方法未付款订单,催付款模板Dear buyer,We have got your order of。But it seems that the order is still unpaid.If theres anything I can help with the price,size,etc.,please feel free to contact with me.After the payment is confirmed,I will process the order and ship it out as soon as possible.Thanks!Best Regards译文:我们已收到你的订单,但订单似乎未付款。如果在价格和尺寸上有什么能帮助的,请随时与我联系。当付款完成,我将立即备货并发货。谢谢!提示:请根据您产品自身特点对描述内容进行修改。已付款未发货订单管理告诉买家这个订单已经付款成功告诉买家安排发货的时间提供跟踪号已付款未发货订单回复模板Dear buyer,Your payment for item XXXXXXXXXXXXXX has been confirmed.We will ship your order out within XXX business days as promised.After doing so,we will send you an e-mail notifying you of the tracking number.If you have any other questions,please feel free to let me know.Thanks!Best Regardsmyname译文:您的订单编号为XXXXXXXXXXXXXX的款项已收到,我们将在承诺的XXX天内发货,发货后,我们将通知你货运单号。如果您有任何问题请随时联系我。谢谢!提示:请填上订单号和发货天数。已发货订单管理提供跟踪号和查询该物流信息的网址根据订单金额的大小可以把订单分类,金额大的订单实时提供跟踪物流情况确认收货时间快结束还未签收的订单主动延长收货时间告诉买家有问题可以联系我们不要提纠纷已发货订单回复模板Dear$buyer,The item XXXXXXXXXXXXXX you ordered has already been?shipped out and the tracking number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.The shipping status is as follows:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.You will get it soon.Thanks for your support!Best Regardsmyname译文:订单号为XXXXXXXXXXXXXX的货物已经发货,发货单号是XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,运 输 方 式 是 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,订 单 状 态 是XXXXXXXXXXXXXX。您将会很快收到货物,感谢您的支持和理解。提示:请填写订单号、发货单号、运输方式和发货日期。纠纷处理常见的纠纷类型1、物流原因2、产品质量问题纠纷提交和协商流程纠纷处理方案1、物流原因先主动延长确认收货时间,提供物流信息截图和查询网址给买家,请他先取消纠纷再耐心等待一段时间如果遇到海关扣关,及时协助让客户尽快完成清关 或者让客户在当地找一些清关公司帮忙处理。和买家交代如果真的是没有收到订单的话,我们一定会给他(她)全额退款的站在买家的角度考虑,出现问题想办法一起解决,而不只是考虑自己的利益纠纷处理方案2、产品质量问题根据买家纠纷的原因提供有力的证据和买家协商下次购买可以优惠或者送一个小礼物根据产品损坏程度和买家协商退回部分款项或者重新发货避免上交到平台处理售后1、主动联系买家2、学会分析买家 售后处理方法1、主动联系买家和买家汇报物流更新情况,提醒买家注意收货主动联系买家询问对产品的满意程度,催促买家评价订单。评价订单,及时回复中差评订单,跟踪订单直到买家修改评价。获得买家邮箱,记录分类。售后处理方法2、学会分析买家根据买家的订单数和订单金额把买家分类出来当店铺有促销活动和新品上架时,一些重要节日,买家的购买高峰期,转销型买家上一次转销估计已经完成,需要下一次采购的时候主动出击展开对于买家的二次营销,将能让您获得老客户稳定的交易量,从而更好的增加您的交易量。维系老客户常用回复的模板有哪些?纠纷Dear friend,would you please cancel the dispute,i will extend the time for you!as you know,money is keep at aliexpress,this is very safe,so you no need worry about it!at now,i extend the time for you,but we need you cancel the dispute.you know this is very harmful to us!regardsYour friend虚假发货,让客户开纠纷虚假发货,让客户开纠纷Dear friend,Thank you very much for your orders to us.we have ship the package already to my CPAM agent,but we noticed that package wasdistributed with wrong address,we have checked this issue with my agent,this is very sad news for us.maybe sorting center make a mistake,pls dont worry,if you dont get your package,you can make a dispute to ask refund,we never make u lose money.And if you have thePaypalaccount,please give me your paypal account,i will give you refund!regardsYour Friend客户担心货物客户担心货物everything is ok!dont worry about anything,i am always here!1.i will extend the delievry time of aliexpress,so your money is safe!2.meanwhile,i will push the agent of CHINAPOST,so your package is safe!have a nice day!问候老客户问候老客户Dear friend,This is email from Robin.First of all,give you my best wishes to you and your family!how are you,recently?Its so long time passed of your last order from us,so how about your business?we have uploaded too much new items to our website,maybe you like them.Meanwhile,do you have any new order or offer for us?Maybe you can give me some information,i give you better suggestion and quotation!Sincerely hope can get reply from you!Regardxxxxfrom CHINA This is our stores for your refer:Store No.1:http:/ an order via this link,but you no need to make payment!2.i will adjust the price for you!3.adjust successfully,i will ask you make payment4.i will send the package,thank u!推荐客户推荐客户快递发货发货Dear friend,thank you very much for your orders placed in my store.i have a good news to tell you-at this month,only need pay 15$more can ship the package via Fedex/DHL/UPS for your package!This is the new discount for fedex and aliexpress,there are make cooperation at this month.you know Chinapost is very slow shipment.it always need 40-50 days can make the package delievry!and even package will be lost at sometimes.Thats why i recommend to you!As you know,fedex is very fast and safe,always need 5-6 d

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